Volume 24, Issue 93 (6-2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(93): 87-133 | Back to browse issues page

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babaei O. (2024). Meta-analysis of religiosity and happiness studies in Iran (Researches Related to religiosity and happiness from 2007 to 2021). refahj. 24(93), : 3 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.93.4450.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4278-en.html
Abstract:   (2141 Views)
Introduction: Happiness is important in both individual and social dimensions because it is one of the basic factors that affect behavior, actions, efficiency, physical and mental health, as well as development and social welfare. Religiosity is one of the most important variables affecting happiness. The aim of the present study is to determine the effect size of religiosity on happiness.
Method: The present research is based on the meta-analysis method. The materials of this research consists of all the scientific research studies conducted in Iran regarding the relationship between religiosity and happiness during the years 2008 to 2021, which is indexed in one of the scientific databases such as scientific information databases (Sid), Noor specialized journal website (Noormags), Information database of Iran’s publication (Magiran) and Iranian research institute for information science and technology (Irandoc). Among the 29 research documents that were found, seven research studies met the conditions and selection criteria and entered the comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) software.
Findings: In the first step, publication bias and homogeneity of studies were examined. The statistical tests used in this section indicate the lack of publication bias and the heterogeneity of the studies. In the next step, the effect size of religiosity on happiness was evaluated and was found to be 0.277, which according to Cohen’s interpretation system is regarded as “small”. The sensitivity analysis test shows that by removing only one of the studies, the effect size of religiosity on happiness changes to 0.303, which is evaluated as “moderate” based on Cohen’s interpretation system.
Discussion: The findings show that although religiosity provides a suitable basis for happiness through giving coherence, giving hope, giving meaning to life, etc. however, the relationship between religiosity and happiness is not linear and causal, and several possible mediating factors affect it, and the effect of these relationships should also be examined separately.
Article number: 3
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/11/14 | Accepted: 2024/05/6 | Published: 2024/06/30

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