Keywords Index

All issues
:: فقر [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: 2SLS Method. The Impact of Unemployment, Inflation, and Participation Rate of Women in Labor Market on Divorce Process in Iran [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: AHP approach Prioritization the Factors Affecting the future of Employment and Social Welfare in Iran [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: AHP approach Designing Performance Evaluation Indicators by Using AHP and BSC Approaches (Case of Study: Social Security Organization of Mashhad) [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: ANFIS. Evaluation of Trust Indices to E-City Network Using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and RBF Network (Case Study of Ghir City) [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: ARDL panel model The effect of corruption on human development in selected Islamic countries (an approach from the ARDL panel model) [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Abkooh neighborhood Evaluation of the role of social components of resilience in increasing citizens' social trust (Case study of Abkooh neighborhood of Mashhad) [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Absolute Child Poverty Rate, Gap Poverty, Head Count Poverty Index, Intensity Poverty Index, Children Poverty, Severe Deprivation Child Rate Absolute Poverty Rate by Considering Children among Households in Tehran [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Abuse Ecstasy: A New Substance [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Abuse, Age of criminal responsibility, Age, Care and control, Child abuse, Child, Corporal punishment, Maltreatment Socio-Legal Approach towards Child Abuse [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Academic Achievement, Achievement Motivation , Life Skills The Effect of Life Skills Training (LST) on Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement of Students [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Acceptance of Male Dominance, Radical Feminism, Socio-economic Status, Violence against Women. Violence against Women: An Empirical Test of Resource and Radical Feminism Theories [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Access to Health Services Structural Equation Model- LISREL, Health level, Razavi Khorasan Province Structural Model of Relationship between Health Services and Health Indicators [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Access, Health Service, Iranian Cities, Spatial Distribution. Spatial Distribution of Health Services in Iranian Cities [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Achieve, Achieve Success, Be Confirming, Identity Achievement, Qualitative Research, Substance Abuse, Meaning of life Exploring the Resiliency Process of Teenagers and Youths against Substance Abuse [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Addict Global Drug market in Iran and other Countries. (2000-20.1) [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Addicted Effectiveness of Social Problem-Solving Group Training on Increasing the Resiliency of Mothers with Addicted Children [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Addicted Evaluating Economic Performance of Drag Abuse Rehabilitation Centers [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Addicted, Child base, Childhood- period The Comparison of Child Abuse Styles between Addicted and Normal Individuals [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Addicted, Child base, Childhood- period. Investigate the Changing Patterns of Drug Use from Low Risk to High Risk [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Addiction An Investigation over Trend of Child Abuse According to Etiological Bases in Iran [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Addiction, Eyes Task, Emotional Facial Recognition Task, Opiates, Social Cognition, Theory of Mind. Study of Social Cognition Impairment among Opiate Dependents [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Addiction, Life Skills Inventory, Principal component analysis, Reliability, Validation study. Developing and Validation of Life Skills Inventory for Substance Abusers [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Adolescent Orphans, Life quality, life skills, Quality of life, Training. The Effect of Life Skills Training on the Life Quality of Adolescent Orphans [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Adolescents The Relationship between Generation Gap and Social Harms among Teenagers in Tehran [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Adolescents High Risk Social Behaviors in Adolescent Students of Guilan [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Agriculture sector, social justice, subsidy, structural Economic Policies Social Justice and Agricultural Sector [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Agriculture, Capital Stock, Economic Growth, Investment, Rural Poverty Resource Curse: the Relationship between Natural Resource Abundance and Poverty in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Ahangar Mahalleh, Different of generation, Lifestyle, Rural development, Rural society, Social change The Survey of Generational of Changes of Lifestyle in Rural Society (Case study: Ahangar Mahalleh village, a Ville in Gorgan ) [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Ahvaz Health System Responsiveness Status: Study of Slum Areas of Ahvaz [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Ahvaz. Sociological analysis of the lived experience of disabled people in Ahvaz city in facing family and society [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Altruism Factors related to Helping Behavior in Guilan Welfare Organization [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: An Investigation into the Relationship between Patriarchy and Violence against Women in Koohdasht An Investigation into the Relationship between Patriarchy and Violence against Women in Koohdasht [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Anomic action Sociological Explanation of Women's Values and Actions in Three Districts of Tehran [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Anomy The Relation of Social Commitment and Social Control with Addiction [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Appropriate Clothing, Place of Residence, Social Security, Social Support. Women’s Feeling of Social Security and Its Social Factors in Sanandaj [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Ardabil City Assessing the Relationship between the Components of Capacity Poverty and Mental Health in Ardabil Informal Settlement and Its Comparison with Urban Textures [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Ardabil Province Reviewing and presenting the Appropriate Employment Model for the Disabled Based on the indigenous advantages of Ardabil province [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Atkinson Coefficient, Gini Coefficient, Income Distribution, Ratio of P10/P1, Theil Index. The Comparative Study on Distributive Income (The Comparison between Markazi Province and the Whole Country) [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Atkinson Index Income Distribution and Households' Welfare before and after Subsidies Targeting [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Atkinson Index, First and Second Order Stochastic Dominance, Generalized Lorenz Curve, Gini Coefficient, Inequality Disaggregation, Theil Statistic. Measurement of Income Inequality in Iran, 1984-2010 [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Attractive factors, Developed industrial societies, Pre-university students, Repulsive factors. Comparing Attractive and Repulsive Factors in Iran and Developed Societies in Perspectives of Tehran Students [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL), Gross National Product (GNP), Income distribution, Inequality, Marco- Economic. Estimating the Effect of Macro-Economic Variables on Income Inequality in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Method, Economic Government Budgets in the Agricultural Sector, Government Budget in Rural Development and Modernization, Migration, Rural Regions Investigation on Economic, Social Effective Factors and Government Infrastructural Budgets on Rural Migration in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Azarbaijan district, youth-friendly cities, quality of life, satisfaction, urban public environment Youth Satisfaction Assessment on Urban Public Environment [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: Bahar City, Local Development, Marginal Regions, ParticipatoryAction Research, Participatory Appraisal Participatory Appraisal in Rural and Marginal Regions of Bahar City of Hamadan Province [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Bandar Abbas, enabling, informal settlements, Iran, Urban Upgrading Welfare Status of the Informal Settlements in Iran [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Baneh Relationship Between Smuggling of Goods and Economic, Human and Social Capital of Border Residents (Baneh City in Kurdistan Province) [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Basic Health Insurance, Complementary Health Insurance, Health Insurance, Iran Health System, Out-of-pocket Expenditures Health Complementary Insurance in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Before Marriage Relations, Education, Emotional Needs, Sexual Needs, Religion. Factors Related to Student's Tendency towards Premarital Relations in Yazd University [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Behzisti, Comittee Emdad , Qualitative Evaluation of Actions, Sari Township, Thematic Analysis Women Caretaker Poverty Qualitative Evaluation of Organizational Actions of Committee Emdad and Behzisti toward the Poverty- Alleviation among Caretaker Women in Sari Township [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Blind community of Kashan Factors Related to Social Well-being of Persons with Visual Impairment [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Blogging, Disabled Bloggers, Individual and Social Empowering, Like Minded, Life Experience Bloggers with Disability: Individual and Social Empowering Experiences in Blogosphere [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Body Management, Cultural capital, Students Relationship Between Cultural Capital and Body Management among Students of Tabriz University [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Bonding Social Capital, Bridging Social Capital, EconomicDevelopment, Social Capital Democracy and Economic Growth: A Worldwide Quantitative Survey [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Bordekhun and Banak Assessment of Satisfaction from Quality of Life in Small Towns with Fuzzy Approach [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Boushehr city, crime, differentiation of place, informal settlement, security Informal Settelment in Relation to Spatial Deffrences and Increase Socail Security and Crime [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: Braudel critique of capital The anticapital theory of corruption and critique of concept of social capital [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: Bridging Social Capital, Heterophilous, Social Identity Complexity, Structural Holes, Weak Ties Measuring Bridging Social Capital: Sam Scale [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Burnout, Meta-analysis, Mental health Meta-Analysis of the Researches Done About the Relationship between Burnout and Mental Health [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: CMA2 Investigating the role of non-governmental organizations in solving social problems (Meta-analysis of research 1370-1398) [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Calculating Poverty with 50% of Expenditure Average Approach, Logit Models, Micro Data of Household Income- Expenditure, Poverty in Urban Areas of Iran, Survey. The Effect of Education and Household Size on Poverty in Urban Areas of Iran (2005 and 2009) [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Capacity Building, Regeneration, Social-based Approach, Social Capital, Social Participate Evaluating the Capacities of Social Participation in Interference Policy in Inefficient Region [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Cardiovascular disease Evaluation of Lifestyle Related to Cardiovascular Health of Patients Having Referred to Hospitals under the Auspices of Babol University of Medical Sciences [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Career Profile Comparison of Clinical Profile and Career Profile of Job Seekers and Waiting for Job Centers [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Carpet Weaver Situation of Child Labor with Emphasis on Carpet Weaver Girls [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Causative and Interactive Models and Mechanisms, Mental Health, Social Capital Social Capital and Mental Health: Causative and Interactive Models and Mechanisms [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Charmazian Grounded Theory Method Addiction Dynamics; Comparative Study of Findings Based on Grounded Theory of Addiction and Sociological Theories [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Child Abuse, Equality, Iran, Poverty Poverty and Child Abuse in Iran [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Child Poverty, Human right Deprivation, UNICEF. Child Poverty: Definitions and Experiences [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Child labor, Poverty, Social development, Social Welfare Relation between Child labor and Social Development and Welfare [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Child poverty, Head count ratio, Labor market, Poverty gap ratio Child Poverty Profile in Tehran, 2008 [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Child protection Identifying and Categorizing Child Welfare Target Group in Iran from the Perspective of Experts, Laws, and Policies [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Child, Iran, Poverty, Rural, Urban Child Poverty in Iran, 1999-2007 [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Children The Children’s Health Needs According to the Social Framework Changes [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Children of a divorced family The Effectiveness of Child-Centered Play Therapy on Increasing Assertiveness and Social Skills of Preschool Children of a Divorced Family [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Children vulnerability to poverty, Logit model, Poverty. Measuring Child Vulnerability to Poverty [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Children, Criminal law.Human rights, Special Protection, The Constitution, Welfare law The Globalization of special Protection of Children [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Children, Early development, Situation Analysis, Strategic Analysis, SWOT Analysis Strategic Analysis of the Present Situation in Terms of Early Childhood Development of Iranian Children and Recommended Strategies and Activities [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Children, Poverty, Vulnerability Child Poverty Profile in Iran [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Children\'s Wellbeing, Social Health, Provinces of Iran. The Relationship between Social Health and Child Well Bing [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Citizens\' Rights, Active citizenship, municipality\'s accountability, municipality\'s transparency The Relationship between Citizens' Awareness of the Citizenship Rights and Organization's Accountability and Transparency [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Citizenship, Commitments, Social Capital, Feeling of Insecurity, Universalism, Anomy Factor Related to Citizenship Commitment [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Civil Society Youth, social capital and volunteering [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Class inequality, Ethnic inequality, Gender inequality, Leisure behavior, Social inequality, Spatial inequality, Young People. Social Inequality in Leisure Time [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Cohort, Durable and Nondurable, Goods\' Expenditure, Life Cycle Urban Households Income and Expenditure Survey. [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Collective self-efficacy beliefs, Identity styles, Personal self-efficacy beliefs. Relationship between Identity Styles with Self-Efficacy in Iranian and Afghan High School Boys [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Community Participation, Health Improvement, Related Factors Associated Factors with Community Participation in Health [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Community-Based Punishments. Harm Reduction and Need to Legal Reforms [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Compared Census Indexes, Linear Expenditure System, Poverty line, Minimum Living Estimating the Minimum Living with Linear Expenditure System in Iran and Determination of the Ratio of Households in Poverty [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Compensation Variation, Gradual Decrease of Subsidies, Gradual Increase in the Electricity Price, Household Electricity Demand, Rural and Urban Areas. Investigating Welfare Changes due to Increasing in the Price of Electricity in Rural and Urban Households [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Computable General Equilibrium, Exchange Policy, Fiscal Policy Government Expenditure Impact of Government Fiscal Policy on Iranian Economy under Different Exchange Rate Regimes Application of CGE Model [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Computer Simulation, Drug abuse, Prevention Policies, System Dynamics Analysis, Trihedral Dynamic Model Strategies and Policies of Drug Abuse Control in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Concept of must Components of Social Welfare based on the Implications of Moral and Social Education of the Concept of "must" from Kant’s opinion [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Conceptual framework Social Capital: Main Concepts and Conceptual Framework [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Conceptual framework of agency-structure- Non Governmental Organizations. Analysis of Operation of NGOs in the Field of Fighting against Drug Addiction with Agency-Structure Perspective [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: Confirmatory factor analysis Development of the Short Form of Persian Version of Social Well-Being Scale [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Conflict Resolution Styles, Social Adjustment, Social Problem Solving, Role of Sex The Role of Parent’s Conflict Resolution Styles in Children’s Social Adjustment and Their social Problem Solving [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Conrergence theory, Decomodification, Social welfare, welfare system Comparison of Characteristics of Welfare Regimes [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Coping styles, General health, Intellectual disability, Religiosity. Relationship of Religiosity and Coping Style with General Health of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Corona Relationship between People’s Trust in the Government and Their Compliance with Covid-19 Health Advice: A Case study of Tehran Residents [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Coronavirus The Relationship Between Health Literacy and Social Commitment with Health Self-Care during the Covid-19 disease pandemic [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Correction Center, Delinquency, Social Psychological Analysis Social -Psychological Analysis of Delinquency among Tehran Correction Center Clients [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Corruption, GMM estimation Method, Granger Causal Relationship, Panel Data Analysis, Poverty. The Causal Relationship between Poverty and Corruption in Developing Countries [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Cost-benefit, Personality Characteristics of Rural Women, Social Capital and rural Micro-Credit Fund Tendency to Participation in Micro-Credit Fund, Women’s Socio-Economic Status. Individual and Social Factors Related to Rural Women’s Tendency to Participate in Micro-Credit Fund in Mazandaran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Couples The Relationship between Irrational Beliefs and Marital Adjustment [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Covid-19 The Analysis of the College Students Lived Experience of the Consequences of Quarantine during Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Crack, Iran, Opioid, Purity, Qualitative, Quality, Retail Market, Supply, Tehran A Qualitative Assessment of Crack Supply in Tehran [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Crime Delinquency Prevention and its Management in Current Iranian Law and Rules [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Crime Security, local, Citizen, Sense of insecurity Factors Related to Insecurity Feeling [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Crime prediction Extraction of Drug Crime Patterns and Identifying People at Risk Using Data Mining Techniques [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Crime. Relation between Social Capital and Crime among Criminals and Noncriminal in Yasuj, Iran [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: Critical review, Social problems, goal-directed subsidies Economic Policies and Social Problems in Iran [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Cross-Section Dependence The Relationship Between Public Health Expenditures and the Quality of Democracy on Social Welfare in Countries with High Human Development Index [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Culbery Border Settlement, Border Economy, and Family Problems: The Case Study of Border Cities of Baneh and Marivan [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Cultural Development, Social Development, Cultural Capital, Cultural Development and Social Development in Iran [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Data Panel Model The Effect of Institutional Variables on Brain Drain in Developing Countries: A case Study of the Countries of the MENA Region [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Decline of academic performance Negative Consequences Affecting the Lifestyle of Students During Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Demand of life insurance Analysis of Economic Factors and Life Insurance Development Impact on Social Welfare in Iran [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Democracy, Economic Growth, Fixed Effects, Political Economy Democracy and Economic Growth: A Worldwide Quantitative Survey [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Democratic Society Social Security In A Democratic Society [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Demographic Transition, Development, , Developing Countries , Fertility , Pace of fertility decline The Trend of Development and the Pace of Fertility Decline in Developing Countries [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Dem‌onstration Socio- Economic Crises and Threats: Causes and Motives in Iran [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Deprivation, Development level, Inequality, LINMAP Method, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Spatial Analysis. The Spatial Analysis of Deprivation and Inequalities of Development in Sub-provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Desire to gain knowledge, Globalism, Rationality, social capital, Social values, Universalism. Social Capital of Women and Their Value Orientation Toward Development [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Developed Countries Iranian Households Economic Welfare ٠٠ 1982 - 2002 [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Development Assessing the Gap Trend of Health Development Index between the Cities of Semnan Province and Iran During the Period of 1393-1396 [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Development Social Capital and Development: An Overview [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Development Criterion, Fars Province, Fuzzy Approach, Numerical Taxonomy Approach, Urban Region Ranking Fars Province Urban Regions Based on Development Level [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Development, Factor analysis, Health, health Services. Classification of Provinces of Iran by Health Indicators [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Development, Health and Sanitary Indicators, Spatial Analysis, Western Azerbaijan Spatial Analysis of Health and Sanitary Indicators of Western Azerbaijan [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Development, Modernity, Rural Development. A Review of Rural Modernity Experience In Iran [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Differences The Comparison between Dehkhoda and Syed Ashraf Aldin Gilani's Social Satire [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Direct treatment of the organization. Designing a Model for Providing Supplementary Health Insurance in the Social Security Organization [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Disability A Meta Synthesis of disability studies and the pattern governing the social life of people with disabilities [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Disabled, Wheelchair, Public facilities, Sari, Iran The Quality of Public Facilities for Handicapped Wheelchair Users, Sar [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Discourse. Disability Critical Analysis of Discourses Involved in the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Iran [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Discrimination, Disability, Equality, International Law, Protection The Protection of Disable People in the International Law [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Distinction, Fundamental Freedoms, Sense of Justice, Social Opportunities. Feeling Justice and Its Social Factors [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Distribution of health resources Investigating the Distribution of Health Resources in Iran by Using Gini Coefficient (2011-2020) [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Divorce prone, Divorce tendency, solution-focused brief couple therapy Decreasing Divorce among Divorce-Prone Couple's Using an Intervention Focused on Short-Term Solution [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Divorce. The Relationship between Codependency and Divorce [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Domestic Gross Product, Income distribution, Social security, Socioeconomic development. The Analysis of Socio-Economic Development Relationship with Social Security Development in Iran [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Domestic Provisions. Trafficking of Women and Children for Sexual Exploitation [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Domestic Violence, Iran, Review, Spouse abuse. Domestic Violence in Iran: Review of 2001-2008 literature [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Dynamic Ordinary least Squares (DOLS), Income Docile, Marginal Utility of Income (Consumption), Social Welfare, Welfare Weights. Calculating the Welfare Weight of Income Deciles of Iran [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Dynamic panel model Investigation of Educational Inequalities and Its Effect on the Dynamics of Industrial Workforce Productivity by Using Dynamic Panel Model [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: Ecological study. Maternal Health, Quality of Life and Their Relationship in Iran’s Provinces [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Econmical Capital and Cultural Capital Different Capitals The Missing Link In Explaining The Students Happiness [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Economic Adjustment Asian Challenge of Urban Poverty [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Economic Growth The Estimation of Level and Distribution of Social Capital in Iran's Provinces [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Economic Participation, Education, Gender Inequality, Health, Prevalence of HIV, Political Participation Gender Inequality and HIV Prevalence [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Economic Policy Civil Protest as an Alternative for Privatization in Iran [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Economic sustainability Interaction between Sustainable Lifestyle and Sustainable Development among Rual Families [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Economy Economic of Disasters (Bam Earthquake) [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Education, Ethnicity, Gender, Income, Social determinants of health Social Equity and Health of Children in Iran [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Education, Income per capita, Life expectancy, Human The Estimation of Human Development Index for Provinces [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Educational Index, Fertility Rate Sanitation Indexes Relationship between Health and Education Indexes with Fertility Rate in Iran's Provinces [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Educational Inequality Investigating The Effect of Education Inequality on Inequality of Income Distribution in Iran’s Provinces [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Educational level Educational Level as A Criterion for Choosing Spouse and Comparing It in Male and Female Students [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Effect Size, Job Satisfaction, Martyr Institute Staff and Devotees Affairs, Meta - Analysis, Organizational Factors Meta-analysis of Organizational Factors and Job Satisfactions of the Employees of Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affair [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Effect size. Meta-analysis of religiosity and happiness studies in Iran (Researches Related to religiosity and happiness from 2007 to 2021) [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Elite student, Worry. Reasons of Worriness in Elite University Students [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Emergency Suicide, the Most Urgent of All Urgencies in Child Psychiatry [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Emigration, Immigration, Iranian cities, Migration, Rapid Urbanization. Trend of Immigration and Emigration in Iranian Cities during the Two Recent Decades [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Emotional Quotient, Relationship Management, Self-Management, Service Quality, Social Awareness. The Relationship between Emotional Quotient of Employees with the Level of Quality of Services Produced for Clients in the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Emotional intelligence. The Relationship between Hidden Curriculum and Sexual Violence of Married Female Students Considering the moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Employed Women, Gender Inequalities Perception, Mental Health. Gender Inequality Perception and Mental Health [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Employed, Psychopathology, SCL-90-R, Unemployed, Young men Comparing Rate and Severity of Psychopathological Symptoms between Employed and Unemployed Young Men in Tehran [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Employment The Impact of Social Security Resources and Expenditure on Economic Growth and Employment in Iran [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Empowerment, Self- Help Group, Women Headed Households, Use of Local Facilities The Relationship between Use of Local Facilities and Economic Dimension of Empowerment [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Engel Coefficient, Poverty, Poverty Index FGT, Poverty line, Stochastic Dominance Approach. A Comparison of the Poverty Line Indices in Iran Using Stochastic Dominance Approach in Two Years (1383 and 1387) [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Engel Curves - Income elasticities of demand – Iranian urban The Study of Iranian Urban Households' Consumption [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Entrepreneurial Development Proposing a Model for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Public Organizations of Iran [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Entrepreneurship, Social capital, Structural and quality aspect of social capital A Study of Social Capital's Effect on Entrepreneurship [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Eqality,Social capital,Social inequality,Social net work, Social participation,Social trust. A Survey of Factors Affected on Social Inequalities in Isfahan [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Ethnicity, Global identity, Globalization, National Identity Globalization and National Identities among the Students of Tabriz University [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Evaluation framework for community health action agency Utilization of “the Evaluation Framework for Community Health Programs” For the Programs of Tehran- pars Community Health Action Agency [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Executive Processes, Knowledge and Experience Sharing, Knowledge Management, Motivational Factors, Organizational Culture Managers’ Experience and Knowledge Sharing on the Improvement and Guiding of Executive Processes in the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science (USWR) [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Expenditure System, Kurdistan Province, Panel Data, Poverty, Subsistence level. Estimating the Level of Subsistence in Urban Areas of Kurdistan Province [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Expenditure, Gini Coefficient, Health Care, Life Expectancy, Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Extrinsic Religiosity Orientation A Study on the Relationship between Religiosity and Happiness among People with Physical Disability in Tehran Hospices [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Factor Analysis, Knowledge, Knowledge Based Economy, Knowledge Estimation Methodology. Estimating and Ranking the Provinces of Iran in Terms of Knowledge - based Economy [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Fair Financial Contribution Estimation of Fair Financial Contribution in Health System of IRAN [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Familial Factors Familial Factors Related to Attempted Suicide [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Family Sexual Abuse: A Case Report [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Family Relationships Quality of life and its relation to background characteristics and relationships in the family in adolescents and young people referring to addiction treatment centers [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Family living, Institutionalization, Older adults, Quality of life. Comparing Quality of Life between Seniors Living in Families and Institutionalized in Nursing Homes [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Fars, household welfare, Social capital The Relation of Social Capital with Welfare of Rural and Nomadic Producers in Fars Province [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Fatalism‚ Value changes‚ Value pluralism‚ Youths. Change in Youth Values and Its Related Factors [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Fertility rate Relationship between Crime, Fertility Rates and Economic Growth [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Foreign language learning Motivonia: Wellbeing and Well-Willing, Two Factors of English Language Learners’ Motivated Behaviour [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Function Social Welfare Functions [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Functionality of the Family, Modern Marriage, Traditional Marriage Family Function in Modern and Traditional Marriages among Married Women of Tehran [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: GMM method Investigating the Relationship between Population Structure and Poverty [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Gender Investigating the Relationship between Family Features and Children’s Entrepreneur Personality [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Gender equality A Qualitative Content Analysis of Cabinet Enactments with a Focus on Women over a Period of Twenty Years (1997 to 2017) [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Gender, Mental health, Religiosity, Social class, Social support. Relationship between Social Support and Mental Health [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Gender, Passive and Pro-active Solutions, Problemlogy, Qualitative Methods, Social Problem, Women A Qualitative Study on How Women Perceived Their Social Problems [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Gina Kuznets coefficient, Globalization, Inequality, Mundel,Openness, Stolper - Samuelsson The Effect of Globalization on Income Distribution in Iran: the Test of Kuznets, Stopper – Samuelsson and Mundel Hypotheses [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Golestan Province. The Relationship between Social Capital and Organizational Culturein Iranian Higher Education System [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Gradual Social Engineering Philosophical Origin of Popper’s Welfare State Compared with the Viewpoints of the Classic Proponents and Modern Opponents [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Green human resource management Manager’s Competency, Axiomatic Instruments in Pursuit of Organizational Good Governance and Green Human Resources Management in Cooperative Agencies, Work and Social Welfare [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Grounded Theory Model Explaining the socialization process of people with disabilities through sports activities [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Grounded Theory, Harsin Township, Poverty, the Culture of Poverty, Villagers Poverty Culture among Villagers of Harsin Township [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Grounded Theory. Analysis of Patterns of Interventions to Prevent High-risk Behaviors in Families [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Grounded Theory. Factors of Married Women Engagement in Marital Infidelity [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Grounded theory Lived Experience of Divorce Children in Iran [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Grounded theory Explanation of Adoptive Families’ Experiences of Adopted Children Problems: a Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Group Social Work, Cognitive-Behavioral Approach, Social Adjustment, Delinquency, 12-18 years old children. Impact of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Social Work Interventions on Social Adjustment of Delinquent Children [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Growth Resources, Income Distribution, Productivity, Share of factors Economic Growth Resources and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: H27 The Nonlinear Effects of Oil Revenues on Social Welfare in Iran [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: Harm Reduction Plan and Programming Outcomes and Conclusion of Plan Programming of Decriminalization and Harm Reduction at Addiction Control [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Harmful social environment Exploring the Social Problems of Women with Temporary Marriage Experience in Qom [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Health Care, Development, Numerical Taxonomy, Factor Analysis The Role of Government in Health and Medicare Facilities Distribution in Hamedan Province [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Health Economy, Income Inequity, Income Mean, Index, Income Distribution, Combined Data The relationship between Income Distribution (Gini Coefficient) and Health Economy (Selected Death Rate & Causes of Death) [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Model, Review Review Models of Health Impact Assessment [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Health capital Behavioral Style of Economic Status of Cardiovascular Patients in Javad-Al-Aemeh Heart Hospital of Mashhad [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Health promoting behaviors The Role of Health Literacy in Coping with Anxiety Caused by Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Health system Status and Barriers to Implementation of Family Physician Program in Iran Health System [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: Health, Peasant\'s Income, Rawlsian Social Welfare Rural Household's Health and Rawlsian Social Welfare in Iran [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Health- Labor- Productivity- Economic Growth. Labor Health and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Health. Evidence on the Trade-off between Number of Children and Their Health [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Healthcare and medical problems The Role of Freedmen’s Presence in Jihadi Projects in Predicting the Solution of Economic, Cultural, Social, Healthcare, and Medical Problems of Society [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Healthy City, Integration Method, Mazandaran Province, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model , Urban Settlements Assessing the Urban Settlements with an Approach of Healthy City in Mazandaran Province [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Healthy Lifestyle. From Bourdieu's Cultural Capital to Abel's Health- Related Cultural Capital: Applying New Indicators for Explaining Healthy Lifestyle [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: Household Resources. Association of Family Resources on Children's Behavioral Problems [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Household Welfare The Impact of Sanctions on the Welfare Indicators of Urban and Rural Households of Iran [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Household composition, Log Linear Model. Trend Analysis of Country Household Composition (1996-2006) [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Household consumption expenditures, Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), Demand elasticity. Analyzing the Demand Structure of Consumption Goods and Services in Iran Using Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Human Development Index (HDI), income index, life expectancy index, educational index Evaluation of Human Development Index in Sistan and Baluchestan [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Human Poverty Human Development Condition in Iran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Human Rights Human Rights and Addicted Rights [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Human development- cultural modernization-moral individualism-secularization- scientific orientation. Cultural Modernization in the Villages at Transition [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Identity The comparative study of psychological characteristics between Prostitute women and normal women. [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Identity, Citizenship, Citizenship Identity, Tehran town Factors Related to Citizenship Identity in Tehran [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Ideologic State The social Bases of Political Crises in Contemporary Iran [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Impulsivity Injection Is There any Relationship between Demographics and impulsive Behavior Indices with HIV infection in Homeless Heroin Injectors? [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Income Inequality Relation of Economic Growth with Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Income Poverty, Housing Poverty, Health Poverty, Probit Model The Effects of Education on Different Aspects of Poverty in Urban and Rural areas Of Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Income Tax, Income Inequality, Optimal Tax Rate, Rawlsian Social Welfare. Optimal Effective Rate of Income Tax in Iran: An Application of Rawlsian Social Welfare [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Income quantile. Food Items Elasticity Estimation for Income Quantiles in Iran, 2016 and 2018 [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Independent life Obstacles and Challenges of Teenagers in Foster Care Centers to Start an Independent Life [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Inequality Globalization and Inequality [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Inflationary Discrepancy Examining the Social and Economic Factors Effective on Inflationary Discrepancy in Iran Urban Areas (1995-2003) [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Informal Norms, Mental Health, Slum Dwelling, Social Capital, Solidarity The Relationship of Bonding Social Capital with Mental Health among Slum dwellers [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Informal Settlements The Apparent Consequences and Reactions Resulted From Social Crises and Threats [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Instability and economic risk The effect of economic and social factors on the suicidal behavior of society in Iran (with emphasis on risk and economic instability) [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Insurance escape Short-term profitability of stakeholders and long-term instability in the production of collective good Social Welfare: A qualitative analysis of insurance evasion [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Integration of Afghan immigrants Identity Integration of Afghan Immigrants in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Interaction and Communication Summary Designing a model for proper interaction between charities and Imam Khomeini Committee in Iran [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Interactionist Theory. Social Problem : An Agenda for Social Welfare Systems [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Interactions Construction of Dialogue among Couples in Yazd: Moving towards a Grounded Theory [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Iran Meta-analysis of Social Welfare Studies in Iran [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Iran Need to expand rehabilitation facilities to improve access to health services for people with disabilities in Iran [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Iran Evaluating Poverty Indicators among Government-Supported Households: A Multidimensional Approach [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Iran Dimensions, Components and Indicators of Social Welfare in Elderly: Looking for a Composite Index [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Iran Role of Exit Control Centre on Creating Employment of Women Prisoners of Khoozestan [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Iran The Drug Market in Iran [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Iran Addiction and Drug Abuse in Iran, Criminalization or Decriminalization [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Iran A Qualitative Study of Changes in Supplying of Illicit Drugs in Bam during the First Year after the Earthquake [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Iran An Explanation for Falling of Social Capital in Iran [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Iran Economics Achieving the Optimal Share of Government Expenditures in GDP with the Aim of Maximizing Social Welfare (with Emphasis on the Affairs and Chapters of the Government’s Public Budget) [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Iran Province Relation between Addiction and Urbanization in Iran [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: Iran, Meta-analysis, Poverty studies. Meta-analysis of Poverty Studies in Iran [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Iran, Poverty, Poverty Eradication, Poverty Eradication Policy, Ranking. Ranking Poverty Eradication Policies [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iran, Poverty, Risk Factor, Street children, Systematic review Systematic Review of Studies on Street children in Iran in recent Decade: Poverty, a Risk Factor for Becoming A Street child [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Iran. Ways of Coping in Married Women in District 22 of Tehran: Community-Based Approach in Mental Health Promotion [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iran\'s Experience Globalization and Brain Drain: Review of Iran's Experiences [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Iranian Economy The Impact of Fiscal Policy and Gas Price Shock on Welfare and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Isfahan The Role of Satisfaction and Financial Strain as Predictive Variables of Unemployee’s Mental Health in Isfahan [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Isfahan metropolis Rural-urban migrations: various dimensions immigrants' satisfaction with living in metropolises; The case study: migrants inhabited in Isfahan city [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Job Satisfaction A nationwide gender-sensitive survey of Iranian Behvarzes (health workers), their. Job satisfaction and motives [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Job Satisfaction, Sexuality, Social health, Social Class Factors Contributing to Social Health among Teachers of Maraghe City [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Jurisprudence The Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Courts in Dealing with Gender-Based Crimes against Girl Children Soldiers [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Justice, Personality, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Norms. The Role of Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Norms on Attitude toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Regards to Conscientiousness and Agreeableness Personality Characteristics [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Kermanshah city Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on organizational resilience with the mediating role of Subjective Welfare in Police +10 of Kermanshah [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Kermanshah, Poverty, Spatial Distribution Assessment of Urban Poverty Spatial Distribution in Kermanshah City [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Keywords head-of-household women, quality of life, service jobs, welfare organization. Quality of Life of Head-of-Household Women: a Comparison between those Supported by Welfare Organization and those with Service Jobs [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: Khoramabad. Investigating the relationship between lifestyle and ethnic and national belonging of citizens of Khorramabad [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: Labor Market Women's Participation and Employment in Iran: A Critical Examination [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Law Process of Social Security Configuration in International Norms and Regulations [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Legal and Administrative Challenges, Rural and Nomadic Society, Rural Development, Social Insurance Challenges on Rural and Nomadic Social Insurance in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Legitimacy, political system, social authority, social groups, Democracy. Participation in Social Groups in Babol and Its Related Factors [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Leisure time The Relationship between Leisure Time Physical Activity and High-risk Behaviors with Mediating Personality among the Students of University of Isfahan [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Life Expectancy Relationship Between Population Aging and Economic Growth of Iran’s Through Fertility and Life Expectancy (Overlapping Generation Model Approach) [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Life Expectancy, Social Determinants of Health, , Panel Data, Western Pacific Region Socioeconomic Determinants of Health in Western Pacific Region: A Panel Data Analysis [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Life expectancy at birth Income inequality as a threat for Public health:reinvestigation of income distribution and health nexus with a new approach [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Lipad questionnaire and Norbeck questionnaire The role of social support in elderly quality of life [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Lived experience Understanding women's lived experience of inferiority [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Living Pressures The Social Determinants of Female-Headed Households Living Pressures in the Cities of Kashan & Aran and Bidgol [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Local Deviations, Sense of Social Belonging, Citizenship Commitments, Municipality Performance, Informal Social Control. The Quality of Urban Services, Citizenship Commitment and Sense of Social Belonging [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Lorestan Province Investigating the Relationship between Crime and Drug Addiction [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Maize Market, Meat Market, Chickens Market, Price Transmission,Welfare Impacts, Poverty Indices Welfare Effects of Maize World Price Change [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Management Designing a Model of Administration Structure for Iranian Women's Health Development [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Management Drug Management Periods in Iran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Marital Infidelity. Recognizing the Fundamental Factors of Married Men Engaged in Marital Infidelity [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Marital relationship The Relationship between Access to Financial Resources and Marital Satisfaction among Married Women of Tabriz [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Markazi Province An Analysis on Income Distribution in Markazi Province During 1997-2002 [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Mazandaran An investigation into the Relationship between Social Support and Social Health among Well-being Clients in Nowshahr [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Mazandaran Province. Analysis of people's exposure to the corona virus: Using protection motivation theory [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Mental Disorder Sociocultural Theories of Mental Disorders [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Mental Health Promotion Social Capital, as a Contex for Mental Health Promotion [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Mental Health, Social Capital, women and men. The Relation of Social Capital with Mental Health in Women and Men [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Mentally ill’s Caregivers. Examine between Family Burden and Family Function (Family with Chronic Neurosis Children) [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Meritocracy- Organizational Structure The Role of Citizenship Participation, Meritocracy and Organizational Structure on Personnel's Behavior and Attitudes in Organizations [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Meta-Synthesis Method Social Responsibility of Universities in Dealing with the Covid-19 Virus Crisis [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: Meta-analysis Dimensions of quality of life of the elderly by reviewing previous research [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Middle East countries The Effect of Capitals on Female Labour Force Participation: a Comparative Study on European :::::union::::: and Middle East Countries [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: Middle-income countries The Effect of Corruption on Income Distribution: A Panel Data Approach [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Modernization Process Impact of Modernization Process on the Emergence of New Problems in the Family (A comparison of Rural and Urban Areas in Mazandaran Province) [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Mortality Rate Economic Development, Income Inequality and Health in Iran: 1355-1385 [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Mothers` impaired children. Effectiveness of Group Logo therapy on Increasing the Quality of the Mothers' Life of Hearing Impaired Children. [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Motor Development Longitudinal Research of Relation between Delivery Period Variables, Motor – Cognitive Development of Prescool Children and Their Behaviors in Fourth Grade [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Movie Industries The Estimation of Household Demand for Going to Cinema in Provinces of Iran [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Multidimensional poverty Comparing Multidimensional Poverty of Female and Men Headed Households in Urban and Rural areas in Iran by Alkire-Foster Method [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: Multidimensional poverty Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Poverty: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence from the Iranian Economy from 1370 to 1392 Persian Calendar [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Mythmaking Criminal Identification on Instagram; A Case Study of Followers’ Comments on the Pages of Villains [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: National Identity Dimensions The Study of Situation and its Effective Factors of National Identity in Between Student [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Native model Compilation of the Native Model of Sociological Barriers to Remarriage of Female Heads of Households Covered by the National Relief Committee of Iran in 1395 [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Natural Disaster Theoretical Basis of Civil Liability in the Natural Disasters [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Natural Disaster Mental Health in Natural Disasters, (A General Review on International Attempts and National Programs) [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Naysar Sociological Analysis of the Social Life of the Marginal Residents of Naysar in the City of Sanandaj: Life on the Path of Suffering [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: Needs and Social expectation. Case Study of Murder in IRAN [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Negative affect Investigation of the Relationship between Family Relationship Styles and Risky Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect and Emotion Regulation Difficulties [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Network Analysis Process Identifying and Prioritizing the Ways of Empowering Female Heads of Households [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Newsworthiness The Media Reflection of Crime [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Non-Political Reaction Non - Political Reactions to Social Crisic: Foundamentals of Hypothesis [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Nonoil Revenues, National Income, Oil Revenues, Sen Function, Vectore Auto Regression Relationship between Social Welfare in Iran and Oil Revenues During 1374-1388 [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Nutrition Poverty Measuring and Analyzing Nutritional Poverty Trend among Households with Child in Iran Using Generational Approach: 1984-2012 [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Objective index, Urbanism growth, Urban Population of Iran,Urban Quality of Life Urban Quality of Life in Iran (1986-2006) [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Offspring Comparing Mental Status of Offspring of Addicted and Nonaddicted Fathers [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Oil revenue Investigating the Shocks of Real Sectors of the Economy on the Welfare Index in the Iranian Economy [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Organizational Commitment The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Attitude to Corruption among Municipal Staff of Tehran Province [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Organizational culture The Effective Factors of Curroption in Governmental Organizations of Sanandaj City [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: P- median-model, accessibility betterment, public health service, site selection, scenario making A P- median-model-based Analysis of Spatial Inequality in Accessibility to Public Health Care Intended for Urban Health Development in Isfahan City [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Panel Data Studying the Effect of Governance Quality on Health Indicators in the Countries of South-Western Asia [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: Panel Data The Effect of Good Governance Indicators on Income Inequality Selected Countries Southwest Asia and the Countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Panel Threshold Regression The Relationship between Government Size and Happiness [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Panel data A Comparative Study of the Impact of Governance Sub-Indicators on Health Expenditures in Rich and Poor Countries [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Participation The rights of children for participation [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Participation Survey on Mechanisms of Promoting Iranian Women's Political and Economic Participation [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Participation The Relationship Between Social Welfare and Citizens Participation in Urban Affairs [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Participation, Public and Institutional Trust, Social Networks, Social Welfare. The Relationship of Trust, Knowledge with Social Networks on Social Welfare in Tehran [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Participatory political culture Relationship between Political Culture and Social Classes in Ardabil [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Patient\'s rights, Patient, Physician, Shariat Razavi Hospital, Tehran. Factors and Strategies of Patient’s Rights Observance [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Pattern Family Violence Pattern Prevalence, Enacting or Experiencing Violence in Men or Women [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Pattern of Consumption Relationship of the Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence and Pattern of Status Consumption: a Case Study on the Citizens of Kashan (2017) [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: Perceived social support The Relationship Between Mental Health and The Quality of Life among Abused Children 7 to 12 Years Old: Moderating effect of Perceived Social Support [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: Performance measurement “Measuring Health Sector Performance in National Development Plans” [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Personal trust The relationship between social trust and political participation in Citizens of Gorgan [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Personality Characteristics Structural Relations of Psychological Risk and Protective Factors of Drug Abuse in Adolescents [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Personality traits. Investigating the Relationship between Personality Traits of Managers, Job Satisfaction, and Mental Health among the Employees of the Social Welfare Organization Branch in Khorasan Razavi [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Phenomenology Experiences and Challenges of Girls with a History of Cohabitation [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Phenomenology Financial Conflicts and Compatibility in Dual-Career Couples: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Physical harassment Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment Types [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Place Crime and Place: A Pathological Study of Game Nets in Tehran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Place loyalty Subjective well-being and place loyalty in Rural areas [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Placement Adoptive families: Necessity for Research in Social Welfare [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Pleasure relationship The Fields and Consequences of Friendship with the Opposite Sex: A Phenomenological Study among Students at Kharazmi University [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: Policy imolications Assessing the Situation of Subjective Well-being among Iranian Youth [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Political Justice The Relationship Between Social Justice Approaches and Political Equality Components. [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Population The Relationship between Fertility Rate and Socio-Economic Development [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Positioning The Role of Social Targeting, Customer Segmentation, and Physical Activity Positioning for the Development of Sports among the Iranian Elderly [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Poverty The Relationship between Poverty, Education and Gross National Production in Iran During 1984-2010 [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Poverty Social Welfare and Development, Functions of Supportive Institutes. [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Poverty Poverty and Inequality of Income in Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Poverty Poverty as Capability Deprevation [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Poverty The Inter Relation between Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Poverty Trend in Iran with Fuzzy Approach [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Poverty Poverty in Iran: Challenges and Perspectives [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty The Effects of Poverty, Mother’s Depression and Baby Weight on Children’s Cognitive and Physical Growth [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty Study of Relation between Poverty and Health in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty Poverty and Malnutrition in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty Poverty, Deprivation, and Citizenship in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty Poverty and Social Movements [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Poverty Intensity Measurement of Poverty Intensity in Iran: Applying Sen-Shorrocks-Thon(SST) Index [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Poverty Line Poverty Measurement in Iran during 1989-2004 [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Poverty alleviation The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Poverty Eradication [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Poverty structure, Human agency. Role of Human Agency in Explaining Poverty [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Poverty-Drug The Relationship between Economical Poverty and Narcotics and Alcoholic Drinks Abuse among Tehran and Shemiranat Youths [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Poverty. The Relationship Between Distributive Justice and Health Indicators in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Power Investigating the Approach of Legislators and Organizations in Charge of Women Heads of Households in Empowering them [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Power structure Poverty and Power Structure in Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Preeclampsia, Pregnancy, Stress, Social Support Association between Social Support and Maternal Stress with Preeclampsia [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Presence of neighborhoods Presence of Neighborhoods and the Feeling of Social Exclusion (Case Study: Pakdasht City) [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Press The Approaches of Some Iran Newspapers toward Addiction: Crime or Illness? [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Prevalence Investigating Prevalence of Child Abuse among Guidance School Students, Tehran, 1385-1386 [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Prevention Criminology of Sexual Violence against Women [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Prevention Developing the National Plan of Reducing and Control of Social Problems [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Prevention Deviance, Crime & Prevention [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Preventive Intervention Programs and Strategies Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health: Approaches, Strategies and Preventive Programes in the Improvement of Mental life [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Price An Investigation a bout Subsidies Paid during the Development Programs after Islamic Reveloution [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Price Income, Price and Criminal Organization of Drugs around the World [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Privacy An Introduction to Electronic Health Information Privacy Law [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Pro-Poor Growth The Triangular Relationship between Poverty, Inequality and Growth in Iran during the Development Plans [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: Probability of poverty Factors Affecting the Poverty through the Female-Headed Households in Iran [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Professional and unprofessional drivers Mental Health and Road Accidents: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Profit Distribution An Investigation about the Effect of Oil Income on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Program The Critique and Evaluation of the Poverty Eradication Programs in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Prosperity. Comparative of Marital Adjustment Between Iranian and Turkish Couples [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: Prostitution Adolescence and Promiscuity [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Prostitution Inappropriate Marriage, A Risk Factor for prostitution [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Pseudo-family centers Lived experience of teenage girls from living in pseudo-family centers [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Psychiatric Problems Mental Health in Iran: Accomplishments and Challenges [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Psychopathology Psychopathology and Personal-Relationship Problems of Female Victims of Family Violence [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Public Education The Role and Function of Mass Media on Environmental Issues [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Public Participation Communicative Planning as New Approach for Community Planning (Case study: Tehran, Farahzad community) [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Public welfare governance Designing the Pathology Model of Public Welfare Governance in Iran [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Q-method. Identifying Managers’ Mental Patterns in Relation to Subjective Well-being of Human Resource of Organization, Using the Q-method [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Qazvin Barriers to Participation in Urban Plans from the Perspective of Citizens’ Behavioral Patterns in Qazvin’s Bolaghi Neighborhood [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Qualitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis of Mental Hospitals Problems from View Point of their Managers [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Qualitative Methods The Addicted Experiences on Medicalization of Addiction [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Quality Of Life, Wealth, Factor Analysis, Numerical Taxonomy Ranking the Quality of Life in Iran Provinces [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Quality of Life Effectivess of Community-based Drug Abuse Prevention Program on Quality of life in East Agarbaayzaan [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Quality of Parental–Child Relationship A Study on the Quality of Parental-Child Relationship in Addicted Adolescents versus Normal Ones [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Quality of life Structural Model of Psychological Capital and Perceived Social Support with Quality of Life: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Quality of life Spatial Measurement of the Composite Quality of Life Index in Different Provinces of Iran Using TOPSIS - AHP Model [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Quantile regression The Structure of Inequality in Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: RIASEC. An Investigation on Career Choice Model (SCCT) among Iranian high-school students [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: Ranking. Ranking Poverty Eradication Policies [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Rapid Assessment, Residential Care of Adolescents, Sexual Health, Sexuality Education Sexual Health Challenges of Out of Home Adolescents [Volume 13, Number 48]
:: Real and anticipated effects [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Reconstruction and rehabilitation. Factors Analysis Affecting on Participation in the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Deteriorated Fabric [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Reformist era An Analysis of Some Social Welfare Discourses in the Iranian Reformist Government Era [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Regulation The Right to Work of Persons with Disabilities in National and International Rules; Based on Human Right Principles. [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Rehabilitating Services The investigation on how to give rehabilitating Services to qake hit people in Guilan and Fars Earthquakes. [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Rehabilitation Staff. Study of the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Mental Health of Rehabilitation Staff in Public and Private Rehabilitation Centers under the Supervision of the Welfare Organization of Tehran Province [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Relationship beliefs. Predicting Marital Commitment on the Basis of Love Style and Relationship Beliefs [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Relationship standards Comparing the Marital Standards of Different Ethnic Groups within Iran [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Reliability Development and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Youth’s Attitudes to Substance Abuse in Iran [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Reliability Construct Validity of WHOQOL-100 with Rasch Analysis [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Religiosity Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Marital Satisfaction among Young Couples [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Religiosity A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Religiosity and Social Trust among Behbahan Islamic Azad University Students [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Religious attitudes. The Prediction of Tolerance Level of Mothers with Educable and Intellectual Disabled Children Based on Their Religious Attitudes [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Religiousness The Role of Men in Family Planning and Fertility Control in the City of Yazd, Iran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Remittance International Migration and Poverty: The Iranian Case [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Reproductive Health Male Domination & Reproductive Health [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Resilience. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Group Training on Resilience and high-risk Behaviors of Students with Self-harm Experience in Raz and Jorglan Cities [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Resource Curse Resource Curse: the Relationship between Natural Resource Abundance and Poverty in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Resource Curse Hypothesis The Study of Oil Rent Effects on Inequality of Happiness in Selected Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Responsiveness Inequality in Care System Responsiveness to Children with Developmental Disability [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Retirement age The Effects of Parametric Reforms on Retirees’ Welfare and Financial Sustainability of the Social Security Organization Pension System [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Revolution Social Policy and Social Changes in Iran The Role & Status of the Middle-Class in the Process of the Politico-Economic Development of Iran during the Revolution [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Right The review on rights of disabled children [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Right Children's Social Participation [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Right Theory, Social Welfare Philosophy, Welfare Schools, Welfare Rights. Justified Demands of Social Welfare Based on the Theory of Right [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Right to access, Disability Rights, Qualitative Research, Felt needs Right to Access to the Public Facilities as a Felt Need of the Persons with Disabilities [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: Risk Behavior The Role of Positive and Negative Mental Health in Adolescent's Health Risk Behaviors [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Risk Factors A Comparative study of the Prevalence Rate of Physical Child Abuse in Sizdah Aban District of Region XX and Region III of Tehran in 1996 [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Risk and Protective Factors The Effects of Life Skills Training on Mediating Factors of Drug Use among at Risk Adolescents [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Risk taking behaviors, Social Capital, Tehran Allamah Tabatabaei University, Undergraduate Students The Relationship between Social Capital and Risk Taking Behaviors in Undergraduate Students of Tehran’s Allamah Tabatabaii University [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Role Model Demographic Characteristics of Iranian Entrepreneurs [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Run Away The Effect of Factors that Make the Girls Run Away from Home [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Runaway Factors Causing Girls to Runaway From Home [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Runaway Girls Effective Family Factors Contributing to the Running Away of Girls from Home [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Runaway Girls A Comparison of Dysfunctional Attitudes between the Runaway Girls and Normal Ones [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Runaway' behavior Sexual Relation, A Path for Survival: A Study on Runaway Girl [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Running Away Psychosocial Correlates of Running Away from Home [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Running away from Home Study of Relation between the Risk of Runaway Girls and Emotional Intelligence in Mashhad [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Rural Child Care Center, Social Development. Comparison of Social Development Between 3-6 Years Old Children Who Use Rural Child Care Center Services and Who Don`t [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Rural Development Measuring and Comparing Social Capital Components of Members and Non-Members of Rural Production Cooperatives [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Rural Poverty Rural Poverty in Iran: Trend and Measurment (The Explanation of Methods and the Critic of Approaches) [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Rural areas Investigating the Impact of Entrepreneurial Personality and Innovativeness of Economic Activities on Improving the Quality of Life of Villagers [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: SCL-90, psychiatric illness, prevalence, attitude, the city of Tehran, addiction, seizure. Psychiatric Problems and Attitude toward Them in the 6th District of Tehran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: SCL-90-R Frequency of Psychological Disorders in Male Murderers [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Sample selection model Factors Affecting Decision Making of Households Living in the Deprived Provinces to Enter Health Market [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: School Types Sociological Study of Stress Process: An Empirical Test of Pearlin among Secondary School Students of Mazandaran Proviance [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Second pahlavi An investigation into the impacts of the existence of “Dowrehs” on Dynamism of Social Capital in the Second Pahlavi Government [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Secondary school students Tehran Secondary School Students’ Attitudes toward Addiction [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Self-Concept A Study on the Role of Family Factors on Students’ Family Self-Concept [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Self-Control Comparison of parents' parenting styles, self-control and tendency to risky behaviors in delinquent teenagers of correctional center and non-delinquent teenagers [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: Self-Esteem Study of Mental Health and Self-Esteem between Chi1dren Under Paternal Custody, Maternal Custody and Intact Families [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Semnan Statistical Analysis of Poverty Line in Semnan Province During Development plans (1368-1383) [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Sex The Relation Between Demographic Characteristics and Prevalence Rate in Depression among Adolescent Undergraduate Students at Ray City [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Sexual - Crimes Sexual - Devience, Causes and Bases [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Sexual Unlawful Relationship The Tendency Factors of Married Men and Women to Sexual Unlawful Relationship [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Shannon Entropy Investigation of Socioeconomic Impacts of Prolonging the Divorce Process on Life of Involved Women [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Share of Sectors The Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Shiraz metropolis. Spatial Analysis of Health Inequality in Shiraz City [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Short run Assistances Social Security Costs in Iran: An Econometrics View [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Singleness Assessment of Psychological Factors Related to Singleness of Female Veterans [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Skewness Application of Quantile Regression in Mental Health Analysis [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Skills In Investigation over Payment Discrepancy in Iran Industry Based on the Gender [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Smooth transition regression. Investigating the Relationship between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: Social Acceptance An Investigation into the Occurrence of Risky Behaviors with a Focus on Quality of Life among the Adolescents and Youth [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Social Capital Effects of Social Capital on Organizational Culture [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Social Capital Social and Economic Factors Affecting the Societal Security of Women-Headed Households in Marivan City [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: Social Capital An Evaluation of Social Functions of NGOs : with Emphasis on the Environmental Organizations in Iran [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Social Capital Social Capital and Quality of Life in Kerman City [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Social Capital The Effect of Social Capital on Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Social Capital, Association relations, Norms and Social Trust, Integration and personal confidence, Solidarity and Social Integration Socia Support, Kerman.l Analyzing the Social Capital Status in Kerman City [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Social Capital, Print Media, Electronic Media Relationship Between Mass Media Consumption And Households Of Khormuj City [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Social Capital, Social Trust, Social participation, Social Network, Subjective Welfare. The Relationship between Social Capital with Subjective Welfare among the Staff of Ministry of Welfare and Social Security [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Social Cohesion Social Capital in Iran: Current Status, Prospect, and Feasibility [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Social Development Application of the Social Accounting Matrix Model in Planning for Social Development and Justice (Iran's Third Plan Experience and the Fourth Plan Outlook) [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Social Development Social Development Approach to Poverty Reduction Programs (With a Glance to Forth Development Plan) [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Social Development- Social Capital- Trust- Participation- Iran The Provinces Social Development and [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Social Deviance Exploring the Effective Factors Concerning without Breaking the Social Deviance [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Social Dilemma Game Game Theory Application in Everyday Behavior Sociological Analysis of Petrol Waste in Tehran [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Social Disorganization A Sociological Study of Drug Addiction in Iran [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Social Exclusion of the Elderly. Factors Affecting the Social Exclusion of the Elderly in Kashan and Aran and Bidgol [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Social Health Examining the Relationship between Instances of Child Abuse and Parents' Lifestyle (Case Study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in 2021) [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Social Identity Lifestyle and Social Identity (The Emphasis on Youth) [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Social Indicators Iran Social Indicators Trend: Some Ignored Aspects [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Social Inequality Affluence Line Estimation for Iranian Households [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Social Insurance The Impact of Social Insurances on Income Inequality in Iran [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Social Insurance Self – Employed Social Insurance [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Social Interaction The Enquiry of Social Deprivation Dimensions [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Social Interpretivism The Meaning Reconstruction of Economic Changes’ Consequences in Ouraman - e - Takht Region of Iranian Kurdistan: A Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Social Justice The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Private Schools and Social Justice Approaches [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Social Justice The triangle of Economic Growth, Cultural Development and Social Justice [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Social Justice - Social Interest – Empathy The Role of Attitude Toward Social Welfare in Relation between Emphathy and Social Interest with Approaches to Aocial Justice [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Social Model Disability, the Hidden Part of Society: A Sociological Study on the Status of Disability in Iran and the World [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Social Model Disability, Poverty and Social Exclusion [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Social Norm Measurment and Ranking of Social Capital in the Townships of Isfahan Province [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Social Participation Social Participation as a Component of Social Capital [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Social Participation Efficacy of Life Skills Education on Social Participation among Children [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Social Participation Social Capital Capacities for Establishment of Local Communities in Child-Friendly City in Bam [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Social Participation. Exploring the sociological factors that contribute to individuals' voluntary work in charitable centers for child labor and street children in Tehran city [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Social Pathology Familial Factors Contributing to Child Abuse [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Social Policy Social Policy and Family [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Policy Social Policy and Health [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Policy Social Capital and Social Policy (Social capital investigation in Iran, Todays) [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Policy Social Policy, Social Development and it’s Necessity in Iran The Criticism of Copenhagen Convention [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Policy Social Policy and Non Government Organizations [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Policy Seeking Social Policy in Islam [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Polity Conversial Bases for Designing A Comprehensie System of Social Security and Welfare [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Social Problem The Case Study of Narcotic Drugs Abuse Abundance and its Relationship to Mashhad Medical Student’s Personal and Family Condition [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Social Problems Range of Legislative Intervention in The field of Social Problems and deviations [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Social Problems To Make Priority of Social Problems in Iran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Social Relations Conceptual expanding of social capital with social health approach [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Social Resistance Four Sociological Assessments about the Status of Iranian Women 1997 -2005 [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Social Rights Relationship of Relevision Programs and Citizenship Rights Awareness [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Social Sapital. Investigating the Relationship between Feeling Secure and Social Capital of the Citizens in Zahedan City [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Social Security Housing Poverty in Iran: Poor Social Policy [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Social Security Social Policy and Social Security (An Approach to Social Security System Conformity with Market Economy) [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Social Security The Process of Research and Developing a Draft Act for a Comprehensive System of Social Security and Welfare [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Social Security Investigating the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Citizens’ Social Security [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Social Security Organization Evaluating the Impacts of Retirement Age Reform on Financial Status of the Iranian Social Security Organization Using a Dynamic Microsimulation Model [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Social Self-Efficacy Direct & Indirect Impact of Social Self-Efficacy on Adolescents Depression: Social-Efficacy Pathways to Depression [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Social Support The Status of Social Capital of the Iranian people [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: Social Support, Social Support Network, Social Support Satisfaction A Persian Version of the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Social Threats Crises and Social Threats: A Paradigmatic Analysis on the Approaches and Theeories of Crisis [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Social Ties The Decline of Community in Iran: A chronological story [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Social Trust Poverty and Social Capital [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Social Welfare The Study and Comparison of Social Welfare and Services Development Degree among Iran’s Provinces in 1994 and 2004 [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Social Welfare Basic Concepts in social Welfare Issues (Social Policy, Social Support, Social Security) [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Welfare Citizenship and Social Welfare [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Social Welfare Social Welfare and Social Security System in South Korea [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Social Welfare Indicators Expert Opinion on Detecting Priority Indicators for Constructing Iranian Social Welfare Index: A Delphi Study [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Social Welfare Indicators Analysis of Subjective Welfare in Systems of World Welfare(With Emphasis on Iran ) [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Social Welfare, Sanitation and Therapeutic Services, Disability, Iran\'s Province. رابطه خدمات بهداشتی و درمانی با وضعیت معلولیت در استان‌های کشور [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Social Work Social Policy and Social Services (Social Work) [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Social Work Student Attitudes of n students and social workers toward poverty in Iran [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Social and Economic Factors Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors Affecting on Poverty and Inequalities Health [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Social capital Explaining Sense of Self-actualization among Students on the Basis of Perceived Social Support and Social Capital [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Social capital Investigating the Feasibility of Empowering the Informal Settlements Quarters by Increasing the Social Capital (Case Study: Shir-Abad Quarter of Zahedan ) [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: Social capital Relationship between Social Capital and Health among Mothers [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Social capital and Meta-analysis Meta-Analysis of Factors Affecting Awareness of Citizenship Rights among Iranians [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Social capital, Participation, Social support, Trust, Social integrity, Deviance. Relationship between Social Capital and Deviance among Male Students 15-18 Years in Tehran in the Years 1390-91 [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Social capital. A Survey on Life Style and Relevant Social Determinants in Students of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: Social capital. determinant, collective action, place attachment. empowerment. Relationship between Social Capital and Collective Action in Rural Areas [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Social control The Study of Deterrent Effect of Religious Belief on Tendency to Running away from Home [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Social determinants of health Road Map of Health Area in Iran Health System [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Social exclusion Phenomenology of the lived Experiences of Lonely aged Women from Abandonment and Rejection [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Social justice The Implication The Metaphysical Concept of Justice to Its Social in Law (case study: Labor Law Iranian) [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Social mobilization Community-Based Approaches in Poverty Reduction Programmes [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Social norms Social Capital and Social Welfare [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Social policy Health System Developments in the Framework of Development Programs in Iran [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Social progress The Effect of Social Progress and Economic Freedom on GDP using the Panel Data Method (2014-2018) [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Social responsibility The Effectiveness of School-based Social Responsibility Training on Attitude toward Juvenile Delinquency among Adolescent Girls [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Social security The Impact of Pension Funds Expenditures on Poverty and Inequality [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: Social security Determinants of Health Expenditure in Social Security Organization of Iran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Social security Awareness and Satisfaction of Insured Clients: Applying Information Technology in [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Social skills Comparation of Affective -Behavioral Disorders and Social Skills among Normal Adolescents and institutional children of Social Welfare Bureau [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Social solidarity National Solidarity of Kurdish and Baluchi Students in Iran: Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Social solidarity Women’s Agency in the Face of Symbolic Violence in the Middle Class [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Social tolerance Assessment of Social Determinants Affecting Social Tolerance in Bandar Abbas [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Social trust An Investigation into Factors Affecting People's Participation in Organizing Worn-out Urban Textures: A Case Study of District 3 in Ardebil [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Social trust Relation between Social Capital and Political Participation (Case Study: Qom Citizens) [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: Social trust A Study of Socio-Economic Determinants of Social Trust among Labor Children Referring to NGOs in Tehran [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Social trust The Impact of Social Capital on the Youth’ Happiness (Case Study: Babolsar Cit [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Social trust. Extreme individualism. Generalized trust. Interpersonal trust. Civic trust. The Relationship between Social Trust and Extreme Individualism (A Caes Stady of Mashhad) [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Social vitality Social Vitality from the Perspective of Psychologists [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Social welfare Humpty Dumpty domination on correlational data analysis in social welfare researches [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Social welfare Peer Pressure in Smoking and its Impact on Social Welfare; A Study Using Agent-based Modeling and Simulation [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Social welfare Identifying the Components and Indicators of the New Educational Guidance Model: An Application to Social Welfare Student and Family [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Social welfare Investigating the Effects of the Spread of Contagious Disease and Immunization of Population on Social Welfare Using Agent Based Modeling [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: Social welfare The Study of Social Policy in the Field of Higher Education and Employment and its Outcomes: A Case Study of Shahid Beheshti University [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Social-Cultural Structure Social Factors Influencing Youth Addiction in Ilam Province [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Socio - Economic Development Socio-Economic Development: Two Faces of a Coin [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Socio-Economic Status (S-E-S) Opportunity Distribution for Entrance to Iranian Public Universities [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Socio-economic Development Economic Growth and Social Justice Market or Plan? [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Socio-economic status Investigating the Relationship between Grandchild/Grandparent and Tendency towards Risky Behaviors among Students with Moderation of Socio-economic Status in Malekan city in 2020 [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Socioeconomic development. Shi’i – Sunni Desires of Childbearing in Rural-Urban Areas of Bojnord and Gonbad-Kavous [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: Sociology Sociological Explanation of the Participatory Action of Donors in the Health System [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Space of Action Survey about the Affect of Game Situation in Action Space on Behavior in the Social Dilemma Situations Test of Chalabi Model [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Spatial Analysis Spatial Analysis of Health and Medical Services Development Indices [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Sports tourism The Role of Security on the Behavioral Intentions of Winter Sports Tourists (Case of Study: Tehran Ski Resorts) [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Spouses perception sacrificing behavior Mediating Role of Perceiving Wife's Selfless Behaviors in Relation to Self-compassion and Self-control in Drug Dependent Patients [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Starting a family Lived Experience of War Veterans with Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Study Focusing on the Process of Having Children [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Statistical Analysis Interrelations of Drug Use Status [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Stigma Stigma and media content; Semiotics of radio programs related to homelessness [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: Stigma Stigma, The Favorable field of Social deviances increase in the Age of Cyberspace [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Stigma Living Experience Related to Renunciation of Separation among Women Applying for Divorce [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Stigma The Reflection of Mental Illnesses in the Press Investigating the Social Stigma in the Incidents Pages in Five Widely Circulated Newspapers [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: Stochastic Dominance The Effect of Economic Growth on Poverty and Inequality in Iran (1996-2005) [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Strategy, Equal opportunity, Educational justic, Present & Desired status 1. Providing and Extending Equal Opportunity and Educational Justice in Education in Isfahan [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Street Children Prevalence and Types of Experienced Family Violence among Runaway Children (Street Children, Runaway Girls) and Non- Runaway Children [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Street Income The Conditions of Work and Street Children in Iran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Stress The Role of Stress, Sociotropy and Autonomy in Depression [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Structural Adjustment Policy Introduction to Good Governance Theory [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Structural Approach The Sociological Explanation of Drug -Related Arrests (A Case Study of Mazandaran Province) [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Structural Approach The Quality if life in Iran's Development programs [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Structural Social Capital Study Effect of Visual Impairment on Family Social Capital (Case Study of the City of Kashan and Aran Bidgol) [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Structural characteristics of neighborhood. A Case Study of the Crime-ridden Neighborhood: Structures, Processes, and Mechanisms of Crime Occurrence in the Harandi Neighborhood of Tehran [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Structural equation Developing a Structural Model of Driving Behaviors Based on Aggression Mediated by Emotion Regulation [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Structural-Interpretive Modeling. Designing a model of Employee flourishing in Organizational Life [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: Students Drugs and Alcohol Use among Iranian Students: A Survey Study on State Non-Medical Universities [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Students Correlation between Social Capital and Mental Health among Hostel Students of Tehran and Shiraz Universities [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Students Relationships between Spiritual Intelligence and general Health among Students [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Subcultures Analyzing the Social Participation in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Subjective Indicators Measurement of Quality of Life in Rural Areas [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Subjective Well-Being Comparison of Ethnic Identity and Subjective Well-Being In Iranian Ethnicities [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: Subjective cultural capital The Relationship between Media Consumption and Cultural Capital [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Sublimation The Study of Empirical Validity of Frustration-Aggression Theory: Case: Soccer fans in Tehran [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Subordinate insure A comparative study of the principle of equality in the enjoyment of social security benefits for women. [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Subsidies Subsidies, Growth and Poverty [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Substance Descriptive and Analytical Evaluation of Substance Abuse Prevention Approaches [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Substance Abuse Review of Drug Demand Reduction Programs in Iran: Advices for Development and strategic Planning [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Substance Abuse Review of Drug Demand Reduction Programs in Iran: Advices for Development and Strategic Planning [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Substance abuse Improving the Quality of Life With the Student-centered Approach:Introducing a Model for Prevention of Substance Abuse in Students [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Substance abuse Substance Abuse Among State University students, Iran, 1385-1386 [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Suburbanization The Effects of Ghorbat Quarter Destruction on the Social Capital of Residents of Khaksefid [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Success Determinants of Success of Entrepreneurial Clients in Agricultural Employment Creation Plans of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Golestan Province [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Suggested Indices for Iran Measurement of Poverty and Change in Poverty Index in Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Suicidal behavior The Effect of Cultural, Economic, and Social Capital on the Quality of Life of Retired Teachers in Jawanroud County [Volume 22, Number 86]
:: Suicide The Procedure of Changes in Ilam Provience Related to Suicide Practice [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Suicide Attempted The Coping Styles and Suicide Attempted among the Female Undergraduate Students [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Support Children Support Law [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Supportive Policies Secondary Prevention of Crime & Deviation in koranic instruction [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Survival An Investigation about the Living Conditions of Bam Earthquake Survivals [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Survival Analysis Evaluation of Divorce and it's Factors in Divorced Person Lived in Doulat Abad (Tehran) [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Survivors The Relationship between Social Support and Tendency to Drug Abuse among Earthquake Victims in Kermanshah Province [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Sustainable Urban Development Informal Settlement an Obstacle Against Urban Sustainable Development (Case Study of Hamedan Informal Settlements) [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Symbolic Access Crime, Barbarism and Safety in Urban Spaces [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Symbolic violence Gender Violence: Presenting a Grounded Theory [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Symptoms of Depression The Comorbidity of Symptoms of Depressions and Psychological Agitations with Suicide Among the Risky Area Girls [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Synergy Social Capital as a Complex System [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Systematic Review Drug Use Condition Among School Students in Iran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Systematic review Empowerment of Female Heads of Households in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Systematic review Systematic Review of Studies on Slums (1996-2017) [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: TOPSIS model Analysis of the Relationship between Good Governance of countries and Urban Quality of Life [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: TOPSIS. The Inequality of Development in the 22 Districts of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: TOPSIS. Development level measurement of the Yazd Province townships By using of HDI and TOPSIS Model [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: TQM Health Sector Reform [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: TRIPS Agreement Challenges of Intellectual Property in the Field of Health [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Tabriz The Study of Effectives Factors Upon the Formation of Social Trust Among the Master & PH.D. Students of Tabriz University [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Tabriz. Relationship between Exposure to Inter-parental Physical Violence and 4 areas of Self-Esteem in college students [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Targeted subsidies Social and Economic Tehrani Citizens' Motivations for Refusing to Withdrawal from Receiving Subsidies [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Taxonomy Analysis Ranking of Country Provinces Health [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Teachers Social Justice Approaches in Teachers in Isfahan City [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Teachers Proposed Model for Drug Addiction Prevention Training in Schools Based on the Viewpoints of Students and Teachers throughout the Country [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Tehran Pregnancy and Inequality: Embryo to Newborn in the Womb of Health System [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Tehran The Relationship of Social Trust with the Intention to Prepare and Preparedness Behavior of Tehran Inhabitants agains‌t Earthquake [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: Tehran Tehran street Children [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Tehran Exposure to Domestic Violence in Senior Secondary School Students of Tehran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Tehran Study on the Geographical Distribution of Housing Poverty and Scattered Divorced Housewives in 22 Zones of Tehran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Tehran The Social and Economical Charactristics of Street Women of Tehran [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Tehran Social Security of the Family and the Place of Residence in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Tehran Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Different Identity Status in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Tehran The Frequency of Personality Disorders in the Women Prisoners of Tehran and karadje 2003 [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Tehran Obstacles to The Advancement of Insurance for Compensating Damages of Earthquake [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Tehran Client Charachteristics According to Tehran Street Sex Worker’s Point of View [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Tehran city. The window of life after divorce: a diverse construction of the new world life (Qualitative study of the consequences of divorce on women's lives in Tehran) [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: Tehran. Physical, Social & Mental Problems of Elderly in District 13 of Tehran [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Temperament Temperament and Character in Resiliency of Tehran Male Adolescents in Substance Use [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Ten-dency to re-residence The Relationship between Fear of Crime and Local Disorder with Loyalty to Destination among Foreign Tourists in the Historical Context of Shiraz [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: Tendency Attitude, Addiction, Ardebil, Iran, Narcotics, Tendency [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: The Percentage of Poor People An Estimation of Poverty Line in Iran During 1984-2000 [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: The unemployed The Evaluation of the Effect of Stigma unemployment on Mental Health of the Unemployed [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Theil Income Inequality Measurement in Iran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Theil\'s Index Income Inequality in IRAN: 1984-2006 [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Thematic analysis Identifying and Explaining the characteristics of "Good Subsidy" [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Theme analysis Analysis of Factors Affecting Incidence of Poverty in Families Receiving Support from Aid Organizations: A Case Study of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation in Fars Province, Iran [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Threats and Opportunities Assessing Strategic Factors of Drug Abuse Prevention in Iran: A School-Based Program [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Three-stage Delphi method Pathology of the Implementation System of Iran's Social Welfare Policies [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Threshold Panel Approach The Study of Nonlinear Effects of Government Size on Happiness in Developing and Developed Countries by the Threshold Approach [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: Threshold Regression The Optimum Government Activities and Social Welfare in Iran during the Period of 1975-2012 [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Tolerance Dual Punitive-Tolerant Approaches in Response to Drugs and Psychotropic Crimes: Discourse Analysis of “Metri Shish-o Nim: Just 6.5” Movie [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: Torbat-e Jam Factors Affecting the Selection of Survival Strategies for the Urban Poor: A Case Study of Residents of Disfunctional Tissues in Torbat-e Jam) [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: Total Cost Determining Factors on People's Probability of Poverty Using an Ordinal Cumulative Logistic Model [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Tough ageing Tough Ageing: A Consequence of Population Ageing in Rural Areas (A Study of Rural Areas of Badreh County, Ilam, Iran) [Volume 20, Number 76]
:: Tourism A Study on Effects of Tourism on Promoting the Social Welfare Indices (Case Study: Onar and Kojang Villages, Meshkinshar County) [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: Tourism Industry Folklore, Cultural Capital and Tourism Industry [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Trade The Relative Income Gap and The Deviation in Iran International Business Affairs [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Training Courses The Comparative Efficiency Rate of Individual-Based Training Courses of the Preventive Drug Abuse [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Trans sexuality Gender Identity Disorders and its Social Aspects: The Case Study on Trans sexuality in Iran [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Transactional analysis (T. A.) Efficacy of Transactional Analysis Group Training on the Marital Satisfaction of Women Applying for Divorce in Bejar [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Travel Investigating the effect of social rejection and self-efficacy on the tendency of disabled people to travel (case study: disabled people of Babolsar city [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: Trust Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development in Tehran's 22 Municipal Districts [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Trust Conceptual Framework and Conceptualization of Social Capital [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Typical Juvenile The Role of Religiosity in Preventing the Deliquency of Tehranian Juvenile [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Typology of Crime Relationship of Population Density with Crime Rate and Type [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: UNICEF A Review over UNICEF Function on Children's Participation [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Ulitarianism Justice on Health in Terms of Major Ethical Theories [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Unemployed Definitions of Unemployment and their Effects on Official Unemployment Rate [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: Unemployed How Leisure time Predict Substance use in Unempoyed [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Unemployment A Study to Investigate Interaction between Employment Commitment and Employment Status in Affecting Psychological Distress [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Unemployment Youth Employment and it’s Challenges [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Unemployment duration, Yazd Province, Third Development Plan. Unemployment Duration and Its Determinants: Evidences from Job Seekers in Yazd Province during the Third Development Plan [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Unemployment. The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Crime in Selected Countries with a Dynamic Panel Approach [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: Unemployment. Inflation, Unemployment and Economic Crimes [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Uneven Development of Higher Education in Iran Uneven Development of Higher Education, Unemployment of Alummni and Elits Immigration [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Universal Breadwinner Model Gender Analysis of Social Security Policies in Post- Revolutionary Iran [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Universalism A Study of Helping Behaviors and Explaining the Factors Affecting their Development [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Universality Universal Family Welfare Policies in Iran [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: University The Effect of Economic Factors on Unemployed Educated of University [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: University An Analysis of Relationship between Social Capital and Quality of Work Environment in University of Kashan One Base View of Faculty Members [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Unstable State State : Crisis of Development and Welfare [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Upgrading and betterment Evaluation of Improving Quality of Life in Informal Settlements in the Past Decade (Case study: Dowlatabad, Kermanshah) [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Urban The Poverty of Iranian Households During the Last Two Decades [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Urban Social Policy and Poverty (From Structural Adjustment Program to Functions Reducing Poverty) [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Urban Manegm [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Urban Organization Disequilibrium in Urban Hierarchy (Case Study: Sistan and Balouchestan Province) [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Urban areas Spatial Evaluation of Quality of Life Indicators in the Neighborhoods of Bam City after Earthquake by Using Multi-criteria Decision-making Models [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Urban tourism The Role of Urban Tourism in Social Welfare of Informal Settlements in Islamshahr (From the Perspective of Local Residents and Municipal Officials) [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Urbanization Determininge the Relationship between Misery Indices and the Divorce Rate in Iran [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: Urbanization Effects of Poverty, Unemployment, and Urbanization on Committing Property Crimes in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Urbanization, Urban social relationship, Ecological Perspective, Compositional Perspective. Urban Social Relationship: A Research on its Quality and Causes in Sardasht City [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Urbanization. Investigating the Impact of Urbanization on the Level of Social Welfare in Different Provinces of Iran [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Urmia Analysis of Quality of Life of Residents of Informal Settlements of Target Neighborhoods in Urmiah [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: Utilization Survey of Utilization Proportion of Specific Services for Leisure Time in Tehranian Retiredes and Related Factors [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: VAR Method Impact of the Food Subsidy Reduction on Iranian Household Calorie Intake [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Validating Validity and Reliability of Bonding and Bridging between Social Capital [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Valuable Resources The Pattern of Power Distribution in Family and Social Class of Married Women in Tehran [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Value The Gap-Making Role of Generational Experiencse in Iran [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Value Conflict Study of Factors Related to Value Conflict between Parents and Children in Amol [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Variables of Social Well-being A Study of Social Well-being among Students [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Verbal Aggression The Relation between Poverty and Illigality Construction of Social Pathogens [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Veteran The Relationship between Special privileges of Martyrs’ and Veterans’ Children and Perceived Social Justice (The Case of Isfahan City) [Volume 15, Number 59]
:: Victimization Social Disorganization and Fear of Crime (A Comparative Study of District 3 and 12 of Tehran) [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Village The Relation of Social Capital with Poverty [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Village kindergartens Evaluating Village Kindergarten’s Services in Province by IECD Indexes [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Violence Explaining the Relationship Between Marginalization and Social Damage (Case Study: East of Mazandaran Province) [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: Violence A Sociological Study of Sexual Harassment Experience by Women in Workplace (Empirical Test of Routine Activity Theory) [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: Violence Epidemiology of High-Risk Behaviors among Tehran Adolescent Girls and Boys [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Violence against Women The Violence and some Factors Connected among Addicted's Wives [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Violence. Reaction Against Violence: Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Virtual social networking Investigating the Impact of Virtual Social Networks on Social Capital and Organizational Learning Capabilities with the Mediating Role of Helpful Activities [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Visually Impaired. The Study of Accessibility of Urban Spaces and Facilities in Lived Experience of Visually Impaired People in City of Tehran [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Voice Political Economy of Teachers’ Economic Demands: A Conceptual Framework [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Weblog. Social and Individual Pathology of the Iranian Virtual Relations: A Qualitiative Study [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Welfare The Application of the Quantile Regression in Finding the Distribution of Expected Welfare [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Welfare Centers Special Educational Needs of Orphaned and Vulnerable children and adolescents living in Welfare Centers [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: Welfare Changes Analysis of Poverty and Welfare Changes of Rural Iran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Welfare Index Comparison of Social Development in the Five Development plans Before and After the Islamic Revolution of Iran [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: Welfare Landscape New Social Movements: The End of Struggle for Welfare and Social Policy? [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Welfare Organization The Prevalence of Learning Disabilities in Family-Like Children According to Demographic Variables [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Welfare Organization Street Children in Iran and Governmental Approaches [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Welfare State Strategies of Economic Development and Social Justice [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Well-being Methods of Equivalence Scales: An Application for Iran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Well-being What’s Social Policy? [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Well-being Well-being as a Multidimensional Concept: In Search of different Concepts and Definitions [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: Wellbeing Analysing "Social Affairs" and "Wellbeing and Social Security Sector" Budgets During the Last Two Decades [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Wheat Evaluating the Effects of Globalization on Poverty Measures [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Wickedness Crime Study of Relation between Child Abuse by Parents and Wickedness of their Child (Case Study: Wickedness Delinquents of Khuzestan Prisons) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Williamson coefficient Assessing the Provinces' Level of Development in Terms of Education, Health and Migration Indicators [Volume 21, Number 83]
:: Withdrawal Symptoms. Withdrawal Symptoms in Drug Dependents on Bam During the First Two Weeks after the Earthquake [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Wives Wives Running away from Home: A Survey on Psycho-Social Factors Authors [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Women Corona Home-quarantine Opportunity Creation Model Based on Perceived Opportunities and Threats [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: Women Relationship between Types of Capital and Healthy Lifestyle in Sanandaj Women [Volume 16, Number 61]
:: Women Social Analysis of the Street Harassment and the Passive Reactions to it (Case Study: Female Students of Mazandaran University) [Volume 16, Number 60]
:: Women The Lived Experience and Satisfaction of Women with the Subsidy Targeting Program through Cash Transfer: A Qualitative Research in Tehran [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Women The Influence of Less Penlty Support on Women Offence [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Women Income Poverty, Only One Aspect of Female Headed Houshold's Poverty [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Women Fear of Crime among Women at Public Spaces [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Women A Study on Social Problems of Wives of Drug Dependent Men in a Catchment Area of Tehran [Volume 7, Number 29]
:: Women Status of Mental Health Research Concerning Women In Iran Over the Past 3 Decades [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Women Society Structure and Violence Against Women [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Women Factors Influencing Women Harassment:The Case Study of Tehran Family [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women A Review on the Prevalence and the Patterns of Drug Abuse in Women in Iran [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women Women: The Multiplied Poverty [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women Employment Effects on Women Health [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women The obstacles of Women's Political Co-Operation in Iran after Revolution [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women Perceived Organizational Bullying Relationship With Women’s Stress [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Women Incest: Context, Aggressor’s Strategies and Victim’s Responses [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Women Harassment Some Characters of Victims of Women Harassment who Refered to Tehran Forensic Medicine. [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Women affected by spouse’s infidelity Comparison of the Effectiveness of Forgiveness-based Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment-based therapy on Marital Boredom and Life Orientation of Women Affected by Infidelity [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: Women as victims of spousal violence Comparison of Hopelessness, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Women with and without the Experience of Spousal Violence in Isfahan [Volume 21, Number 80]
:: Women-headed Households Socio-Economic and Cultural Condition of Women-Headed Households in Mazandaran Province [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Women-headed households Women-Headed Households in Tehran: A Qualitative Study of Their Experiences, Challenges and Capacities [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: Women’s health indicators, Women’s health information, Women’s Health management, Women’s health services Women Health Management: Policies, Research, and Services [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Work Ethics Work Ethics among State Office Employees of the Tehran Provincial Administration [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Work and Social life Balanc Examining Teleworking Linkage with Improvement of Work And Social Life Balance [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Written A Sociological Survey of Comments Written on University's Classroom Walls [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Yazd An nalyzing the strategies of female head and non-head of the household in creating happiness in the family environment; (a qualitative study in the city of Yazd) [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: Yazd Five lessons from Five Experiences: From a community - Based Addiction Prevention Program In Neighborhood Areas in the City of Yazd [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Yazd province. Classification and assessment of the spatial the range of healthy sustainable urban development approach using techniques Entropy-VIKOR, TOPSIS and GIS (Case study of Yazd province) [Volume 15, Number 58]
:: Young Study of Mental Health in Tehran's Adolescents and Youngs [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Young Females Epidemiology of Suicide Thoughts and Suicide Attempts in Young Girls at High-risk Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Young Men and Women A Study on Impacts of Socio-Familial Factors on Gender-Related Attitude of Youths in the Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Young girls and boys Social Factors Affecting on Body Management in Youth and Young Girls and Boys in the City of Isfahan [Volume 17, Number 67]
:: Young people Phenomenological Exploration of Young People’s Sexual Understanding [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: Youngest Tendency A Survey of Effective on Companion and Association with Bad Command Group and Youngsters Tendency to Addiction [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Youth The Survey of Youth Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior toward Ecstasy Use in Northwestern Districts of Tehran [Volume 5, Number 21]
:: Youth Effective Factors on the Youth Abnormal Behaviors in Suburban Areas in Sari and Babol Cities [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Youth employment The Determinants of Gender Equality in Youth Employment in Developing Countries [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: Youth of Tehran. The Relationship Between Economic and Social Capitals and the Formation of Social Aspiration in the Youth Living in Tehran [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: Youths Sociological Analysis of Economic Sense of Anomie among Youths of Iran [Volume 6, Number 25]
:: Zanjan The Role of Internal and External Locus of Control in Relapse of Addiction in Occupational Therapy Camp of Zanjan [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Zanjan. The Study of Social Capital in Zanjan Province [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: absolute overpopulation, Iran, optimum population, relative overpopulation Sustainable development. Population and Sustainable Development in Iran [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: abuse, depression, family form, psychedelic The Correlation between Family Form, Psychedelic Abuse, and Youth Depression [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: academic enthusiasm A Study of Related Factors Leading to Divorce from the Viewpoints of Mahmudabad’s Couples Filing for Divorce in 1396-1397 [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: adolescent, Ardebil, parented, psychological hardiness, unparented The Comparison between Parented and Unparented [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: adolescent, Ardebil, parented, psychological hardiness, unparented. The Comparison between Parented and Unparented Adolescents in Terms of Psychological Hardiness. [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: adolescent, beharioral intention, demographic variables, substance abuse, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Factors Associated with Substance Abuse in Adolescents by Using the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: adolescent, communication skills, control group, highschool boys self-differentiation The Efficiency of Communication Skills Training on [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: adolescents Predicting Risk Taking Behavior by Exposure to Domestic Violence Among Khorram-Abad Adolescents [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: adolescents. Predicting Suicide Ideation Based on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Mediated by Thwarted Belongingness among Adolescents [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: almost ideal demand system, compensating variation, energy subsides, shadow prices Welfare Effects of Energy Price Changing (1997-2006)(In Transportation and Housing Sectors of Iran) [Volume 10, Number 36]
:: and Regulation. The Role of Governmental Organizations Responsible for Control and Management of Social Crises in Iran [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: attitude, Marriage, Temporary marriage, tendency People’s Attitude toward Temporary Marriage [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: basic freedoms, capability, development plan, quality of life, Sen’s sustainability index, sustainable development Capability and Sustainable Development in the Third and Forth Development Plans of Iran Considering “Amartia Sen”’s Approach [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: belief Tendency to drug use among high school students(Case Study: Marivan High Schools) [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: biosocial. Biosocial study of patients with thalassemia: a foundation data study [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: broken home, domestic violence, family conflict, parents’ addiction parents’ supervision on the children, runaway child. Family Factors Related to Being a Runaway Child in Khorramabad [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: child abuse, punishment, family, social isolation, disorder relationships. Family Factors of Child Abuse [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: childhood period. Spirituality development during childhood; a latent approach for health and social improvement [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: children and teenagers deprived of their freedom Correctional and education center in Iran: analysis of the current situation and design of the desired situation [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: children protecting The Legal Innovation on Children Protecting Act and the Fore coming obstacles [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: citizenship and urban management, participation, Tehran, urban affairs * Ph. Participation in Urban Affairs and Its Requirements in City of Tehran [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: citizenship behavior The Relationship between Quality of Work Life, Performance, Stress, Job Satisfaction [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: cognitive behavioral group training, handicapped, life Skills, mental health. Efficacy of cognitive behavioral group training of life skills on mental health of women with handicapped spouses [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: common principles of social security, particular principles of social security, contributory system, assistance system. A Critical Study of the Application of the Governing Principles of Social Security in Iran's Law [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: communication skills The Role of Communication Skills in Family Function on Married Students [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: conscious marriage Meta-analysis of suicide studies in Iran [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: consumption expenditure inequality, household budget, income inequality, Iran. Relationship between Income Inequality and Expenditure Inequality [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: consumption expenditures, education, food expenditures, Gini coefficient, health, inequality, Theil index. Inequality trend of selected items of consumption household basket in Tehran: 1989-2006 [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: crime justification, deviant label, mayhem, murder, violence Factors Related to Violence among Youths Aged between 18-35 in Kerman Prison [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: criminal protection, rape, sexual offences, women’s victimization. Critical approach to criminal protection of victim women of rape in Iran law [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: cultural development, cultural indicators, decision indicators, Isfahan, planning Rating Isfahan`s Areas in Terms of Cultural Services Based on Multiple Indicators Decision Making [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: cultural factors The Family Medicine and Its Role on Social, Cultural and Economic Factors in Rural Area [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: cultural organizations Investigate Infractions and Corruption with Emphasized the Legal and Cultural Factors in Recreation and Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Isfahan [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: culture of poverty Narrative Analysis of culture of poverty among female heads of households in the 19th district of Tehran in 1399 [Volume 22, Number 87]
:: culture of poverty The Relationship between Urban Poverty and Poverty Culture in the Slum Areas of Arak [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: democracy, social trust, fatalism, socio-economic base Sociocultural Factors and the Acceptability of Democracy [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: demographic factors predicting Depression based on social support and cognitive factors in orphan children [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: despite the various progr Study of Poverty Indicators in the Urban Areas of Hormozgan Province Using Linear Expenditure System (LES) during 4th and 5th Development Plans: Household Budjet Survey [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: development plan The Historical Roots of Development and Programing Thought in Iran [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: differentiation Develop a paradigm model for applying the social entrepreneurship approach in the field of employment of people with physical disabilities [Volume 23, Number 88]
:: disposition Developing a conceptual model of "family productivity" with an emphasis on the economic aspect using thematic analysis method [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: divorce, income, property crime, robbery, unemployment. Relationship between Unemployment and Robbery in Iran [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: domestic violence, women, health education A review of studies about efficacy of public health interventions for prevention of domestic violence against women [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: educational achievement, females, identity styles, responsibility, Tehran. The Relationship between Identity Styles and Responsibility with Educational Achievement in High School Students in Tehran [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: emotional reactions [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: employment, shift-share analysis, Iran, middle East and north Africa, women. Trends of Female Employment in Iran: A Study Using Shift-Share Analysis [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: empowerment, head-of-household women, support agencies. Methods Used for Empowering Head-of-Household Women [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: entrepreneurship, promotion, women. Promotion Plans of Women Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: factor Analysis, Principal Factor Analysis, social capital, Ranking of social capital Determining Appropriate Indicators Measuring Social Capital in Agricultural Colleges Ranking [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: factors of urban poverty, poverty gap index, the head count index, urban poverty. Factors Related to Urban Poverty during 1363-1385 (1984-2006) [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: family Family - Based Drug Abuse Primary Prevention [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: family consequences, individual consequences, running-away girls, social consequences. Consequences of Girls’ Running-Away [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: family courts, life skills, spouse abuse, Tehran The Relationship between Life Skills and Spouse Abuse in Couples Referred to Family Courts of Tehran [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: family functioning - high risk schools - resilience- substance use The Relationship between Family Functioning and Resilience Against Substance Use in Male Students at High Risk High Schools [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: family social capital Comparison of brain-behavioral systems, family social capital and emotional control of delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent boys [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: food-style, healthy nutrition, sociology of food, Tabriz, unhealthy nutrition A Sociological Analysis of Food-Style among Tabriz Citizens [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: gender Gender Differences in Social Health: the Role of Individualism-Collectivism [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: gender equity Representation of Discursive Conflicts of Gender Equity in Development plans of I.R. Iran [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: gender, gender differences, gender setreotypes, sex, Yazd university A Study of Gender Setreotypes among Yazd University Students [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: general health. The effect of social-emotional skills training to enhance general health in the teachers in Primary Schools [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: goals and means Anomie Theory of Durkheim and Merton, imilarities, Differences and Methods of Measurement [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: good governance Measuring Inclusive Development in Iran (1981-2016) [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: group counseling, self-esteem, sources of self-knowledge. Efficacy of Group Counseling on Self-Esteem of High School Female Students [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: head of household Investigating the Moderating Role of Social Intelligence in the Relationship between Social Frustration and Life Expectancy in Female-headed Households [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: head-of-household women, empowerment, public education, skill learning, income-earning plan Economic, Cultural, and Educational Factors Related to Empowerment of Head-of-Household Women [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: human resources productivity. Investigating the Effective Factors on Human Resources Productivity in Tehran’s Easter Branches of Social Security [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: hypothesis of symmetry and homogeneity Investigating the Food Baskets in Urban Households of Iran Using System Requirements Equations [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: identity The Role of Agentic Personality, Social capital, Moral Intelligence and Psychological Capital in Predicting Identity States [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: ineffective government Representation of urban subalterns in Ettela'at newspaper(۱۹۲۶-۱۹۵۳): inefficient state and powerless subjects in struggle for survival [Volume 23, Number 89]
:: informal settlement (impoverished areas), empowerment, social asset, poverty reduction Relieving Poverty and Providing Welfare for Informal Settlements with Empowerment Approach [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: institutionalization Social Policy and Changes in the Health System in Iran [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: instrument Construction and validation of the short form of social health questionnaire in Iran (SHQ16) [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: intervention. A Comparative Study of Aging Support Policies in Iran and Sweden [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: job characteristic. Relation between Retirement Activities Expectations, Actual Retirement Activities and Job Characteristics [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: job classification, mental health, Welfare Organization, Women. Relationship between job classification and mental health in employed women [Volume 11, Number 40]
:: key1,key2 the test title the test title the test title the test title the test title []
:: kuznets Hypothesis Relationship between Minimum Wage and Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 8, Number 33]
:: life satisfaction Children’s Subjective Well-being; Review on Definitions and Measures [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: lived experience. Lived Experience of the Social Suffering of the Parents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Child [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: local council Neighbourhood Watch: A New Approach in Public participation [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: male offspring of addicted fathers (Sons of addicted parents), resiliency, social support, drug abuse, social control. The Relationship of Social Support and Social Control with Resiliency against Drug Abuse in the Male Offspring of Addicted Fathers [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: marginalized women Compilation and validation of Improve Personal skills training package for women living in marginalized areas [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: marital satisfaction. Designing a causative model of addiction relapse of married addicts based on personality and employment status with the mediator role of marital satisfaction [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: mentorship Evaluation of Mentorship Approach to Improve the Quality of Community-Based Interventions (CBI) for Drug Abuse Prevention in Iran [Volume 19, Number 75]
:: meta analysis A Meta-analysis of Population Growth Impact on Economic Growth [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: meta-analysis A Meta-Analysis of the Needs and Priorities of Life for Women-Headed Households with a Sociological Approach [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: neighborhood Ghiam Satisfaction Analysis of Quality of Life Standards in Urban Deteriorated Fabric (Case Study: Ghiam Neighbourhood in 12-region of Tehran City) [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: normalization The validaton of Violence Scal Child Exposure to Domestic [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: numeric taxonomy The effect of Human Capital on Quality of Life in Provinces [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: panel data model Non-linear effects of social welfare on multidimensional poverty in developing countries [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: panel data techniques Investigating Main Determinants of Private Healthcare Expenditure and Their Effects between Different Income Levels in Asian Countries [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: parand city Residential Satisfaction and its Related Factors among the Residents in Mehr Housing Project of Parand City [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: participation in voluntary activities The status of social hope among adults in Tehran [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: participation, citizen, civic affairs, urban management, SWOT SWOT Analysis of Citizens’ Participation in Civic Affairs in Tehran [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: patients-clients Market-Seeking in Cosmetic Surgery: Women's Lived Experiences in Beauty Clinics [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: patterns of the desirable social security Legal Analysis of Iran’s Social Security in Light of the Principles and Patterns of a Desirable Social Security System [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: payment card Willingness to pay of Isfahan Social Security Organization insured for Catastrophic cost of medicine prescriptions [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: pension system Evaluation of the Sustainability of the Pension System: A Case Study on Iranian Social Security Organization [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: performing multiple roles Studying the experience of playing the role of the job - family by female-headed households with an emphasis on subway female peddlers [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: positive mental health literacy Mental Health Positive Knowledge Questionnaire: Translation and Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: positive or negative discrimination. Jurisprudential Foundations of Fitting (making appropriate environments) for the Disabled People [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: poverty Child Labor: Concepts and Approaches [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: poverty line, absolute poverty line, FGT index Poverty in Kerman Province [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: poverty, vulnerability, poverty line, logit model. logit model, poverty, poverty line , vulnerability Measuring Household Vulnerability to Poverty in City Of Tehran [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: prevention Risk Factors and Prevention of Delinquency in Children and Adolescents on Perspectives of Judges, Social Workers and School Principals of Mazandaran Province [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: psychological interventions Social, and psychological treatment of childhood obesity [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: public health and governance factors Designing a Welfare Governance Model in the Country [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: public opinion The Populist Aspects of Penal Policy of Iran against Economic Corruption [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: quality of life Analysis of the Relationship between Good Governance of countries and Urban Quality of Life [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: quality of life in school. The Effectiveness of Family Strengthening Program on Increasing Adolescents’ Mental Health [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: quality of life. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Growth of Elderly Life Expectancy; Case Study: Nursing homes in Karaj [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: rational choice. Sociological analysis of the type of attitude and behavior of married women with extramarital relationships toward extramarital relationships [Volume 23, Number 90]
:: related factors to divorce A Study of Related Factors Leading to Divorce from the Viewpoints of Mahmudabad’s Couples Filing for Divorce in 1396-1397 [Volume 20, Number 77]
:: religious identity The Study of Relationship between Social Capital and Social Identity Among Citizens of Rasht [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: religiousness, social capital, social network, social norm, social trust. The Relationship between Religiousness and Social Capital in the City of Najafabad, Isfahan [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: residential area a pathological assessment of social housing (Mehr) taking an approach toward social class inequality and urban deviation in Tabriz [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: residents of Tehran Healthy Community as Conceptualized by Residents of Tehran City [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: resiliency The Relation of Social Support and Coping Style with Resiliency in Delinquent Male Adolescents [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: resource accessibility, citizenship, feeling of citizenship, personality system, students Factors Related Feeling of Citizenship Among the Students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: road traffic injuries. Investigating the Effect of Transportation Development Indicators on Road Traffic Casualties [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: rural production cooperative, social capital, cooperative members, Koohdasht County, Lorestan province The Situation of Social Capital in Rural Production Corporations in Koohdasht County of Lorestan Province and Its Factors [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: sStructural barriers Analysis of Obstacles Related to the Development of Social Security of Farmers, Villagers, and Nomads in Kermanshah County [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: scoping review. A comparative study of household vulnerability: A scoping review of the areas and measurement methods [Volume 24, Number 94]
:: self understanding Self and Crime: Role of Integration Therapy on Improvement of Self Undersranding of addicted Offenders [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: self-employment An Investigation of Postgraduate Students’ Attitude toward Self-Employment (Case study of Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University in Kermanshah) [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: sexual dissatisfaction Analyzing the Psycho-social Processes of Transgender Students in University of Tehran [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: sexual harassment Examining the consequences of sexual harassment by blood relative [Volume 22, Number 84]
:: showing film Study of the effectiveness of three preventive methods from drug abuse (training life skills, representing poster and catalogue and showing film) on information dissemination approach on changing Students' attitude towards drug abuse in the high schools [Volume 21, Number 82]
:: social Tolerance, Leniency, indifferentism, intolerance, prejudice. Social Tolerance and Its Components [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: social capital, human capital, identity sources, knowledge sources, trust, social participation Identity and Knowledge Sources Role in Social Capital Formations [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: social capital, religiousness, Law, Law-abiding, Law-evasion, attitude to law. Factors of Law-abiding among Citizens of Yazd [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: social capital, social determinants of health, social health. Correlation of Social Capital with Social Health in Iran [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: social capital, social trust, civil society, voluntary associations Relationship between Voluntary Associations Membership and Social Trust (A Case Study of Mazandaran University Students) [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: social development Components and Dimensions of Social Development in Development Programs [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: social distinction The Impact of Cultural and Economic Capitals on Social Distinction: With an Emphasis on Ownership of a Luxury Car [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: social participation. Social Capital Condition among Rural Bread Winner Women [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: social policy The institutional context of the health system and its developments in Iran [Volume 21, Number 81]
:: social policy Examining Health Related Policies in Development Plans (1 to 6) within the framework of Social Policy [Volume 20, Number 79]
:: social problems. Analysis of Technics and Types of Vulnerable Groups Problems Construction by Tehran Province NGOs [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: social protection Provide a Model for Media Policy Making in Iran’s Social Security Organization [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: social services. The "Japanese -Style Welfare State" and the Delivery of Rehabilitation and Social Services [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: social solidarity. Sociological explanation of social solidarity in Shahrekord [Volume 20, Number 78]
:: social status Recognition of the Components of the Social Base and Its Relation with the Tendency to the Homelessness in Tehran [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: social status Relationships with Opposite Sex and the Factors Effecting on these relations [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: social support Socio-Economic Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Tehranian Citizens [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: social trust Designing the Media Policy Model of Iran Social Security Organization [Volume 18, Number 69]
:: social welfare index. Estimating social welfare in Iran using a new composite index [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: social work Suggested Social Policies to Control Social Harms in Iran [Volume 18, Number 70]
:: socialism Ideological Conflict in the Second and Third Development Plan in Iran [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: socioeconomic status The Relationship between Communities and Subjective Well-Being of Children Aged 10 to 12 Years in the Sixth District of Tehran [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: socioeconomic status. The study of the status of living standards and related socioeconomic factors among the elderly in Tehran [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: sociology of disasters The Role of Disasters Sociology in Crisis Management [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: space Citizens Position in Arnestein's Ladder: Gender Analysis of Participatory Dimentsion of Right ti the city [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: sports participation The role of motivating sports participation in the social well-being and social identity of female students of the first secondary school of knowledge in rural Jajarm city [Volume 24, Number 93]
:: structural pattern Mental Well-being Modeling Based on Educational, Social, Emotional, Physical, and Security Climate of School through Mediation of Academic Resilience [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: student. Prevention of suicide in Iranian teenagers; A scoping review [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: students The Effect of Teachers` Language of Possibility on the Nurturing of the Students` Multiple literacies [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: students Relationship between Emotional Self-regulation and Responsibility with Social Relations of Students [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: students Identifying Signs of Child Neglect among Children of Tehran (Physical and Behavioral Signs) [Volume 15, Number 56]
:: students Investigating the Relationship between Internet Use and Life Style among Students: a Case Study on Isfahan University’ Students [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: subcultures Studying the cohabitation subculture in metropolis Tehran (backgrounds and consequents) [Volume 18, Number 71]
:: subsidies, goal-directed subsidies, price inefficiencies, organizational infficiences. * Subsidies, Price Disturbances, Institutional – Structural Inefficiencies [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: subsidizing program, in-kind subsidies, hyper-inflation and consumption. Targeting Households in Subsidizing Program Despite of Unequal Information [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: subsidy , growth , energy , input-output The Effects of Energy Carelers' Subsidy Targeting on Social Welfare through Economic Growth [Volume 12, Number 44]
:: subsidy policy, social wefare, income inequality, Iranian economy Welfare Analysis of Subsidy Policy in Iranian Economy [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: substance use. Religiosity, Self Control and Tendency to Substance Abuse among University Students [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: suicidal behavior.‎ A Meta- synthesis of Studies Conducted on Suicide in Iran [Volume 22, Number 85]
:: task-oriented approach Approaches of Islamic Ideology to interfere or not to interfere in the area of divergence [Volume 19, Number 73]
:: teachers Social Health and Self-Efficacy of Teachers with an Emphasis on Gender Role Self-Concept [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: the Second national conference of social problems of Iran. Systematic Review of the Presented Articles in Second National Conference of Social Problems of Iran [Volume 18, Number 68]
:: unexpected disaster Bam Earthquake and Social worker Charter in natural disaster, with an approach to Bam Earthquake [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: unit of analysis Introduction to Empirical Research with Clustering Effects with a Focus on Unit of Analysis in Randomization and Treatment [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: urban accidents Role of Management of Urban Disasters and Accidents In the Sense of Security and Welfare of Citizens [Volume 23, Number 91]
:: urban household income and expenditure survey Identification of Effective Variables on the share of Household Income From Direct Subsidies in Tehran [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: validity and reliability. Determining Reliability and Validity of Persian Version of Scale of Spirituality among Older Iranian Population [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: village Analysis of quality of rural life in Iran using Fuzzy method [Volume 17, Number 65]
:: violence. Development and Validation of a Short Form Questionnaire to Measuring Wife Abuse [Volume 19, Number 72]
:: voluntary behaviors. Social Factors Related to Alturism among Teachers [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: weak and strong social relations. The Role of Formal and Informal Relationships (Social Relations Network) in Students’ Employment (Case Study: Kharazmi University) [Volume 17, Number 64]
:: welfare Comparing Iran's per capita welfare changes Due to Increase in Inequality in 2003 and 2011 [Volume 16, Number 62]
:: welfare loss, boot strop, guarantee price, subsidy prices, wheat Welfare Effects of Agricultural Policies in Wheat and Bread Markets [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: welfare organizations A Study on Challanges and Limitations of Implementation of the Comprehensive Welfare System and Social Security in Iran [Volume 16, Number 63]
:: welfare. The Influence of Participation Norms on Welfare [Volume 14, Number 52]
:: women's cancer The Impact of Using Social Networks on Women’s Awareness of Their Physical Health [Volume 24, Number 92]
:: women. Women's sexuality from temporary marriage: a phenomenological study [Volume 24, Number 95]
:: women. The Relationship between Women’s Self-concept and Their Political Participation in Tehran in 2007 [Volume 19, Number 74]
:: women. Narrative of Women,s Experiences in Promotion to Professorship at Universities of Iran [Volume 17, Number 66]
:: ‘Up-down’ Reasoning Assessing Effective Factors on Poverty Using Bayesian Networks [Volume 7, Number 28]

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