Volume 18, Issue 70 (2-2019)                   refahj 2019, 18(70): 241-270 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaffari R. (2019). Manager’s Competency, Axiomatic Instruments in Pursuit of Organizational Good Governance and Green Human Resources Management in Cooperative Agencies, Work and Social Welfare. refahj. 18(70), 241-270. doi:10.29252/refahj.18.70.241
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3338-en.html
Abstract:   (4742 Views)
Introduction: Every two years, the World Bank along with some research institutes ranks the countries and governments based on the specific indexes, such as the degree of transparency, anti-corruption, and accountability and show their good governance realization. The current study adapted these indices to the organizational governance level in order to identify and evaluate the organizational governance fulfillment. besides, one of the newly coined terms in the social and human resources research studies is the “green” concept which is being used in environmental, marketing, welfare, and so many other fields. The study tries to evaluate the green human resource management realization in cooperatives, labor, and social welfare headquarters. Human resource management has certain responsibilities, such as recruitment, reward, performance management, promotion and appointment, succession planning ,etc. which are integrated with green concept. The main objective of green management is to make the employees be aware of the environmental management complexities. Environmental management concerns and values in applying human resource innovations entail higher productivity and improvement in environmental performance. In fact, the green viewpoint to human resources considers the organizational growth from two perspectives, general quantitative growth and improvement and sustainable attention to the environment. When the green recruitment is discussed, managers have to recruit and retain staff and employees whose initiatives and values ease the complexities on the environment management. Organizational good governance and green human resource management cannot be achieved unless accountable and competent managers are available; the ones who are set to realize such objectives. The competencies of the managers must be consistent with main organizational merits and potencies, and they should be initiative, efficient, and accountable in terms of technical and behavioral issues.
Method: The study aimed at increasing the organizational good governance and green human resource management status through appointing competent managers at cooperatives and labor and social welfare headquarters. The statistical population of the study comprised all managers, vice managers and senior experts working in these administration offices. One hundred and eight subjects were selected for the study sample through cluster sampling technique from three headquarters of the northern region of the country comprising 350 subjects. The samples were from Gilan (N = 31), Golestan (N = 23) and Mazandaran (N = 54) headquarters. The data collection instruments were Elric competent managers’ questionnaire (2000) with the reliability of 0.98, organizational good governance questionnaire by Mite and Millers (2009) with the reliability of 0.84 and green human resource questionnaire by Ahmad (2015) with reliability of 0.93. The confirmatory factorial analysis test was used to confirm the validity of the questionnaires in which all the items in the questionnaire achieved a factorial load of more than 0.4 showing the appropriate validity of the questionnaires. Using the regression analysis like structural equation modelling (SEM), the research model was formulated. Since the data distribution followed a non-parametric model and the subjects for the study were under 200, the partial least square (PLS) approach was conducted. To analyze the data, the SPSS 22 and the Smart PLS software were used.
Findings: the results of confirmatory factorial analysis test showed the appropriate validity of the items included in the questionnaires. The results of three variables measurement model of organizational good governance as well as green human resource and managers’ competency also showed the appropriate goodness of fit index for the variables and appropriate latent and observable variables relation. Moreover, the analysis of the tests used in this study revealed that the managers’ competency had a positive impact on the organizational good governance and green human resource management. The organizational good governance had a significant positive impact on the green human resource management as well. The evaluation of the standard model and R2 coefficient showed that 56% of the changes in green human resource management and 31% of the organizational good governance changes were dependent on the changes in the competent managers’ variable.
Discussion: the study aimed at determining the impact of managers’ competencies on green human resource management based on the organizational good governance role in different cooperatives together with labor and social welfare cooperatives. The results showed that the relationship among all variables were significant. Considering the literature on the managers’ competencies, organizational good governance and the green human resource management, it can be concluded that the human resource management can lead to good governance establishment in the organization by cooperation, compromise, accountability, transparency, responsibility, effectiveness, efficiency, and general justice. It was also justified that establishing good governance in the organization may also be possible through the activities related to human resource management which supports the 8 given features of good management. Evaluating the good governance indicators at the organizational level and green human resource management in governmental offices can be regarded as the knowledge raising aspect of the current study. The functional recommendation of the current research is that the cooperatives and  labor and social welfare headquarters should try to implement the competent managers’ indices and consider the competency aspects when appointing managers by creating establishing assessment centers in order to realize the green human resource management and organizational good governance.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2019/01/27 | Accepted: 2019/01/27 | Published: 2019/01/27

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