Faramarzi S, Homaie R, Izadi R. (2011). Efficacy of cognitive behavioral group training of life skills on mental health of women with handicapped spouses.
11(40), 217-235.
Abstract: (9406 Views)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral
group training of life skills on mental health of women with handicapped
spouses in Isfahan. The study was experimental with pretest-posttest design with
control group. Participants included 80 women with handicapped spouses in
Isfahan who were supported by Welfare Organization. These women selected
with random sampling and randomly assigned in groups. Measurement
instrument was GHQ-28. The results suggested significant differences (F=84.19,
p=.001) between the groups, indicating that cognitive behavioral group training
of life skills had significant effects on mental health of women with handicapped
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2011/09/18 | Published: 2011/04/15