Volume 20, Issue 78 (7-2020)                   refahj 2020, 20(78): 9-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Mousavi S N, Sepahvand R, Bagherzadeh Khodashahri R. (2020). Identifying Managers’ Mental Patterns in Relation to Subjective Well-being of Human Resource of Organization, Using the Q-method. refahj. 20(78), 9-46.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3491-en.html
Abstract:   (2486 Views)
Introduction: It is necessary to pay attention the subjective well-being or satisfaction of employees in an organization since lack of attention to them would result in deleterious effects on their individual and organizational performance.  
Method: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that form managers ‘mental patterns regarding subjective well-being of employees as well as to explain managers ‘mental patterns. The present study is a mixed-method research in which the Q approach was used. The statistical population comprised managers and supervisors of Ferro Gilan Complex (N = 22) who were directly related to the research topic. To collect data, in-depth interviews were administered, whose validity and reliability had already been confirmed, respectively by CVR approach and Cohen’s Kappa method. In the qualitative part of research, the managers were interviewed by Q method, and Q cards were distributed among them, and there were Q-Set and Q-Sort. After collecting the data from Q sorting, they were analyzed by factor analysis in the quantitative part of the research. 
Findings: The study indicates managers’ seven main mindsets relevant to employees’ subjective well-being that are as follows: justice-oriented, collaboration-oriented, spirituality-oriented, trust-oriented, satisfaction-oriented, happiness-oriented, positive organizational behavior-oriented.
Discussion: Managers with mental patterns such as Justice-oriented, collaboration-oriented, spirituality-oriented, trust-oriented, satisfaction-oriented, happiness-oriented, positive organizational behavior-oriented can improve the subjective well-being of employees.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2019/09/21 | Accepted: 2020/05/23 | Published: 2021/03/14

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