Volume 15, Issue 58 (9-2015)                   refahj 2015, 15(58): 91-121 | Back to browse issues page

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(2015). The Lived Experience and Satisfaction of Women with the Subsidy Targeting Program through Cash Transfer: A Qualitative Research in Tehran. refahj. 15(58), 91-121.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2335-en.html
Abstract:   (5683 Views)

Introduction: The subsidy targeting program through cash transfer in Iran, established in 2010, has influenced the quality of social life as well as nutritional status of Iranian households. In this qualitative study, views and understanding of urban women in Tehran about the program was evaluated.

Methods:  This study was part of a research project entitled “Effectiveness of subsidy targeting through cash transfer on food security and nutritional status of urban population in Tehran: evaluation of a program”. To collect data, seven semi-structured focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted with 76 women who have experienced the effects of cash transfer program on their households as mother, wife or daughter. Based on open sampling, with the aim of maximum variation of the participants’ experiences, three socio-demographically diverse distinct from the north, centre and south of Tehran metropolis were selected. All the FGDs were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data collection and analysis were done simultaneously using the Constant Comparative Methods in the qualitative research.     

Findings: In the face of initial manifest goals of the subsidy targeting program through cash transfer to reduce social inequalities and poverty at multiple levels, this program has in practice increased the relative deprivation and social gaps in residents of Iranian metropolises like Tehran. FGDs showed that social observability and participation of members of household in social events has decreased as major components of social capital. Moreover, most of the participants believed that the dependency ratio has gone into reverse down in urban households in Tehran and couples in reproductive age have ever-increasingly become dependent on aged members of their families for managing their livelihood. Some women believed that this program has increased the domestic violence and decreased their hope to the future of their children which in turn could led to lower childbearing and population growth. In contrast, some women evaluated it as a good program, which was not implemented well.

Discussion: Cash transfer Program in Tehran has raised negative and positive viewpoints in women based on its impacts on inflation and household expenditures which their understanding and analysis can be useful in conducting the future steps of the program.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2016/01/27 | Accepted: 2016/01/27 | Published: 2016/01/27

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