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Short Abstract
One of the important public plans to provide housing for low income families is the “Mehr Housing Project” (MHP). It seems that the aforementioned policy has a special emphasis on the quantitative aspect of housing than its social aspect. Regarding this issue, the present study addresses the status of residence satisfaction among citizens living in MHP of Parand City. Primary data gathering was accomplished using a questionnaire from sample consisting of 398 participants. The content validity ratio and content validity index for initial questionnaire were calculated. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha was used. The average total satisfaction of residents of MHP of Parand was 2.39 (out of 5), which indicates the lower medium score. Among the different dimensions of residential satisfaction, the highest satisfaction was related to the low social problems and the lowest one was public services. Findings show a significant correlation between residential satisfaction and predictor variables, such the amount of saving, district of residence, access to public transport, type of ownership, and population density. It seems that the promotion of the desirability of MHP requires comprehensive policy packages in the field of urban development, construction, public services, and social policies.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2018/10/22 | Accepted: 2019/07/27 | Published: 2019/10/18
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