Volume 4, Issue 16 (4-2005)                   refahj 2005, 4(16): 221-250 | Back to browse issues page

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Raisdana F. (2005). Socio- Economic Crises and Threats: Causes and Motives in Iran. refahj. 4(16), 221-250.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2226-en.html
Abstract:   (7069 Views)

It is rather impossible to give a finit definition for crisis either quantitutively or qualitatively, and therefore researchers usually refer to the varietes of the syn­dromes of this issue. Syndromes however may not give enough information about hidden crisis. The crises are not exactly those that are called as unilateral threats. Threats are in some occasions against the relations and the structure of deterio­rated and corrupt established institutes and power as well as against what is acting as a break for development and progress. Crisis is differs with threat. In order to recognize any crisis one should regard to the aspects as velocity, spread, mo­tivation, organization, and leadership (though very light). The issues like strike, demonstraiton, mating, revolt, movement, sabotage, underground action, distru- bance, etc are different with each other.

These aspects, however, can appear as the signs and forms of the real crisis, al­though some social groups and governments use them for labelling. The motives of the crisis may include social, ethnic, cultural religious, political, and economic entities.

But all crises may transfer any of these motives to another one, and / or to combine them. Among main factors that stem from any social systems, the class conflict, economic demands, social problems, and contradiction are regarded as most im­portant one. These factors may act as sudden and / or as apparant or hidden factors that cause. The crisis to be expanded and radiculized. In the modem social system, the government may fause the crisis to move toward foreign interventionists or domestic abusers, both taking advantage from unconciousnesses, if they would not be able to use democratic powerful control system for either prvention or con­frontation

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/11/3 | Accepted: 2015/11/3 | Published: 2015/11/3

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