Volume 3, Issue 12 (4-2004)                   refahj 2004, 3(12): 271-286 | Back to browse issues page

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ghotbi M, holakoei naeini K, jazayeri A, rahimi A. (2004). Evaluation of Divorce and it's Factors in Divorced Person Lived in Doulat Abad (Tehran) . refahj. 3(12), 271-286.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1886-en.html
Abstract:   (4615 Views)

According to Community Assessment of Doulat abad region the most important problems listed to: puberty critical conditions, criminal children, family and children training problems and increasing of divorce occurrence. So evaluation of divorce and it's factors in divorced person lived in Doulat abad was selected to identify the most important prevention strategies and the most common complications of divorce presenting to consultants and social policy markers. In this survey interviewing with divorced people completed the questionnaire. The collected data analyzed by the survival method of Kaplan-Meier and log-rank statistical test. 45 woman and 24 men precipitated in this research. The age of 26 to 35 years old is the most common age group and the mean of marital life is 62 months (standard deviation = 68.2). The mean age of divorce in men is 29.83 and 24.62.6 in women. According to results of Kaplan-Meier analysis, the prevalence of divorce after 100 months of marital life is 99% in the involuntary marriage and 22% in voluntary marriage. The mean of marital life was related to the age group the mean age of divorce the number of children the type of couple presentation and the involuntary marriage. Women lived with parents and men lived alone after divorce. Moral difference (83%) addiction (42%) family interferences (33%) economic problems (30%) and psychiatry diseases (24%) were the most common causes of divorce. Between after divorce problems children training problems and lonely ness were more common in the upper age groups. Rate of children training problems was related to their numbers. Rate of problems was lower in family marriages. Community Assessment

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/25 | Accepted: 2015/08/25 | Published: 2015/08/25

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