Moftakhari A, Jafari M, Abounoori E, Nademi Y. (2022). The Effect of Institutional Variables on Brain Drain in Developing Countries: A case Study of the Countries of the MENA Region.
21(83), : 8
Abstract: (2281 Views)
Introduction: Despite the importance of specialized manpower in leading a country's economy, statistics show the departure of a large number of scholars in various fields of science who for some reason prefer living in developed countries to staying in their own country. In fact, brain drain represents the flow of human capital in which skills are transferred. Therefore, in this study, we will examine the effect of institutional variables on brain drain in developing countries.
Method: The immigration data of the countries of the MENA region are selected as immigrant sending countries and the United States is selected as an immigrant country during the years 2002-2018, and were used and the migration statistics based on nationality from the International Migration Database has also been collected. The software used is Eviews10 and the econometric method is the Generalized Method of Moment.
Findings: The logarithm of the first lag of brain drain, government effectiveness and freedom of expression had a positive effect on brain drain and the rule of law, economic growth, corruption control and the quality of law were found to have a negative effect on brain drain and elite migration. Also, the Arelano-Band test confirms the absence of much higher autocorrelation in the model error component.
Discussion: Considering the impact of the rule of law, control of corruption, economic growth, and the quality of laws on reducing elite immigration, the necessary institutional reforms to improve property rights, contractualization, social security and transparency in the field of economic activities is suggested.
Article number: 8
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2021/01/17 | Accepted: 2022/01/9 | Published: 2022/03/16
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