Volume 4, Issue 15 (1-2005)                   refahj 2005, 4(15): 319-332 | Back to browse issues page

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Forooeddin Adl, Sadrossadat, Biglarian, Javadieh yeganeh. (2005). A Survey of Effective on Companion and Association with Bad Command Group and Youngsters Tendency to Addiction. refahj. 4(15), 319-332.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1914-en.html
Abstract:   (5834 Views)

The social psychologist do emphasize on the pressure which are bread from related group, peers, and they will show the influence of conquering norms of the families, peers group in their researches. It is obvious that youth are pressed for conformity with values and norms of related groups. Sometimes norms and values of two groups are concordant, sometimes are in contrast, and each group presses the youth for conformity (Sekhavat, 1369:23). In this research which the goals are recognizing the impression of companionship with bad command group and their tendency to drug addiction which shown in a cross – sectional study that include 99 young addicts and the same size of none addicted were 21,39, and the average age, to start using drug for the first time was 19,7. there were 60,6% addiction among families and relatives of the youth who wrer drug addicted, and in control group it was 40,4%. Meantime 12,1% of the father and 11,1% of brothers in addicted young people were also drug, but in none addicted family the percentage was only 6% of the fathers & 1% of the brothers was reported. The average of smoking & 1% of the friends, addicted friends and thief friend among addicted young people were 7,38, 4,31, 2,08 in comparison with control groups which the percentage was (1,54, 5,19, 0,04) and shows a significant difference. The point is that 64,6% addicted said that for the first time they were given drugs by their friends whereas 87,9% of none addicted people don’t have any addicted friends. But 89.9 percentage of addict people said. They had addicted friends.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/26 | Accepted: 2015/08/26 | Published: 2015/08/26

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