Volume 15, Issue 57 (7-2015)                   refahj 2015, 15(57): 7-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Hossein K, Hosseini Nozari A. (2015). Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment Types. refahj. 15(57), 7-30.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2161-en.html
Abstract:   (9779 Views)


Introduction: Sexual harassment is a type of violence against women. It is defined as the range of behavior and imposing undesirable sexual accompanied with rape and pussy lust look. In this study the rate of types of sexual harassment (verbal, non-verbal and physical) and its effective factors (social and economic) among women were closely examined.


Method: Survey method was done through distributing questionnaire among 350 women 25-50 years old from Sari, Mazandaran province were selected by multistage cluster random sampling.


Findings: The results indicated that all women have experienced the non-verbal harassment, ninety five percent of them physical harassment and about ninety percent have experienced verbal harassment. The hypothesis testing indicated that there is a significant difference in the rate of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among women with different educational and marital status. Furthermore there was also a significant difference in the rate of the verbal harassment experiences among Employed and non-employed women. The correlation coefficient proved that the rate of all three types of sexual harassment (verbal, non-verbal and physical) was higher among younger women with fewer children.


Discussion: victims' characteristics such as being young and their presence in public places (based on their education and activity status) can increase the risk of being raped or harassed. Therefore women of all socio-economic characteristics are subjected to sexual harassment. In fact the experience of such social vulnerability is rooted and affected in gender variable. This phenomenon is caused by social inequality, besides cultural and social structure play significant roles in its creation, preservation and survival in society.




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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/09/27 | Accepted: 2015/09/27 | Published: 2015/09/27

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