Volume 23, Issue 90 (11-2023)                   refahj 2023, 23(90): 89-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammad Karimi Mazhin A, Qaedamini Harooni G, Seddighi H, Sajadi H. (2023). The Relationship between Social Support and Tendency to Drug Abuse among Earthquake Victims in Kermanshah Province. refahj. 23(90), 89-119. doi:10.32598/refahj.23.90.4177.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4104-en.html
Abstract:   (1225 Views)
Introduction: Iran is one of the countries that have suffered the most casualties from earthquakes. Some of the consequences and social issues caused by earthquakes will appear in those areas even in the following decades. One of these consequences is the tendency to use substances and various factors are related to it. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between social support and the tendency to use substance among earthquake victims in Kermanshah province.
Methods: This correlational study was conducted in 2021 on 450 people living in Sarpol-e Zahab who were living in this city during the 2017 earthquake. Sampling was done by cluster random method. In this study, a checklist of demographic characteristics and two valid and reliable questionnaires including social support and attitudes toward substance use (drug abuse) were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS Graphics software.
Results: Most of the participants in this study were male (58.2%), single (57.1%), and employed (more than 60%). The average score of the participants' total social support was 4.09, and it was evaluated at a very good level. In addition, the average tendency to substance use was equal to 3.15 and was evaluated at a moderate level. There was a significant negative relationship between social support and the tendency to use substance.
Discussion: Due to the significant relationship between social support and the tendency to drug abuse and due to the seismicity of Iran, the relevant authorities should take appropriate measures to improve social protection that can reduce the tendency to substance use among earthquake victims to plan and policy.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/07/28 | Accepted: 2023/07/11 | Published: 2023/11/27

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