Volume 16, Issue 63 (3-2017)                   refahj 2017, 16(63): 159-183 | Back to browse issues page

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Taban M, hashemi M, mahmoudian O. (2017). Investigating the Effective Factors on Human Resources Productivity in Tehran’s Easter Branches of Social Security . refahj. 16(63), 159-183.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2721-en.html
Abstract:   (10411 Views)

Introduction:  The  Social Security Organization is a complex, vital and effective organization, so that in the current  century, continuation of sustainable and comprehensive development in the country without the support of this organization is hardly possible.  Human resources are unique capital for the Social  Security Organization, which is a service-oriented organization, and can play a major role in organizational productivity. During  recent decades,  the improvement of competitiveness and profitability through improved productivity, has been the most controversial issue in organizations.

Method: This study aimed to investigate the effective factors on enhancing the human resources productivity in the Social Security Organization. To do this, obstacles and solutions of human resources productivity were identified.  Using the survey method and Fuzzy DEMATEL technique, 17 employees and managers of  Tehran’s Easter branches of the Social Security Organization who had a Masters’ degree and above answered questions regarding the concept of human resources productivity in the Social Security Organization.

Findings: Social Security Organization is one of the service-oriented organizations whose human resources play a unique role in economic, social and cultural development which provide a better future for the society. The ultimate goal of improving productivity as a driving force of economic development, is to improve the quality of life of every human being. To investigate the aforementioned issue, based on the results of factor analysis, 28 factors were identified. Then, 7 of these which were repeated in further research were chosen as the effective factors on the enhancement of human resources productivity at the Social Security Organization. The results showed that the amount of attention paid to the creativity and innovation and job promotion conditions are the main barriers to the enhancement of the human resources productivity. Moreover, knowledge and experience, management style, management commitment and adherence to the rules and regulations are the factors which play a role in improving the productivity of human resources and should be prioritized. The variable salary and motivational benefits neither was affected by any other variables, nor had an effect on other variables. It was an independent variable with regard to enhancing the human resources productivity.

Discussion: Human beings are the most effective factors of production, because if they cannot use tools, advanced equipment and technology, advances in technology will be inefficient in practice. The Social Security Organization which seeks to provide a simple, balanced life for the people via improvement of human resources productivity will be able to increase the quality, the extension of social security and customer satisfaction in the society.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/03/13 | Accepted: 2017/03/13 | Published: 2017/03/13

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