Ethics code: IR-FS-IHE1400-16548785
Abstract: (2324 Views)
Introduction:The purpose of this research is to study the lifestyle damage of students during the Corona Pandemic.
Methods: The current research is a qualitative type of research study. Its participants were 13 managers and officials, experts, experts and prominent professors in the field of both Corona virus Epidemiology and students' lifestyles, who were selected by purposeful sampling. The tool of data collection was an interview, which continued until reaching theoretical saturation as regards the research topic. For data analysis, the method of database theory has been used.
Findings: The damage to students' lifestyles during the Corona Pandemic was identified categorized into six categories, including academic performance decline, reduction of interpersonal relationships (social relationships), problematic use of the Internet, nutrition and exercise, mental health, and livelihood.
Discussion: Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the spread of the Corona virus has caused adverse effects in various aspects of students' lifestyles. Therefore, prevention and management of adverse effects is vitally important. Also, it is necessary to pay special attention to students in psychological interventions and other types of interventions, and special programs are necessary to reduce their problems.
Article number: 10
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2022/01/14 | Accepted: 2022/09/26 | Published: 2023/02/8
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