Volume 24, Issue 94 (In press 2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(94): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmadi Y, Sobhani P, Ebrahimi F. (2024). Sociological Analysis of the Social Life of the Marginal Residents of Naysar in the City of Sanandaj: Life on the Path of Suffering. refahj. 24(94), : 9 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.94.4510.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4316-en.html
Abstract:   (1750 Views)
Introduction: Marginalization is a clear example of inequality in enjoying the opportunities of desirable social life and individual and social prosperity in the labyrinth of urban society and is a story of living on the path of suffering and Sisyphean effort to reach the minimum. The present study, relying on Henri Loefer's opinions about the concept of the right to the city, is in the pursuit of analyzing the social life of the marginal residents of the separate urban area in Sanandaj city.
Method: The approach adopted for this research is qualitative and from the inductive qualitative content analysis method with the usual procedure for counting the contexts, substrates and intervening factors in the formation of the target location and the living conditions of the interviewees (12 people) from the way of life. Their society has been used.
Findings: The obtained data were classified into three categories of propositions, major categories and central/main categories, which main categories include; Migration in pursuit of life, the activity of urban construction rentier networks, the loss of the right to the city, the plurality of identities, the weakness of urban infrastructures, the formation of a micro-culture of crime, tolerating social stigma on marginalized people, religious fundamentalism and deepening the peer learning model.
Discussion: The study found that villages are being ignored and there aren't enough programs to help them improve. This, along with problems like not having access to healthcare, education, and jobs, is causing people to move to cities. As a result, immigrants are struggling to have a good life in the city center and are being forced to live in the suburbs of Sanandaj. All types of rentiers related to land and building permits have contributed to the mess, along with the lack of commitment and drive to fix infrastructure problems. The main worry lately has been the unchecked spread of religious extremism like Salafism, fueled by poverty, a crisis of purpose, and of course, criminal behavior. This has led to a dangerous mix of religion, bias, and gang violence.

Article number: 9
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2024/03/3 | Accepted: 2024/07/27 | Published: 2024/10/5

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