Volume 6, Issue 24 (4-2007)                   refahj 2007, 6(24): 241-258 | Back to browse issues page

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Mowlaei M. (2007). The Study and Comparison of Social Welfare and Services Development Degree among Iran’s Provinces in 1994 and 2004. refahj. 6(24), 241-258.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2134-en.html
Abstract:   (4750 Views)

Objectives: The development level among the economic different parts of a country as like as its regions is not generally the same. We usually see heterogeneity among the parts of industry, agriculture and social welfare and services of countries. Thus, it is necessary and inevitable to study the development trend economically among the provinces of our country. Presenting good and suitable social welfare and services are from successful economic performance in a country and their improvement cause the increasing people’s welfare. The symmetrical and balanced distribution welfare and services also have a positive effect in increasing of growth and development of countries. Theories of development are divided by unbalanced growth and balanced growth. The followers of unbalanced growth believed that firstly some special regions should be developed, then the development will be spread to other regions through the spread effects. The followers of balanced growth believed that theory of growth pole has not been able to vanish the inequality and duality of different regions in underdeveloped countries. They believed the regional balanced development prepares best conditions and possibilities for general development of all regions of countries. The regional development should be included three agricultural, industrial and social welfare and services sectors. The social welfare and services are included by hygienic, educational services and other suitable facilities for living in cities and villages. The more social welfare and services are presented throughout countries, the more people are enjoyed welfare. The balanced development of social welfare and services in all regions of country are emphasized by all economists. The economists believed regional balanced welfare makes welfare for all the people and is prepared the necessary conditions for training the creative, skillful, healthy and joyful labors, so-called human capital. Having human capital is one of the sign of economic and social development in any country. In this article, we study the development degree in social welfare and services of Iran’s provinces. We want to answer the following question: Is the social welfare and services duality among the provinces of Iran during the studied years decreased or increased? The decreasing social welfare and services duality among the regions of a country is one of the signs of sustainable development. Method: Factor analysis and taxonomy are used for measuring the development degree of different provinces of country. By the above methods, the development degree of provinces are measured .Then, the provinces are classified to developed, relative developed, less developed and underdeveloped regions and finally their social welfare and services inequality are measured and compared in 1373 and 1383.In this research, 54 social welfare and services indices are used for measuring the development degree of 25 provinces of Iran. Findings & Results: The result of research tells us the development level of social welfare and services among Iran’s provinces is increased but its distribution has been more inequitable. Thus, for having a balanced growth and development, the equitable social welfare and services which casue the decreasing poverty and increasing welfare should be spread throughout the country. Presenting suitable and equitable welfare and services in different regions make the conditions for training and increasing human capital and finally having a sustainable development .

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/09/11 | Accepted: 2015/09/11 | Published: 2015/09/11

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