Volume 17, Issue 64 (4-2017)                   refahj 2017, 17(64): 199-235 | Back to browse issues page

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Khammar G, Mohammadi B, Dehbashi V, Esmaeilpour Moghadam H. (2017). Evaluation of Trust Indices to E-City Network Using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and RBF Network (Case Study of Ghir City). refahj. 17(64), 199-235.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2869-en.html
Abstract:   (4255 Views)
Introduction: Using the information technology (IT) and Electronic Life theory can be a suitable way of  changing the current status of cities or at least minimizing related problems. Trust is one of the major issues which affects the acceptance of electronic city. In this study, the main focus was to identify the elements related to the trust of citizens to the electronic city which was carried out through studying the parameters affecting  trust with the aim of  determining the effective elements . Also, the performance of the two methods used in evaluating the elements was compared..
Method: It is a descriptive-analytic research based on studying documents and library references as well as  field study and survey  city of Ghir. Data and information were collected based on existing facts of the city and asking questions from  citizens and related experts. Using random sampling method and  Cochran’s formula 350 individuals out of 18200 were selected as the sampling population.
Ressults:: The results of the sensitivity analysis of this study showed that trust to the network , features of citizens, the quality of the network, and citizens' trust respectively have the priority in  determining the rate of trust to electronic city. In other words, in order to raise the trust of citizens in the electronic city, the trust to the network parameter is more important and with more Internet security, public and private networks and electronic city technology, more effective steps can be taken to increase citizens' confidence in the electronic city. The results of this study indicate the high ability of RBF neural network performance and neural fuzzy system to estimate the trust rate of electronic city. By comparing the performance of the two methods of neural network RBF and neural fuzzy system, it was observed that the function of the neural fuzzy system is relatively better and more accurate.
Discussion: It is suggested that urban managers increase the level of trust in the electronic city and increase the acceptance and usage of the electronic city by citizens, according to the order of importance of indicators of trust in the electronic city and the priority.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/07/29 | Accepted: 2017/07/29 | Published: 2017/07/29

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