Volume 2, Issue 8 (7-2003)                   refahj 2003, 2(8): 63-88 | Back to browse issues page

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Raeis Dana F. (2003). Application of the Social Accounting Matrix Model in Planning for Social Development and Justice (Iran's Third Plan Experience and the Fourth Plan Outlook). refahj. 2(8), 63-88.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2236-en.html
Abstract:   (5213 Views)

introduction the Leontief and expanded Leontief Model for income distribution, in this essay is only due to show that they have not enough ability to represent quantitative socio-economic relations . Also they are not sufficient to reflect the reffect of the manipulator of the exogenous variables on the socio-economic relations. Social mobility may occure, due to the income distribution as well as he level of consumption of different occupational and income groups can change following the change in public and private inrstment in economic sectors .

Realizing these changes in all economices is of greate impotance . Alhouh the main importance is rest upen he political economy analysis and hidden mechanism of the system, but, however, the outcomes of the qumtitative investigation, as a unique and consolidated scheme can properly support the planers . However such an applied approach should not be regarded genuine but just as an assisting instrument. Also in the absence of enough and precise data, he assisting is not complits or reliable .

Social Accounting Matrix (Or SAM Model) tries to expand he duty of Leontief system into a comprehensive and quantitative socio-economic input-output system . the complicated mathematical SAM matrix system is quite data intensive and needs strong software's .

In the present essay I will introduce he model and its specific proper version for Iran. Also I will summarize, he investigations and applied research have been done for Iran's socio-economic relations. Finally I try to find some new applied suggestions for building and calculating a specific model based on structural condition and availability of data.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/11/4 | Accepted: 2015/11/4 | Published: 2015/11/4

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