Volume 12, Issue 44 (8-2012)                   refahj 2012, 12(44): 231-257 | Back to browse issues page

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Bazi K, Kiyani A, zarei Y. (2012). Informal Settelment in Relation to Spatial Deffrences and Increase Socail Security and Crime . refahj. 12(44), 231-257.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-920-en.html
Abstract:   (8140 Views)


  Introduction : Informal settlement in cities is basically due to several factors, some of the most important factors are heterogeneous development and imbalance availability in using facilities in urban and rural areas. There for, this condition has an undeniable impact on the rate of crime and other social problems.

  Methods : This study was conducted by using survey questionnaires and observations in 1388 in Bushehr . Numbers of questionnaires were completed for 162 people in the central prison of Bushehr. Questionnaires have been randomly distributed among the people based on their economic situations and social dimensions of space. Analyzing of the data was conducted using Pearson's coefficient and statistical softwares SPSS, Excel, and Geographic Information System (GIS).

  Findings : Research findings have shown that the largest amount of crime have been in Jabri and Saleh Abad , being 14.5 percent and 9.67 percent respectively. And the lowest amount of crime belongs to Dehdashti, Behbahani, Poor and Behesht Sadegh with 1.16 percent. In addition, there is a significant relationship between the number of crime and housing status (p<0.01)

  Conclusion : Results have shown that factors such as poor financial situation, poor housing, living place, lack of good jobs, and having informal jobs and low income, are aspects of visual informal settlements which help us to find criminal areas in order to prevent some crimes such as theft, smuggling and illegal ways to earn income . Also suggestions are given to reduce crime and increase security in this regard.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2013/01/16 | Published: 2012/08/15

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