Volume 10, Issue 39 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2011)                   refahj 2011, 10(39): 85-121 | Back to browse issues page

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Riahi M E, Aliverdinia A, Pourhossein Z. (2011). Relationship between Social Support and Mental Health. refahj. 10(39), 85-121.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-322-en.html
Abstract:   (20531 Views)
Objective: The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between "emotional perceived social support" and "mental health". Furthermore, the present study seeks to investigate the direct and indirect effects of gender, religiosity, and social class (as sources of social support), as well as social support, on mental health status. Method: The study has been conducted via survey method and data collected by self-administered questionnaire. The universe of the study was students of the Mazandaran University, and 400 students were chosen through proportional stratified random sampling. Mental health status is measured by SCL-25 and social support is measured by the multidimensional scale of perceived social support by Zimet (1988). Findings: Almost one third of the students recognized as having proper mental health. More than half of the students received high level of social support, and family was its most important source followed by important others and friends. Female and those who were belonged to higher social class enjoyed the higher levels of social support. Furthermore, there was a direct, significant relationship between perceived social support and mental health, and gender difference in the rate of mental health is proved, showing that the male students enjoyed better mental health status than females. The relations of social class and religiosity with mental health of students were not significant. Also, gender, social class, and religiosity were associated with perceived social support. Finally, applying multivariate regression analysis, it has been appeared that the rate of students’ mental health was under direct influence of such variables as perceived social support and gender. Furthermore, such variables as social class and religiosity had indirect effects on mental health, through increasing social support. However, perceived social support was the strongest predictor of the students’ mental health. Conclusion: Enjoying high level of social support is a source of proper mental health. With respect to findings of this study, it is necessary that policy makers, focus on ways of promoting social support and religious beliefs, and pay more attention to mental health issues among female and lower social class students to increase their coping skills.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2011/04/11 | Published: 2011/01/15

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