Volume 16, Issue 61 (7-2016)                   refahj 2016, 16(61): 107-139 | Back to browse issues page

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ahmadi Y, mohamadzadeh H, aliramaie S. (2016). Relationship between Types of Capital and Healthy Lifestyle in Sanandaj Women . refahj. 16(61), 107-139.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2568-en.html
Abstract:   (6285 Views)

Introduction: One of the most important advances in theory of sociology is increased attention to lifestyle as a key concept in explaining human social behavior. Lifestyle includes physical preferences, appearance, housing, work, and leisure habits that distinguish citizens from each other. In recent years, healthy lifestyle has been attention by sociologists. Paying attention to lifestyle and health change behavioral and mental dimensions due to improvement of health. Happyness, confidence, energy, strength, and health are all qualities an individual wants. The real question is how bad they want it. It is really not as hard as it seems. Gradually changing your life into a well balanced, healthy lifestyle can be done. It may be hard getting rid of old habits, but it is well worth it. Start with little changes and less excuses. Living a healthy lifestyle is not a diet or some ridiculous weight loss challenge. Living a healthy lifestyle is a melting pot of several factors. One is not able to live a healthy lifestyle without a solid diet and workout foundation. The harmful side effects of processed food, drugs, alcohol, and sleep deprivation trump one’s life while mental and emotional stability aids in a healthy lifestyle. According to the World Health Organization, only one in ten people exercise regularly and a majority does not follow a healthy diet. The main culprit is our penchant for junk food as can be seen from the popularity of fast food chains and other western eateries. Even local foods such as fried noodles, friend rice, snacks, and savories are laden with fat and calories. Thus, consuming this type of food on a daily basis can contribute to weight gain. Overweight and obese people suffer from many health complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even cancer. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a conscious decision. One can ignore that and lead a life that exposes one too many health hazards. It is important to recognize that a healthy living ensures a longer life span as well as a life free of disease and complications. Hence, the emphasis on healthy lifestyle should start at young ages. Parents must urge their children to eat more vegetables, fruits, juices, whole meal and wholegrain foods. Many parents, due to time constraint, usually find the easy way out by cooking two-minute noodles or heading towards the nearest fast food joint for quick meal. They do not realize however that sets the stage for an unhealthy lifestyle for their children who quickly become addicted to such foods. Thus, parents can counter this problem by cooking or preparing meals that do not take up time such as cheese sandwiches, soup, stir fried vegetables or buy pre-packed meals from supermarkets which can be warmed up in the microwave oven.

Change in healthy lifestyle can be made facilitated by a number of factors including types of capital (social, cultural and economic). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between different types of Capital and healthy lifestyle. It seems that the city of Sanandaj in Kurdistan province due to cultural differences in ethnic and linguistic terms with other parts of Iran, in the field of lifestyle is suitable for the evaluation.

This study intends to analyze effect of variety of women's capital on healthy lifestyle and tries to answer this question that what is the effect of types and sizes of capital (economic, social and cultural) on women's choice of healthy lifestyle in Sanandaj?

Method: This paper is a descriptive and non-laboratory study was conducted using survey techniques. The population were all of the over 18 year old women of the city of Sanandaj. The sample size was chosen based on Cochran formula (310) and stratified cluster sampling method is determined. The data collection tool has been a combination of questionnaires researcher made and standards that were valid and reliable.

Findings: Results of research on the status of healthy lifestyle of women in Sanandaj based on six dimensions show that situation of women is moderate in four dimensions (spiritual growth and self-actualization, accountability of health, interpersonal relationships, and nutrition), but in both the exercise and stress management is low. Moreover, the findings indicated two types of capital (economic and cultural) and their aspects and dimension of social networks from social capital index, with varying degrees of severity, has significant relationship with healthy lifestyle.

Discussion: So, it can be argued that factors of cultural and economic capital have positive effect on selection of healthy lifestyle. In addition to the components of social capital and network index which leading to the expansion of the collaborative activities and public relations have significant effect. In other words, it seems that women linkage in respect to growth of awareness about health and their engagement in different activities has been helpful in selection of type of lifestyle.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2016/09/19 | Accepted: 2016/09/19 | Published: 2016/09/19

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