Ghasemi H, Harirchi M, Masnavi A, Rahgozar M, Akbarian M. (2011). Comparing Quality of Life between Seniors Living in Families and Institutionalized in Nursing Homes.
10(39), 177-200.
Abstract: (9824 Views)
Objective: The purpose o f this study is to compare the quality of life, physical,
mental and social performance of older adults who live in communities and those
who are institutionalized in nursing homes of Esfahan city.
Method: In this cross sectional research, 160 older adults comprising of 80 elder
people living with families and 80 elder people residing in nursing homes of
Esfahan city, all being 60 years of age or older , were studied in 2008. Those
who, for any reason, could not answer the questionnaire were excluded from the
study. The tools used for compiling data consisted of two questionnaires. the
first questionnaire asked for the demographic details, and the second one was
Leipad Elderly Quality of Life questionnaire. The study was carried out by
visiting nursing homes and dropping by the homes of the elderly, both through
simple random sampling. The purpose of the study was explained and the
informed consents of participants were obtained.
Findings: The average scores for total quality of life (p=0.001), physical aspect
(p=0.001), and social performance (p=0.006), in older adults living with their
families were significantly more than those of institutionalized older adults.
Conclusion: For a better quality of life, elder population is preferred to live with
their families than to be institutionalized.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2011/04/11 | Published: 2011/01/15