Volume 13, Issue 50 (1-2014)                   refahj 2014, 13(50): 317-331 | Back to browse issues page

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Talebi Siyavashani F, Noori Khajavi M. (2014). Reasons of Worriness in Elite University Students. refahj. 13(50), 317-331.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1364-en.html
Abstract:   (5786 Views)

Introduction: The present research has studied the worry among elite university students. There are few studies that survey the normal worry in non-clinical population. Since in this research the reasons and stubs of worry of elite university students who are non-clinical, gifted people is studied, due to by knowing these, their capacities can be more bud.


Method: Present study is a qualitative and descriptive-Analytic research. Studied sample consisted of 18 university students (7 medical students and 11 engineer students) who were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used was semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed with content analyze of inductive-deductive method.


Findings: The outcome showed that reasons of worry in elite students Arises from multiple factors which some of them are common among two groups, including: worry for lack of suitable context for out breaking of their capacities, worry for expecting social dignity, worry of lack of idealistic education facilities. Some of reasons particularly were seen in medical students such as worry for study in higher levels and economic issues. Worry for lack of suitable context for out breaking capacities was observed in all of students.


Discussion: Unavailable of background for using taught knowledge as well as appearance of abilities are the main reasons of worry in elite students. These factors have direct relation with self-actualization. In fact elite students worry because they predict that there is not condition for them to being creative and to emersion their abilities. On the other side elite students view themselves, able for solving the minimum things, because they believe current circumstances of society and affective factors on their futures are too uncontrollable.

Keywords: Elite student, Worry.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2014/03/17 | Accepted: 2014/03/17 | Published: 2014/03/17

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