Volume 16, Issue 62 (10-2016)                   refahj 2016, 16(62): 279-322 | Back to browse issues page

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Razavi N, Ahadi H, Saramiforooshan G R. (2016). Social, and psychological treatment of childhood obesity. refahj. 16(62), 279-322.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2686-en.html
Abstract:   (6258 Views)

Introduction: The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased in developed and developing countries. Obesity is a metabolic disorder that is related to many diseases and can be caused by one factor or a chain of factors. Moreover, childhood obesity will most probably turn into adult obesity. Various research indicates that obesity is caused by the interaction of genes, psycho-social factors and environmental variables. Regardless of the true belief that obesity is caused by a mixture of factors, health viewpoints merely study individuals. In other words, these viewpoints neglect the structure of society and interest of power groups which make obesity an economic-political phenomenon as well as a genetic, biological, psychological and behavioral phenomenon. Therefore, it should be accepted that genetics is not the only reason for the high prevalence of obesity in developed and developing countries. Other factors such as environmental, behavioral and psycho-social factors play a role as well, specially in the era of globalization.

Critical Review: In reviewing the available treatments for obesity, all unilateral treatments are being challenged. Treatments which only modify nutrition or physical activity are being questioned in terms of efficiency and maintenance of weight loss. Combined treatments for lifestyle modification which take nutrition and physical activity modifications into account, have resulted in efficiency improvement. However, they do not take psychological factors causing and maintaining obesity into account. Review of “cognitive behavioral therapy” points out that, in many studies, this model has been successfully used for losing or maintaining weight. However, applying this model with or without involving parents is a question that affects arrangement of the therapy.

 On the path of change from second to third wave of psychology, obesity treatments had an eye on mindfulness interventions, however, as they are new therapies more research needs to be done to  evaluate them more precisely.          

Discussion: This study tried to investigate childhood obesity issues, its common treatments and their shortages by introducing the internal logic of capitalism and emphasizing on the capitalism lifestyle, excessive food consumption patterns and the development of unhealthy dietary pattern for capital accumulation. It considered social determinants and contemporary environmental changes to challenge environmental and social structure and to emphasize on the need for immediate obesity treatment. It also identified factors affecting the treatment of obesity in children.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/01/31 | Accepted: 2017/01/31 | Published: 2017/01/31

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