Volume 18, Issue 70 (2-2019)                   refahj 2019, 18(70): 141-180 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi M, Bahrami F, Esmaili R. (2019). Compilation of the Native Model of Sociological Barriers to Remarriage of Female Heads of Households Covered by the National Relief Committee of Iran in 1395. refahj. 18(70), 141-180. doi:10.29252/refahj.18.70.141
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3335-en.html
Abstract:   (4629 Views)
Introduction: The family and marriage institution has undergone significant changes in recent decades and has been transformed due to the speed of social change of marital attitudes. In the two censuses of 1385-1390, the number of female headed households has risen from 6.5 to 12.1 percent in the country’s household population, and unlike other countries that are witnessing a rise in marriage as divorce increases, in Iran re-marriage is faced with barriers, such that the rate of marriage of Iranian divorced women is 25% lower than the global rate. Most of these women are supported by supportive organs, and they remain in these organs because of non-remarriage until the end of their lives.
Method: A mixed methods research design was used in this reseach. The aim of this study was to develop a qualitative section of the native model of social factors preventing the marriage of female as heads of households, and in the quantitative part of the study, the focus was on the fitting of the conceptual model developed by the qualitative stage. In the first stage (qualitative) with exploratory interviewing method, the factors influencing the readiness of female head of household for re-marriage identification and systematic (open, axial, selective) coding of the theory of data were summarized.
In the second stage (quantitative), descriptive-analytic studies and the field Regression analysis was carried out using Amos22 and Spss24 software, and structural equation analysis, one way ANOVA, independent T test, correlation matrix, exploratory, and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. The domain of research in qualitative stage of all women as heads of households is 15 to 60 years old according to Assistant Relief Committee in 1395, experts in the field of marriage of women and women Lots, and texts related to women’s remarriage. The random sampling was carried out from the three sources to the saturated boundary. After studying and verifying the texts and related articles, interviews were conducted by a researcher with a sample of female headed households (N = 12) and Experts (N = 20) , and the data of all three sources of systemic coding of the theory were  separately derived from data analysis together with three strains of information in a combination (triangular). The target society in the quantitative stage of all women headed by households (aged 15-60) in the commission of the Relief Committee of Iran in 1959 was 520.962. The main sample size based on the formula 20-10 equation (Number of Variables), structural equation for two independent groups of female headed households (due to differences in the ways people would think of them and the chance of marriage (divorced women) (740),female widows (740), and the sample size of the pilot sample (0.1) was identified by the method of determining the proportion of the proportional to the volume, the target population of each one of the classes (provinces) was determined. Moreover, within the classes sampling was randomly done and replaced. The research instuments were a questionnaire of domestic marital deterrent factors of female head of household, whose items were confirmed by qualitative stage findings together with a survey of female headed households and faculty members and their content and structure. By performing a pilot study using factor analysis exploratory and confirmatory, convergent validity, diagnostic validity (p > 0.90), and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, α > 0.70) were tested and then field-tested to evaluate the fit of the developed model.
Findings: By unencrypted data, three stratified trivial data were collected and divided into 148 categories in axial coding based on the similarity of the subject in seven main themes (market supply and demand imbalance, uncoordinated rules of marriage, free-to-life relationships, lifestyle, social conscience, media, and other social barriers) were categorized in selective coding in a main category as the social deterrence factors of the marriage of women as heads of households and the native model of the barriers to marriage of women as heads of households based on the aforementioned results and the inference of the researcher and consultation with relevant experts was developed, and a questionnaire for measuring the fit of the model was made. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the indigenous model presented (qualitatively) fitted the social barriers to remarriage of women as heads of households with field data (coefficient of determination > 0.73), and the native conceptual model developed in the qualitative stage was confirmed. There is a significant relationship between the independent variables (social factors) and the dependent variable (readiness for remarriage). In sum, it can be said that sociological factors have a deterrent effect on the level of readiness for the remarriage of female headed households.
Discussion: The average retardation rate for social factors below the average and the categories of supply imbalance and demand for re-marriage and free-sex relations between the two sexes respectively have the most deterrent effect on the level of readiness of married women in the households and the rate of readiness for remarriage in the group of divorced women was significantly higher than that of widows’ groups. With increasing age of women, increasing number of children, and having a female child, the level of readiness for re-marriage of female heads of households decreases, but the diversity of the place of residence, ethnicity, does not affect it
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2019/01/27 | Accepted: 2019/01/27 | Published: 2019/01/27

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