Abstract: (9909 Views)
Objective: The aim of measuring vulnerability of children to poverty is to
estimate the probability 01 being poor according to the household’s head socioeconomic
characteristics. The estimates of the vulnerability to poverty can be
used as a guideline to the policymakers to allocate the public subsidies to the
poor children and their families.
Methodology: Children are at a higher risk of poverty than adults, regardless of
place and time. Since they are not independent economic actors by themselves,
they rely on the distribution of resources by their parents, household or
community members to provide their basic needs.
In this study, we use the logit model to measure degree of vulnerability of children
to poverty in urban areas in Iran. Findings of this study can provide a guideline for
subsidy targeting. Data used in this study is pooled micro-data of household
expenditure surveys from 1983- 2007, collected by Statistical Center of Iran.
Finding & results: This approach to identify the degree of vulnerability of
children to poverty can be used as a reliable proxy and an alternative method to
identify the children in poverty, once there is no comprehensive data bank on the
household's well-being. Some of the findings show that the larger the size of the
households and number of children, the higher is the degree of vulnerability of
children to poverty. The level of education of the head of household is another
important determinant of vulnerability of children to poverty. The higher is the
education level of the household’s head the lower is the children vulnerability to
poverty. Employment status is another important determinant of vulnerability to
poverty. Children living in the households whose heads are unemployed are
more vulnerable to poverty than those otherwise. Age and gender of the head of
households are two main determinants of children vulnerability.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2011/10/9 | Published: 2010/03/15