Volume 7, Issue 29 (7-2008)                   refahj 2008, 7(29): 51-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Bermas H. (2008). The Comparative Efficiency Rate of Individual-Based Training Courses of the Preventive Drug Abuse. refahj. 7(29), 51-70.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2027-en.html
Abstract:   (4301 Views)

Objectives: objective of the present project is planning, assessing, and enforcing the preventive training course of drug abuse for the secondary school students. The views concerned with preventive training course of drug abuse and respective resources were studied, according to the common and different views as well as previous courses and the views of the experts, the mentioned course was developed, five psychologists approved the project. Method: The students’ questionnaire on the drug was then studied based on the concerned fundamental theories and the previous tools for the fundamental project. Validity of the test content was approved based on the assessors’ agreement, (28 psychology professors, as well as experienced adductors’ clinical consultants) approved the validity of the test. The mentioned test stability was calculated based on the fundamental 30 secondary students’ pilot study. They were studying at the third year of secondary school. We used Connacht's Alpha. The obtained index was 0.733 And Two groups of the third year secondary school students were selected in the witness group pretest posttest semi tested project. Then the groups were pre-tested based on (researcher prepared questionnaire) therefore, the test group training course was held for four sessions and then the posttest was hold. Finally the data were analyzed by t test, and covariance analysis. Findings: There has been a meaningful difference in the view of the witness test group concerning the negative view of the drug abuse, thus, the mentioned course could more extensively be used for the primary prevention of the drug abuse. Research Findings show that in 98 percents of the cases, the students who passed the recommended individualized courses on the harm effects of drug addiction have changed their attitudes modified their behaviors. In other words, the students in the experimental group who have passed the courses on preventing the drug addiction have a more negative attitude comparing to those who have not attended such courses. Results: because of that the period of individual based, after study other periods and consider powers and debilities, designing and confirm by psychology, professors and because of its effective on half-experimental has done, is recorded, it suggest period for high school students in first prevention level.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/09/1 | Accepted: 2015/09/1 | Published: 2015/09/1

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