Volume 19, Issue 72 (8-2019)                   refahj 2019, 19(72): 55-90 | Back to browse issues page

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ghorbani F, mohseni R A, ansari H. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of the Needs and Priorities of Life for Women-Headed Households with a Sociological Approach. refahj. 19(72), 55-90. doi:10.29252/refahj.19.72.55
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3121-en.html
Abstract:   (4339 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction: The dramatic increase in female-headed households and issues related to social interaction and livelihoods is one of the transformations of the current Iranian family and community.
According to the Census Bureau of Iran, the proportion of female-headed households to total households per year is 12.7%. The average growth rate of male-headed households over the three-year period was three percent, while that of female-headed households was four percent] (1335 - 1396). The present study focuses on combining and comparing the results and findings of separate research studies, examining the priorities and needs of that women heading the households.
Method: This study was conducted using three methods of documentary and library study, systematic review, and quantitative meta-analysis. A systematic review was used to study research studies on the topic of female-headed households and to understand the nature of the previous research in this area. Then the researchers came up with  possible to hypotheses and applied quantitative methods and meta-analysis method to conduct research analysis and test the hypotheses. Systematic review was performed using qualitative data analysis software and quantitative meta-analysis was also performed using a specific software. In this study, the research studies conducted including the term “female-headed households”from 1380 to 1395, were selected and analyzed. in particular, scientific research papers or postgraduate theses at universities were analyzed.. In terms of scope, the present study was conducted nationally, and the subject area of this research wew sociological issues related to women-headed households. In the current study, most of the documentation was done without sampling, and only university-based screening, the scientific degree, and the topic of “issues of women-headed households in Iran” were examined.
Findings: From the expression of various problems, four cases were studied: social and cultural issues of women- headed households, economic and occupational issues of Women-Headed Households, and  empowering women-head Households. In terms of the effectiveness of measures, They were more important and repotted more than other cases. Among the theories stated, the ‘feminization of poverty‘  ‘empowerment theory’ , and the theory of ‘social support’ theory were the most popular theories employed in the research studies, in other words, these were  the most prominent areas. Due to the dominance of the quantitative research paradigm, the survey method was the template method in the research and then the qualitative methods and the secondary analysis were used. Findings indicate that about five percent of household surveys of women are conducted with quantitative approaches using a survey method. That expresses the dominance of quantitative space over research. Three key findings can also be drawn from the research.
Social support has a positive effect on social health as well as women’s empowerment. Social support has a positive effect on the quality of life of female-headed households. In summary, the findings of this research are used in five main categories related to the year of research, problem expression, theoretical framework, and methodology. Finally, in each study the key findings from the reviewed studies were categorized. From the key findings, three findings were identified as positive impact of social support on social health, empowerment, and quality of life of female-headed households.
Discussion: It is important to adopt a sociological perspective and to have a social approach to the issues of female-headed households and to increase social support for this group. Mainly the main problem of women heading the households is insufficient job and income, although this variable is one of the important factors. But having social support is more important than empowering female-headed households. Women who are empowered will also be able to have more job opprtunities and have decent incomes. Social participation, on the other hand, the sense of belonging to the community, and the lack of emotional and psychological problems, are some of the issues that result from having social support. The quality of life of female-headed households is affected by their social support. Social support can be seen as a variable that has multiple effects on the problems of female-headed households. Increased social support will enhance the social health of individuals in the community. The more the supportive resources people receive, the greater their social capital and the sense of belonging and acceptance within society are likely to be. And that means that people’s crisp paths are closed, and they can be merged. Such people have the opportunity to participate in various social and economic relationships, thereby enabling the community to flourish and, in other words, empower individuals and improve their quality of life. With increasing social support, women-headed households experience stronger family relationships and regain their independence and self-esteem. In such a case, they will have more peace of mind and time to learn different skills that will enable them to get better jobs. The five stages of welfare, access, awareness, participation, and control should be achieved. Of course, support is purely social, that is, organizations can play a role in this area. But this support must come from the community. It is important that women who are the heads of households should not be regarded as ordinary members of society and not interconnected in social, economic, family-related, and other spheres. This needs to be developed and adopted as a cultured so that other people in the community first learn that women who are the head of a household in a society need social support because of social anomalies. In addition to informal social support for individuals in the community, special formal attention should be paid to the social dimension that requires the government and social policy makers to provide specific social assistance and anticipate the provisions of the annual budget requirements and the Five Plans Act. In the years of economic, social, and cultural development of the country, close attention should be paid to this issue.
Ethical Considerations
In the present study, did not have any sponsors
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in designing, running, and writing all parts of the research.
Conflicts of interest
This article does not conflict with other articles of my.
This article follows the principles of ethics and research and is endorsed by the Bu-Ali Sina University in this regard
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2018/05/27 | Accepted: 2019/02/24 | Published: 2019/08/17

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