Volume 23, Issue 88 (5-2023)                   refahj 2023, 23(88): 197-236 | Back to browse issues page

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mirzaei E, alahdadi N, omidi M. (2023). Sociological analysis of the lived experience of disabled people in Ahvaz city in facing family and society. refahj. 23(88), 197-236. doi:10.32598/refahj.23.88.2594.5
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4141-en.html
Abstract:   (1863 Views)
Introduction: Disabled people are special social groups that are more exposed to deprivation and lack of benefit from social opportunities and facilities due to physical or mental defects. The current research was conducted with the aim of sociological analysis and understanding of the lived experience of disabled people in Ahvaz city in facing family and society.
 Method: This research is of a qualitative type and uses data-foundation theory. The statistical population of the research is all people with disabilities over 15 years of age in Ahvaz city who visited rehabilitation centers, welfare and disabled people's association in the first quarter of 1401. The necessary qualitative data were collected using "semi-structured interviews".
Findings: The results obtained from the bio-experiment of the disabled show that their understanding of the family's encounter with disability is based on kindness, psychological measures, meeting needs, pity, excessive support, imposing restrictions, feeling powerless, denying disability. Their needs have been suppressed and neglected. Also, the codes of verbal abuse, physical abuse, social exclusion, social interaction, violation and lack of law, lack of executive guarantee, lack of fun and entertainment, transportation challenges and job inequality are among the categories of their perception and understanding of the society's encounter with the disabled and It was their disability.
Discussion: In short, it can be said that the interviewed disabled people did not have much confidence in society's positive attitude towards disability, and they preferred seclusion, loneliness and isolation in the face of society. Also, in relation to social interactions, they did not have much communication and they considered the lack of awareness of the people of the society about the rights of the disabled and how to deal with them as very important and effective.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/10/23 | Accepted: 2023/03/11 | Published: 2023/05/9

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