Volume 17, Issue 64 (4-2017)                   refahj 2017, 17(64): 237-259 | Back to browse issues page

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valadbaigi E, nickbakht I, lashkari A. (2017). Tendency to drug use among high school students(Case Study: Marivan High Schools) . refahj. 17(64), 237-259.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2870-en.html
Abstract:   (6724 Views)
Introduction: Adolescence is a sensitive and high-risk period in life which may turn people into drug use and addiction. However, modification of people's attitude towards drugs is an effective way of preventing addiction. Therefore, this hypothesis can be suggested that modifying the attitude of adolescent towards drug could be effective in preventing drug addiction in a society. However, prior to modifying adolescents’ attitude towards addiction, it is important to understand their attitude in the first place. This study investigates the tendency of high school students in Marivan to addiction.
Method: The study was a cross-sectional survey. Using cluster random sampling, 385  public high school students studying in the first, second and third grad were selected. After omitting the incomplete questionnaires, 367 questionnaires were analyzed.
Findings: According to the  descriptive findings, 60.35% of students were male and 39.65 percent were female . 33.5 percent of students studied  in the first year of high school, 30 percent in the second year of high school and of 33.5 percent  studied in the third year of high school. The correlation between the "commitment" and “drug addiction tendencies” variables among students after controlling other independent variables (consistency, involvement and belief) decreased from (-0/471) to (-0/394). Also, the correlation of the "involvement" variables after controlling  other independent variables (commitment, consistency and belief) decreased from (-0/139) to (-0/118). The partial correlation between belief and consistency with the dependent variable (the tendency to drug use), was respectively, -0.097 and -0.076. Multivariate regression analysis showed that multiple correlation of four  variables (commitment, involvement, consistency and belief), with “tendency to drug use” was 0.532 (0.532 = R). The amount of the adjusted coefficient (R²Adj.) showed that 28.1% of the changes in drug use tendency were predicted by the variables of commitment, involvement, consistency and belief. In addition, the value of F test  (13.661) and the significance level (0.001) shows that the model is significant at 0.99%.
Discussion: The findings of this study, confirms the foundations and underlying assumptions of Hirsch’s social bonding theory. Thus, the components of "commitment", "consistency", "belief" and "involvement" have an impact  on delinquency and deviation (the tendency to consume drugs in this study) and are inversely correlated to it. The greater the amount of commitment, involvement, consistency  and belief among students are, the lower is their tendency to drug use.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/07/29 | Accepted: 2017/07/29 | Published: 2017/07/29

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