Volume 24, Issue 94 (In press 2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(94): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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alahdadi N, mirzaei E. (2024). Biosocial study of patients with thalassemia: a foundation data study. refahj. 24(94), : 4 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.94.2594.6
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4220-en.html
Abstract:   (2263 Views)


  Introduction: Thalassemia is one of the most important chronic hereditary diseases. This disease, many physical complications such as anemia; It causes psychological such as depression and despair, as well as social such as distance from society and isolation, which can be reduced to some extent by regular treatment. The purpose of the present research is to analyze the biosocial analysis of patients with thalassemia by relying on the data-based method.
  Method: The statistical population of the research includes all men and women with thalassemia living in Khorramshahr city between the ages of 20 and 50 years old, using a non-random sampling method and relying on the principles of "criterion-based selection" and the targeted method of 15 people. From this number, they were selected as the statistical sample of the research with the theoretical saturation criterion. The method of information gathering is unstructured interview, which is used to evaluate the validity of control or validation methods by members and analytical comparison and for reliability, to avoid prolonging the time of data collection (interviews) to the limit. The possibility was established. To analyze the data, the method of qualitative content analysis was used in the form of coding (open, central and selective).
Findings: The results of the research showed that social and psychological categories are effective categories in the biological experience of patients with thalassemia in dealing with family and society. Among the social factors, the impact of three items (social support, social obstruction and social frustration) where one factor is positive and the other two factors are negative, is the most. Also, the most important psychological factors that have been found to be effective on thalassemia patients in facing society are: hope, trust and isolation.
Discussion: As seen in the conversations of thalassemia patients, being sick is only part of the problem of these people, and perhaps more bitter than this problem is being ignored by family members and society by discriminating and creating obstacles to their presence in society.
Article number: 4
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/06/11 | Accepted: 2024/07/22 | Published: 2024/10/5

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