Volume 7, Issue 28 (9-2008)                   refahj 2008, 7(28): 239-262 | Back to browse issues page

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Babakhani M. (2008). Economic Development, Income Inequality and Health in Iran: 1355-1385. refahj. 7(28), 239-262.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2038-en.html
Abstract:   (6827 Views)

Objectives: Economic development, income inequality and health issues have integration. The relationship between population health, inequality in income, distribution and economic growth has attracted much attention during the last two decades. In other word, economic development, economic growth and income inequality as socioeconomic parameters or social determinants health (SDH) are effective for supply and promotion of health. In resent decade’s whit transformation in illnesses epidemiology from infectious diseases to chronic diseases, attention to social environmental and mental causes increased instead of clinical causes. The objectives purpose of this paper is to examine that relationship and regression analysis between income inequality, economic development and economic growth index with health index using Iran time- series data. We analysis included 31years, 1355-1385. Method: In this study used of correlation and regression analyses. For the selected years, Predictor’s variables are economic development, economic growth and income inequality. And dependent variables are life expectancy at berth and under 5year children mortality rate. In this study we used of economic growth as control variable. Necessary data and information for study correlated from the central bank and statistical center of han. For preparing the data used of EXCEL software, first we collected primitive and fresh data then interred theme EXCEL software to gain necessary data. The analysis of correlated data was done with the help of SPSS software. h) Findings: the propos of present study is analysis relationships between study variables. Gini coefficient has significant coloration (p<.001) with life expectancy (R=-0.73, P=0.000) also with under 5 years children mortality rat(R=0.77, P=0.000). And economic development has significant coloration (p<.05) with life expectancy (R=0.38, P=0.03) also with under 5year children mortality rat (R=-0.4, P=.0027). After used of partial coloration economic growth shown significant coloration (in p<0.01signification level). When regression analyses was don, observed that income inequality is stronger predictor to variance health variables (P=0.75, p=0.79). Results: the important difference of this study is to various indexes. This character helps to have deeper knowledge about variables. Decreasing of income inequality and increase economic development will cause of increase in health indexes (increase in life expectancy and decrease in fewer than 5year children mortality rat). According to data income inequality trend is decreasing and economic growth and economic development trends are variable. But health status trend is increasing. Although decreasing in economic growth on 1356‌1368, health indices were promoted. Because, during in this years, Islamic revolution governments whit society approach adopted social policies such as universal education, health care social security ,and social services such as subsides that resulting to increase in income inequality. By attention to findings of regression analyses, before that economic growth interred to model, income inequality was stronger variable than economic development (P=0.75, p=0.79). But with existed economic growth, economic development was strongest variable. Generally, seem for health promotion, we must be attention to both economic development and income redistribution issues.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/09/2 | Accepted: 2015/09/2 | Published: 2015/09/2

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