Abstract: (4831 Views)
Introduction: The wishes of people are not created in a purely personal and individual way, but the objective position of people in society determines the ceiling of wishes. Dreams or wishes of people are influenced by external conditions and differ depending on the living conditions of individuals. Wishes are different from one another; the desired wishes of a particular class for the other class are impossible and unattainable, which reflects class distance in groups of society.
Method: The results of this study have been obtained by qualitative method through a deep interview technique among the young people living in Tehran.
Findings: The findings of this research show that there is a concord between objective fortune and subjective wishes, and people’s wishes are distinct based upon economic and cultural capital. The youth living in north of Tehran are sure about achieving their wishes.
Discussion: Despite the lack of enough and adequate means for living and working in the community after graduation, in the beginning the structure of Iranian educational system is very promising, but in practice, a large number of these graduates after receiving higher degrees, will become disappointed because of failures in the labor market. Therefore, working and living outside of Iran has become a dream for many young people regardless of their class base.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2019/03/12 | Accepted: 2019/10/6 | Published: 2020/01/18
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