Volume 14, Issue 54 (10-2014)                   refahj 2014, 14(54): 85-110 | Back to browse issues page

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Zivyar P, Daroudi M, Ramezan Sobhani A. (2014). Satisfaction Analysis of Quality of Life Standards in Urban Deteriorated Fabric (Case Study: Ghiam Neighbourhood in 12-region of Tehran City) . refahj. 14(54), 85-110.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1672-en.html
Abstract:   (5516 Views)

Introduction: The concept of quality of life at various levels has many applications, and provide a clear and comprehensive definition of it is difficult, which is why these words are still confused on various scientific literature is generally regarded as satisfactory life. Given the importance of the quality of life in different geographical levels in this thesis it is With a view to the neighborhood uprising in district 12 of Tehran criteria and standards defined quality of life be assessed.


Method: The method used in this thesis, the variety ‌ descriptive - analytic at the same time the number of 320 questionnaires were distributed at the neighborhood level that The questionnaire for this purpose 26 indicators examined in the study, a questionnaire in order to extract factors were assessed. The data analysis software such as SPSS and tested for normality test of data distribution, stepwise regression were used. 


Results: The results of this study indicate that residents' satisfaction levels rise in the built environment, economic environment and the social environment was low. However, the review and determine the factors that explain life satisfaction in this study, six factors were identified that Determine predictors of life satisfaction in the study area has the greatest impact on economic welfare.

 Discussion: The paper identified the economic prosperity, greater functionality than other factors in predicting satisfaction with the quality of life of the residents there
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/03/25 | Accepted: 2015/03/25 | Published: 2015/03/25

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