Volume 16, Issue 63 (3-2017)                   refahj 2017, 16(63): 281-313 | Back to browse issues page

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Agahi H, Ghorbani Piralidehi F, Seymohammadi S. (2017). An Investigation of Postgraduate Students’ Attitude toward Self-Employment (Case study of Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University in Kermanshah). refahj. 16(63), 281-313.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2725-en.html
Abstract:   (4790 Views)

   Introduction: Self-employment is the best option  to prepare people with higher education  to find employment in the labor market in the future. Since  attitude affects individuals’ behavior,  attitude towards self-employment also affects adoption of the self-employment . By strengthening students’ attitudes, they will have more employment opportunities in the future and effective steps will be taken towards social development, especially the development and improvement of the social status of young and educated generation.
In case of unfavorable attitude of the students, officials can prepare  appropriate curricula to improve students’ attitudes. Most of the studies in the higher education system that have examined entrepreneurial and self-employment attitudes of students  have used a series of preset scales. However, students live in different  contexts with regard to culture, society and the economic.  Therefore, there is the possibility that attitudes are different. Thus, the present study   aimed at investigating the  postgraduate students’ attitudes toward self-employment.
Method: The general approach of research was quantitative-qualitative and it was a practical study.  Q methodology was used in the qualitative part, but analysis was carried out using  SPSS software. In Q methodology , researchers select a sample of individuals who are  of particular relevance to the subject or have special ideas. The  population  in the quantitative part   consisted of postgraduate students in Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University in Kermanshah (112 doctoral students and 358 postgraduate students). To determine the sample size,  Morgan Table was applied and 212 individuals were randomly  selected. Also, in the  qualitative part, snow ball  sampling was used. Accordingly, some of the  postgraduate students were selected as a research sample. After 25 sessions of focus group and person-to-person  interviews with 52 postgraduate students  theoretical saturation was achieved,  meaning that  subsequent interviews did not add any new information. In addition, the relationship between individual characteristics  and their attitude towards self-employment was assessed using correlation analysis.
Findings: Gender, marital status and education level have an  effect on individuals’  attitudes toward self- employment. In order to categorize the attitudes of students and to analyze   the data,  Q exploratory factor analysis was conducted via   SPSSver.20 software. The analysis of Q methodology showed that students’ attitude toward self-employment includes responsible attitude, creative attitude, risk- taking attitude and director-oriented attitude.
Discussion: Personal traits  of students influence   the creation and formation of critical and abstract concept of  attitude towards self-employment which    can even affect their future.  Attractiveness and pleasure  of being self-employed, puts financial independence resulted from  the self-employment activities, taking the risk of doing new things, creativity and the fact that  anyone’s destiny is under his control  in  separate categories.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/03/13 | Accepted: 2017/03/13 | Published: 2017/03/13

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