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Intorduction: It is necessary to pay attention to the subjective well-being or satisfaction of employees in an organization since the lack of attention to them would lead to deleterious effects on individual and organizational performance. Subjective well-being is one of the key concepts of the well-being and the social health. It is important to have a sense of the well-being such as providing mental health, physical well-being and increasing life expectancy, demonstrating the value of happiness for human, and measuring the quality of life index. The subjective well-being provides the constructs of the desirable living, at two levels of the individuals and organizations. Happy people are more willing to collaborate and be more productive. The satisfied employees tend to increase productivity in the organization. People with positive feelings are more productive, and the favorable attitudes of subjective well-being lead to perceptions of positive behaviors in the workplace. Although in the external environment, various opportunities and threats are explored in the field of subjective well-being, and it is found in the related literature that subjective well-being of employees is a prerequisite for organizational success; however, few research studies have addressed its components to create a sense of life satisfaction, health, etc. Therefore, the main question of the present study is “what is the role of managers ‘mental patterns in subjective well-being of employees?”
Method: The present study is a mixed-method research study in which the Q approach was used to examine and explain managers’ mental patterns regarding subjective well-being of employees. Q-methodology offers a way to apply qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research method applied was based on the purpose of the study, and data collection procedure was explorative and descriptive survey respectively. The statistical population in this study was managers and supervisors of Ferro Gilan Complex (N = 22) who were directly related to the research topic. In addition, purposive sampling technique was used wherein sampling methods are unpredictable. To collect the data, in-depth interviews were administered, whose validity and reliability had already been confirmed, respectively by CVR approach and Cohen’s Kappa method. In qualitative part of research, the managers of Ferro Gilan Complex were interviewed by Q method, and Q cards were distributed among them and there were Q-Set and Q-Sort and P-Set.
The concourse is the list of items that are used to describe perspectives on specific topics. For example, the concourse could be the items that describe what executives feel are important to motivate a person for the workplace or items that describe participants’ viewpoints as regards what it means to be an expert coach. Traditionally, the concourse is made up of text statements; however, it is possible to use images. In this study, out of the many comments that came from the concourse, some that repetitive ones were deleted, and more comprehensive statements were selected. The resulting 37 statements were edited in such a way that, in addition to having proper literature, they fully cover the concourse. The P-set is the set of individuals who participate in the study to sort the Q-set and it is what a more traditional quantitative study would identify as the sample. This P-Set is not random, rather it is a structured sample of respondents who are theoretically relevant to the problem under consideration. Once the P-set (sample of participants = managers and supervisors of Ferro Gilan Complex (N = 22) is established, the next stage in the process is to administer the Q-sort. “When administering the Q-sort, participants are often given a sheet with specific sorting instructions called a condition of instruction and an answer sheet to record the rank ordering after collecting information from Q sorting, this information was analyzed by factor analysis in quantitative part of research.
Findings: Data analysis of Q sort arrangements is inherently quantitative. The seven factors were rotated using varimax rotation – an algorithm featured by PQ Method that rotates the factors to maximize the association of individuals with just one factor. For factors to make the interpretation phase, we need to have an eigenvalue of 1.0 or greater than 1.0 and at least two participants needed to load on it. By factor analysis of the data obtained, the study indicate that the seven main mindsets of the managers relevant to subjective well-being of employees that are as follows: justice-oriented, collaboration-oriented, spirituality-oriented, trust-oriented, satisfaction-oriented, happiness-oriented, positive organizational behavior-oriented. Participants No. 19, 3, 8, and 2 selected the first mental pattern, participants No. 13, 14, 15, and 1 selected the second mental pattern, participants No. 20, 21, and 22 selected the third mental pattern, participants No 7, 10, and 12 chose the fourth mental pattern, participants No. 6, 9, and 18 chose the fifth mental pattern, participants No. 4, 11, and 16 selected the sixth mental pattern, and participants No. 17, and 5 selected the seventh mental pattern.
Discussin: The managers with mental patterns such as justice-oriented, collaboration-oriented, spirituality-oriented, trust-oriented, satisfaction-oriented, happiness-oriented, positive organizational behavior-oriented can improve the subjective well-being of the employees. The managers with the collaboration-oriented mental patterns provide employees with subjective well-being by participating in tasks, spreading a cooperative friendly atmosphere, building social relationships, and enhancing the quality of the organizational work environment. The justice-oriented mental pattern is specific to the managers who provide subjective well-being by creating a belief in a fair world, believing in the merits achievements, and positively influencing one’s attitudes. The spirituality- oriented mental patterns are the mentality of managers who can step in the direction of subjective well-being based on the use of two-way ethical relationships, the presentation of ethical characteristics, and the freedom of thought. The trust-oriented mental pattern is the subjective well-being of employees that depends on building trust in the organization, creating a climate of integrity, and integrity in the organization. The positive organizational behaviors-oriented mental patterns are also models that emphasize decreasing stress, increasing positive emotions, considering job career, and life expectancy. The satisfaction-oriented is also the mental model of managers who use employees’ sense of well-being in life and satisfaction, compensation, job security, and training for employees. This study showed that if a manager wants to increase the subjective well-being of his employees, there must be a satisfying climate in the organization. This can be achieved only by providing the needs of employees, both of materialistic and spiritual ones, and also happiness-oriented mental pattern introduces happiness indicators. Feeling happy and creating fun environment not only enhances the sense of satisfaction in individuals, but also results in positive social outcomes that promote subjective well-being.
Therefore, according to the first to seventh mental patterns, managers of the organization decode the black box of human resource management in increasing individual and organizational performance with the justice-oriented, collaboration-oriented, spirituality-oriented, trust-oriented, satisfaction-oriented, happiness-oriented, positive organizational behavior-oriented. It is also suggested that the managers of the organization should spread the culture of cooperation and honest feedback regarding employees’ beliefs and feelings about justice in the organization, ethics and satisfaction, cognitive and affective trust to smooth the path of employees’ subjective well-being and organizational health. The results have been associated with some limitations related to qualitative research and the method of collecting data in the form of interviews. Since the results of the research cannot be generalized to other communities; therefore, it is suggested that another research study can be conducted in other institutions/organizations, such as hospitals, banks, etc., and the results can be compared with the those of the present study. It is also suggested to use other qualitative methods such as grounded theory and focus groups method to address subjective well-being.
Ethical Consideration
Authors Contribution
In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in producing of the research.
In the present study, all expenses were borne by the authors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2019/09/21 | Accepted: 2020/05/23 | Published: 2021/03/14
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