Volume 10, Issue 38 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2010)                   refahj 2010, 10(38): 41-64 | Back to browse issues page

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Fateminia S, Haidari S. (2010). Factor Related to Citizenship Commitment. refahj. 10(38), 41-64.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-356-en.html
Abstract:   (10076 Views)
Objective: Citizens have many rights and commitments. "Citizenship commitments" induce social order and make social affairs predictable. Such a concept due to its nature and meaning holds relation with entire subjects and debates of currently human and social fields. Method: This research is a survey on citizens over the age of 18 in Tehran city. Sampling method is compound of classified and random method. Social capital has two dimensions: participaion and trust. It is measured by personal and impersonal trust and participaion in privacy and public spheres. insecurity has four dimensions financial, collective, thinking and body insecurity. Relative social deprivation measured by compare of self with generalized others. Anomy has measured in four dimensions of social, cultural, economical and politic anomy. Citizenship commitment include behavioral and sense of (generalized) commitments. Sense of commitment measured by level of belonging to the society and country and behavioral commitments measured by respect to the law, pay tax, tamper, etc. Findings: social capital and universalism have significant positive impact and feeling of insecurity and social anomy had significant negative impact upon citizenship commitments. In addition, feeling of insecurity has three indirect impacts upon citizenship commitments via social capital, universalism and social anomy. Women have more commitment than men. Also older people have more commitment than younger. Results: There is relation between micro and macro levels. In order to analysis the affecting factors on citizenship commitments, it is necessary to take the role of macro structure in to account, especially power structure. Thus despotism makes a social psychology which reduces citizenship commitments. It can be concluded that despotism decrease citizenship commitments and in the extreme it could delay going toward civil society and it could reproduce structures related to despotism. As most important research variable feeling of insecurity has direct and indirect effect on citizenship commitment. It has indirect effect via social capital, universalism and anomy. The best result of this research is that despotism can be most important factor that affect on citizenship commitment
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2011/04/18 | Published: 2010/10/15

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