Volume 6, Issue 25 (7-2007)                   refahj 2007, 6(25): 59-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohamadi M A, Shiani M. (2007). Assessing Strategic Factors of Drug Abuse Prevention in Iran: A School-Based Program. refahj. 6(25), 59-84.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1977-en.html
Abstract:   (4491 Views)

Objectives: During past few decades, the rate of drug abuse in the world has been increased and after production and accumulation of nuclear weapons, environment pollution due to increasing population growth, poverty and disparity shifted to be one of the main issues of the world. According to various reports, Iran also severely facing with the problem and youths are the main social group which being threatened by the danger. Since large part of Iran's youth population are involving in schools therefore, a project approved by Ministry of Education and conducted by authors of this article in order to describe the problem of drug addiction in schools. A report of that project and its findings has been reflected in this article. Method: This study was a case study focused on "Physical Education and Health Department" of Ministry of Education which its main mission was to cope with the problem. For data collection, first we did a library survey and provided a list of "SWOT" factors and checked it with academic sighted persons and made two types of questionnaires. In the second stage we conducted a filed work study based on questionnaire, searching "SWOT" factors of the department and inquiring prevention programs against spreading drug abuse intentions among the school students. All general directors, advisors and experts of the department have been questioned twice. First, asking them to point out the strength, weak, opportunity and threat factors to their department. In second questionnaire we asked them to characterize importance index of factors by giving credit from one to four and ranking them from one to five. So, after that, by mathematical calculations most important threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strength points have been characterized. In the next stage we had to determine that which factors are external to the department and which are internal. Findings & Results: The results show that there are many external factors -such as increasing rate of unemployment and divorce, low price and easy accessibility of drug in society -affecting the prevention programs of the department but are out of the department’s control. They are macro factors in national level that needs to be solved in macro decision- making levels. Some coordination with other relating drug abuse prevention and confrontation organizations is necessary. There are also internal factors for the department such as – not paying attention to the student’s interests while planning their leisure time, scarcity of space and place for playing, games and cultural activities, lack of information and teachings on drug among students-which are mostly weak points and rarely strength point. Among totally 24 internal factors characterized as more important factors effecting the department’s prevention drug abuse programs 18 factors (75%) are in the zone of weak points, 4(16%) in middle and only 2(8%) are in the strength zone. There are suggestions for the department to change middle and weak to the strength points and make opportunities out of them.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/28 | Accepted: 2015/08/28 | Published: 2015/08/28

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