Volume 14, Issue 52 (4-2014)                   refahj 2014, 14(52): 155-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Oreyzi H R, Dezhban R. (2014). Relation between Retirement Activities Expectations, Actual Retirement Activities and Job Characteristics . refahj. 14(52), 155-181.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1486-en.html
Abstract:   (5333 Views)

  Introduction: Retirement domain researchers adapted one of prospective or retrospective form. In the former they ask employees about a variety of expectations regarding their activities and situations after their prospective retirement, while in the latter they ask retirees to recall what their pre-retirement situations and thoughts had been. In the current research these two methods was combined and tested these hypothesis that there is relation between expected frequencies of retirement activities before and after retirement. This hypothesis also predicted that correlation coefficient on the diagonal are bigger in the correlation coefficients matrix .In other words the biggest correlation was between each characteristics before retirement and the same characteristics (not other characteristic) after retirement and also for the retirement activities. The current study also respond to this question ‛which factors formed the perceived activities during (before and after) retirement’.

  Method: Data were collected by questionnaire both for retirement activities and job characteristics, before and after retirement. Participants were employees of a big company of Tehran, that were in start of retirement. The measure for job characterizes was Sims, Szilagyi and Keller's Questionnaire of Job Characteristics and for retirement activities was Beehr's Questionnaire (Beehr & Nielson, 1995).

  Findings: Finding indicated that there is relation between prospective and retrospective reports. This relation confirm in both job characteristics and retirement period activities.

  Discussion : According to planned behavior, persons planned for retirement and select retirement activities based on their planning.


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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2014/08/13 | Accepted: 2014/08/13 | Published: 2014/08/13

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