Volume 16, Issue 61 (7-2016)                   refahj 2016, 16(61): 47-76 | Back to browse issues page

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Haqiqatian M, Dawleh M, Toamehpour I, Dawleh F. (2016). The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Attitude to Corruption among Municipal Staff of Tehran Province. refahj. 16(61), 47-76.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2563-en.html
Abstract:   (7386 Views)

 Introduction: Organizational commitment is individuals' emotional and psychological attachment to an organization. According to this the person who is so committed to organisation determins his/ her identity through organization, involve his/herself in organisation's activities and enjoy the membership in the organization. If human resources be loyal, consistent with the goals and values of the organization, and carry out their duty beyond what the job description asked them, become an important factor in the effectiveness of the organization. The existence of such a force in the organization not only results in higher levels of performance and low absenteeism rate, delay and turnover, but also shows the organization's reputation and validity in the community properly, and provides its growth and development. But one of the fundamental problem of our society toward the cultural, social, and economic development is the weak organizational commitment among the employees which will impact on increasing administrative corruption. The fight against corruption requires constant, long and principled efforts. Governmental corruption is abuse authority for personal or private interests and to recommends giving, receiving or demanding any kind of valuable thing to influence the behavior of a governmental employee or an official employee in the process of performing a job or contract. According to Transparency International organization in terms of administrative corruption in 2014, among 175 countries and territories Iran has been ranked as 136 and the same ranks indicates how widespread the phenomenon of corruption is in the social climate in Iran. So by considering the importance of organizational commitment and its relationship with the tendency to corruption the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational commitment and tendency to administrative corruption among the municipal staff of Tehran province.

 Methods: The present study is quantitative in terms of the methodology and its correlation so that the survey was conducted among 385 employees of Tehran municipality.

Findings: The findings suggest that there is a significant inverse relationship between organizational commitment and employee's tendency to corruption. Secondary hypotheses has been confirmed about the inverse relationship between emotional commitment, normative commitment, and continuous commitment and tendency to administrative corruption. Among the organizational commitment dimensions emotional commitment has the ability to predict trend changes in corruption by 25%. In fact it is the best predictor and after that the normative commitment and continuance commitment ranked respectively.

Discussin: The findings of this study are in line with the theories of organizational commitment, concerning the emotional attachment of individual and his commitment to the organization and his assessment on the basis of cost-benefit analysis for the survival of the organization. Also existing the norms and ethics in the organizations was considered as a deterrent to the administrative corruption. In the theory of the individual rationality corruption is considered as result of rational calculations of costs and benefits of brokers so by linking it to an ongoing commitment looking for the cost–benefit, it can be said, when the employees do not gain the benefits that are expected, consequently, are prone to administrative corruption. One of the important questions that managers are faced with administrative behavior is about encouraging employees to take more commitment to their employers and their organizations. That reduces damages. This confirms that in addition to preventing damage due to the fact in this study, encouraging is one of the indicator of tendency to the administrative corruption. It is important to emphasize that encourages associated with organizational commitment. In fact, this result is consistent with the mentioned theory. Therefore, according to the above mentioned results regarding the inverse relationship between organizational commitment two dimensions (normative commitment and continuance commitment) and tendency to corruption it can be said that the results of this study are consistent with the results of the above mentioned hypothesis in the study’s background. But approval the inverse relationship between effective commitment and attitude to the administrative corruption is congruent with study’s backgrounds and emotional commitment has the biggest effect on the level of the tendency to the administrative corruption. These results are also inconsistent with the obtained result of aforementioned backgrounds on the basis of the high explanatory power of commitment.

Concerning to the organizational commitment and administrative corruption it can be said that the more employees commitment to their organizations the the level of monitoring, encouraging, performance, clarification administrative structure stronger. Due to the correlation coefficient between the organizational commitment and different dimensions of administrative corruption, it can be said that the range of person correlation coefficient between the organizational commitment and administrative corruption dimensions relate to the relation of organizational commitment with encouraging and monitoring the employees and clarification. Tendency to administrative corruption in this statistical population is law that it is the result of high level of the employees' organizational commitment. Considering to the sample of 385 people from statistical population of 62 thousand people of Tehran municipality employees, it can be said that the findings of present study cannot be generalized to statistical population.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2016/09/17 | Accepted: 2016/09/17 | Published: 2016/09/17

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