Volume 7, Issue 27 (1-2008)                   refahj 2008, 7(27): 213-234 | Back to browse issues page

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Zarrabi A, Mohamadi J, Rakhshaninasab H. (2008). Spatial Analysis of Health and Medical Services Development Indices. refahj. 7(27), 213-234.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2021-en.html
Abstract:   (4850 Views)
Objectives: Equal and balanced development of geographical spaces demand meticulous and all- round analysis of economical, social, cultural ... issues and better understanding of improvement of societies needs. Health and medical services are considered as essential pillars of development which have not been justly distributed foundations in the townships of Isfahan province. So, the present study aims at finding the spatial inequalities and difference in development of indices investigates the spatial analysis of development indices of health and medical services across the townships of the Isfahan province. Method: The present research method is “descriptive- analytical”. At first measures were taken for creating 56 initial indices and then 47 selective indices were determined. After the stage of index- making, unequal health in townships was evaluated using the index for development of health and medical. Finally using multi- variation method action was made for forecasting effective indices in development of health and treatment. Software’s of SPSS and Arc View GIS are used for research data analysis. Findings: The findings reveal that the health and medical indices haven’t been equally distributed and there is a significant difference between the townships in terms of medical services development. The most imbalances is related to the indices of ‘expert force”, in a manner that the ratio for some of these indices is equal to zero in more than 15 townships and only 2 indices out of expert force enjoy partially favorable distribution. After the said indices, the indices for “inexpert force” also indicate some inadequacies. The indices of “Rural Health” also have more favorable distribution compared to “infrastructure” indices due to special attention of the government to rural locations and development of these indices has been performed better than total indices in the research. Khansar, Borkhar -o- Meimeh townships have the highest and lowest levels, respectively. Results: The average index for development of health and treatment in Isfahan province is 0.3 1% that its maximum amounting to 52% is related to Khansar Township and its minimum in the amount of 0.21 belongs to Borkhar -o- Meimeh. The index for development of health and medical is more than the general average of this index in 42.8% of townships in the province including Khansar, Ardestan, Kashan, Naein, Golpayegan, Natanz, Fereidunshahr, Isfahan and Aran -o- Bidgol. Whereas this index in 57.2% of townships including the townships of Fereidan, Najafabad, Semirom, Mobarekeh, Chadegan, Tiran -0- Karvan, Lenjan, Dehaghan, Shahreza, Felavarjan, Khomeinishahr and Borkhar -o- Meimeh is less than the general average. Considering the classification of index for HDI, Khansar Township is in the highest level and Borkhar -o- Meimeh are in the lowest level. The results show that from among 21 townships investigated Khansar, Ardestan, Kashan, Naein, Golpayegan, Natanz and fereidoonshahr are in the first level (high develop), townships of Isfahan, Aran and Bidgol, fereidan Njafabad, Semirom and Mobarekeh are in the second level (middle develop) and other townships of the Isfahan province are in the lowest level (low develop). Multiple regression model predicts the “expert force” indices role in the health and medical development of the townships more than other research indices, “inexpert force”, “infrastructure” and “rural health” have little role in the prediction of the health and medical development of the province. So it is suggested that the said indices are considered respectively by priority in under- developed, inter- developed and trans- developed townships.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/29 | Accepted: 2015/08/29 | Published: 2015/08/29

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