Volume 3, Issue 12 (4-2004)                   refahj 2004, 3(12): 257-270 | Back to browse issues page

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eftekhar H, kakouei H, setare forouzan A, baradaran eftekhari M. (2004). Some Characters of Victims of Women Harassment who Refered to Tehran Forensic Medicine. . refahj. 3(12), 257-270.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1885-en.html
Abstract:   (4113 Views)

Women harassment is regarded as a historical and global phenomenon by WHO that should be mentioned as a priority to other health problems since it has left a lot of physical and mental effects on the victims. This research is done to recognize the women who are offended and the men who commit this crime. We have taken advantage of descriptive and cross-sectional method along with questionnaires and interviews. According to the findings, most of the people were in an age average of 20-39 and %85.8 of victims got married at the age of 24 years old %70 of victims had a high school diploma or less, %40.9 had a high education than their husbands, %28 were employees and %72 were housewives. Meanwhile, %44 had children and about 297 children witnessed the violence against theirmothers at home.% 65.8 of victims chose their husbands by their own and %83.6 got their husband out of the relative systems and only %5.5 of this group had come to the courts or other leyerlative sources. %36 of the victims come back home after making their complaints and %75 of them had children. The main physical harms were as follows: the bruise and in sever conditions abortion. It seems that lock of knowledge about women nights feeling shameful of going to courts, the high rate of expenses that should be paid are among the main reasons that women prefer to stay with their husbands and to devote the offense against themselves. It will be of great help to approve much stronger and more comprehensive laws to protect women against the offence and violence and assure them of different centers which can refer to at the time of danger.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/25 | Accepted: 2015/08/25 | Published: 2015/08/25

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