Abstract: (2880 Views)
Introduction: Divorce is a phenomenon that affects not only families but also society in general. There are some people who change their minds after applying for divorce. In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the perception and causes of divorce among women.
Method: the phenomenological method was used in this qualitative study. For this purpose, 12 divorced women in District 14 of Tehran were voluntarily and purposefully selected in 1396, these were the applicants who had given up their decisions as regards divorce. The data were collected by in-depth and semi-structured interviews.
Findings: The findings of the study were categorized into three main classes: 1- Perception of women during the time between application and renunciation, most of them referred to the period before returning to cohabitation as a dangling state of extreme suffering which was categorized into two main classes of negative perception and logical perception 2 - Reasons for renunciation of were categorized into seven classes of children, lack of support, new opportunity given to them, negative attitude of society towards divorced women, fear of loneliness, use of counseling services, and having dependent personality. 3- Looking at the current life (after renunciation), it was also categorized into three classes of hopeful and satisfied, hopeful and dissatisfied, and disappointed and dissatisfied most of whom were unhappy with their marriage.
Discussion: According to the results obtained, it is worth mentioning that the number of women who have given up divorce is not small, but it seems necessary to improve and enrich the lives of these women through providing them with necessary training. Besides, counseling before divorce can also be helpful.
Type of Study:
method |
Received: 2019/05/11 | Accepted: 2020/06/23 | Published: 2020/10/6
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