Mohammadi F, esmaeili A, Piri H, Rajabi shameli E. (2024). The role of motivating sports participation in the social well-being and social identity of female students of the first secondary school of knowledge in rural Jajarm city. refahj. 24(93), : 7 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.93.2114.2 URL:
Self-motivation is an internal motivation that guides a person to activity from within and is a cause of a person’s needs (Rohi et al. 2012). People engage in sports activities with different motivations and goals, and motivation in sports activities refers to tendencies, social or cognitive variables that arise in playing and competing with others, and lack of motivation, when people It is obvious that they lack the intention and desire to participate in a specific activity. In fact, people not only participate in sports and physical activities for different reasons, but also get motivated in different ways and in different situations (Mousavi, Khabeiri, & Zandi, 2019). Numerous researches show that different motivations (social interaction, pleasure and vitality, prevention and treatment, reduction of mental pressure, weight control, work relationships, life and health) cause a tendency towards sports (Yousten, 2018). Destruches, Poulin and Denault (2022) showed in a research that people’s participation in physical and sports activities is influenced by motivational, situational and intrapersonal factors. According to Lim and Song (2019), enjoying sports activities can promote human value and dignity, shape the human body and mind, and lead to the overall progress of a person.
Social well-being is defined as a person’s personal report of how he relates to other people (Allen et al. 2010). In general, social well-being is a person’s evaluation and understanding of how he functions in society and the quality of his relationship with other people, relatives and social groups of which he is a member (Sharbatian et al. 2016). Studies in recent years have shown that there is a mutual relationship between participation in sports activities and well-being (Regial et al. 2014).
Since the participation of students in sports activities is one of the important ways to ensure their psychological and physical health, investigating the reasons for the participation of these people in sports and increasing motivation as a starting point for activities and commitment to sports activities as a means for It is very important to participate and continue the activity of this field. Also, girls’ sports participation as a social phenomenon has been the focus of sociologists’ attention, and numerous researches have been conducted in this regard inside and outside the country, therefore, the target statistical population in this research is girls’ schools.
The purpose of the present study was the motivational role of sports participation in the social well-being and social identity of female students of the first secondary school in the rural areas of Jajarm. Based on the results, there is a positive and significant correlation between the motivation of sports participation and social well-being, also the results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the motivation components of sports participation and the social well-being components. This finding is consistent with some of the research results of Pourranjebr et al. (2017), but it is not consistent with the results of the study by Shams et al. The reason for this disparity can be due to the difference of the study population as well as the comparison of the effect of sports activity on mental health in three inactive, moderately active and strongly active groups. According to the results of the study and the existence of a significant relationship between sports participation and psychological well-being in the interpretation of the present discussion, it seems that participating in recreational activities as well as performing physical activities improves the well-being of students as a result of increasing positive emotions, reducing negative emotions and satisfaction. It has become more than life. According to McCland and Boyatiz, who emphasized on setting goals and planning for mental well-being, it is likely that participating in the above activities of the sports program as targeted programs that are planned and targeted through the officials will cause the mental well-being of this group of people. has been Therefore, coaches can increase the possibility of increasing the desirability of this variable among athletes while increasing their information on the motivation of sports participation and taking related measures in this direction.
The results obtained from the present research showed that the state of sports participation motivation is higher than the average level and this shows the great attention and importance of the participation motivation components among athletes in selected sports fields and it probably has a positive effect on social well-being and it will increase, and in the analysis of the reason for the lack of alignment, considering that in non-aligned research, different samples than the current research, such as from the sample of young athletes (Shamsi et al. 2015) and the sample of a specific sports discipline have used,
Other results of the current research showed that there is no significant relationship between social well-being and social identity, as well as between the components of social well-being and the components of social identity.
In the general conclusion, it can be stated that the motivation of sports participation is related to social well-being, that is, as the motivation of sports participation increases, social well-being increases and social identity decreases.
One of the most important challenges for physical education teachers in schools is to know the motivation of students to participate in physical activities. Because motivation is a chain process that starts with a feeling of need and ends with a person’s desire and action to achieve the goal and satisfy the need. Therefore, the source of the energy center of this process can be internal or external motivations, which the trainers should be fully aware of. The external motivations of a person’s activities are subject to the environment and often to achieve tangible, specific and practical rewards. But internal motivations are formed based on an inner desire or inner desire and give direction and continuity to the person’s activity until reaching the goal, and the rewards that a person receives in the internal motivation will not necessarily be tangible. Therefore, the motivation of most sports activities of people in the society can include a sense of success, entertainment, pleasure and friendship, which are often internal and coaches should gain recognition and attention to it.
Financial and ethical considerations
Hereby, we are grateful for the sincere cooperation of Jajarom Education Department. The researchers’ personal expenses have been used to implement this project. And all ethical considerations have been observed during the research.All authors contributed to the production of the research. The present study has no financial sponsor.There is no conflict of interest between the authors.