Volume 13, Issue 50 (1-2014)                   refahj 2014, 13(50): 353-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Adibi sedeh M, Rastegar Y, Beheshty S S. (2014). Social Tolerance and Its Components. refahj. 13(50), 353-0.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1366-en.html
Abstract:   (9798 Views)

Introduction: The need to have a safe relationship with other people is something substantial. On the basis of the fact that human beings have various lingual, ethnical, cultural, social as well as economical differences, social leniency is supposed to be the only way to provide a sound relationship without existence of any type of quarrel among people. The significance of attention to such a concept, as a topic of research, can be demonstrated with consideration of Iran’s historical diversity and its engagement in the process of modernization as well.


Method: while the review of previous related researches has been performed through documentary method, the needed data was achieved via distribution of 406 questionnaires among people above 18 living in Isfahan.


Findings: social Tolerance is not equal to state of being indifference nor is it the acceptance of opponent ideas due to inability or being under any external force. In contrast to what stated above, Tolerance will become meaningful through one’s rejection of applying changes or making objections in the condition of facing with an opposite standpoint without showing any attempt of nullification of opponent ideas or viewpoints.


Discussion: peoples’ social leniency, with its large conceptual scope, is deeply affected by various variables such as the learning based upon family socialization as well as different types of awareness emerging from cultural relations.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2014/03/17 | Accepted: 2014/03/17 | Published: 2014/03/17

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