Volume 18, Issue 69 (7-2018)                   refahj 2018, 18(69): 157-129 | Back to browse issues page

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Roshandel Arbatani T, Heidary A. (2018). Designing the Media Policy Model of Iran Social Security Organization. refahj. 18(69), 157-129. doi:10.29252/refahj.18.69.157
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3219-en.html
Abstract:   (4886 Views)
Introduction: Mass media plays a crucial role in information distribution and thus in the political market and public policy making. Theory predicts that the information provided by mass media reflects the media’s incentives to provide news to different types of groups in society, and affects these groups’ influence in policy-making. A few empirical studies have tried to assess the effect of media on policy outcomes. Some key findings from this literature suggest that access to mass-media empowers people politically and, as such, increases their benefit from government programs. A review on researches published on public policy in media, reveals that the major subject is the dominant role of government in policy making. Ward (2008) describes media and television policy under intensive influence of government and the atmosphere of political regime in the country. He believes that the media firms do not  act in a vacuum, but they operate in political and historical context which forms the nature of their activities and shape the structure of television and media. So, the political regime has a considerable effect on media industry and its operation. Graham (1992) argued that social responsibility of governments drives them to regulating and controlling the television and media industry and aims to select a method to dominate the public regulation on media market as a mechanism for pervasive distribution of media products with diversity and quality necessary for society. Smith (2009) investigates the media policy of British government against television. He believes that in past two decades media policy of British government against television has changed, and development of digital broadcasting caused to the emergence of a more complicated system of policy in the country, which involved new participators like stakeholders, media owners and political institutions and etc. Smith implies that new media policy of British government has changed from media government to media governance. Throw (2009) investigates governments' approaches toward media control, and introduces Authoritarian, Communist, Social Responsibility and Libertarian as approaches governments take, facing with the media. Vivian (2008) in a same perspective categorizes most common approaches of governments toward media in four liberalistic, totalitarian, capital democratic, and social democratic. In fact, he introduces a political tendency of parties as their approach to media policy
Mass media plays a crucial role in information distribution and thus in the political market and public policy making. Theory predicts that the information provided by mass media reflects the media’s incentives to provide news to different types of groups in society, and affects these groups’ influence on policy-making. A few empirical studies have tried to assess the effect of media on policy outcomes. Some key findings from this literature suggests that access to mass-media empowers people politically and, as such, increases their benefit from government programs. Considering media policy making for a variety of reasons, including facilitating decision-making, decision-making, information and communication technologies and the quality of communication and interaction of the social security organization with the main stakeholders and social partners are essential for the social security organization.
Method: Policy-making plays an important role in the sphere of public media and shapes the sphere of communications in any society. The content and structure of the media and particularly their understanding about the role they should play is under influence of the dominant policy with regards to compiling the rules and regulations pertaining to the country’s media; This policy determines the objectives and path for the media manager and thus understanding the policy is one of the most fundamental issues which need to be considered in media management. This research has a qualitative approach and using the Grounded Theory and interviewing tool and Purposive sampling, designed the media policy making model for Iran's Social Security Organization.
Findings: The Politics of Media Policy provide a critical perspective on the dynamics of media policy and offers a comprehensive guide to some of the major points of debate in the media today. While many policy makers boast of the openness and pluralism of their media systems, policy-making plays an important role in the sphere of public media and shapes the sphere of communications in any society. The content and structure of the media and particularly their understanding about the role they should play is under influence of the dominant policy with regards to compiling the rules and regulations pertaining to the country’s media; therefore, the complicated and ever-changing governmental rules and regulations have significant consequences for the future of the media. Basically, policy-making orients the activities and objectives of the media in a country. Media management is in practice not possible without considering the major policy that governs the media sector. This policy determines the objectives and path for the media manager and thus understanding the policy is one of the most fundamental issues which needs to be considered in media management. The present research aims to conceptualize the idea of policy making in media and offer a theoretical framework to shed light on the components and the nature of such policy making. To reach this goal, in this research, using interviews with experts (who have been working in the field of media and communication and media sectors of the Social Security Organization for at least 10 years) and reviewing the literature, the media policy making model of the Iranian Social Security Organization was presented.
Discussion: policy making model of the Iranian Social Security Organization was presented. Since no comprehensive definition was found for media policy through review the literature, the first step was to use the scattered findings about this subject and conduct interviews with the related experts to provide a common definition of media policy that could also referred to the future studies. As the result of interviews, important criteria of the media policy making model include inputs, processes, and outcomes. Inputs are considered from the perspective of organizational capabilities and the nature of the challenge. The process in this model includes media policy actions that are influenced by the image of the organization and the environmental factors, and the results and consequences are categorized in six dimensions.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2018/10/2 | Accepted: 2018/10/2 | Published: 2018/10/2

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