Abstract: (1217 Views)
Introduction: Although the pursuit of beauty is a historical social behavior, but drawing beauty features and marketing for cosmetic surgery, is a new challenge that results in professional failure for surgeons and socio-psychological damage for patients-clients. The purpose of the research is to know the marketing angles of cosmetic surgeries based on women's lived experience.
Method: This is a transcendental phenomenological qualitative research with Moustakas model, and based on the Purposeful sampling of 11 female patient- customer who had experienced at least one cosmetic surgery in a part of their body within 12 months before the interview. The data was collected in the cosmetic surgery clinics of Zanjan city by semi-structured interview until theoretical saturation was reached. Data coding was done with MAXQDA.20 software, data validation was done through researcher reflexivity (reflexive-accounting), and peer debriefing (peer review) was also conducted in this research.
Findings: Angles of the Market-seeking phenomenon, emerged in seven main themes and 26 sub-themes. influence situation, in five themes of internet seduction, advice of market-seeker and definitive, embedding the surgery market in society, positioning of surgery, intervening conditions; and affected situation by the phenomenon in two themes of social and relational disorder, and mental breakdown and disorder appeared, and came together in the super-theme of "multidimentional and entangled market-seeking" which represents the essence of the phenomenon.
Discussion: Cosmetic surgery market-seeking, is an "entangled phenomenon" that creates a gap between subjective perceptions and objective results of the surgery, and it also have some impacts on patient-customer and surgeons. Market-seeking adjustments are recommended through the formulation and education of medical ethics and emancipatory gender education.
Article number: 8
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2022/11/3 | Accepted: 2023/10/21 | Published: 2024/02/14
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