Volume 11, Issue 42 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2011)                   refahj 2011, 11(42): 37-66 | Back to browse issues page

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momeni F, Amini M. (2011). Capability and Sustainable Development in the Third and Forth Development Plans of Iran Considering “Amartia Sen”’s Approach. refahj. 11(42), 37-66.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-727-en.html
Abstract:   (9639 Views)
Introdaetion: the aim of this research is to analyze the situation of the sustainable development in the third and forth development plan of iran considering Sen’s concept of capability and quality of life, identifying the gap with optimal level. it also determines some factors on sustainable development in the current situation of the country. Method: the research has two phase and methods. The first one includes narrative review and content analysis of iran’s development plans. The second one is hypothesis analysis on the basis of sen’s sustainability index and the analysis of the results. Findings: sustainable development is determined with three focal points human, socio-economic and environmental development, considering the benefits of all generations and in Sen’s approach the concept of capability and freedom. Considering this approach in the third and forth plans, some indicators of sustainability like environment preservation and equal opportunity for promotion of human security and empowerment were included in paper but not the on the level of policy making. conclusion: The situation of sustainable development in the third development plan has been unsatisfactory and the grade of sustainability index is negative, but its trend has been gradually improving in such way that in the last year of the plan we notice positive grade. It exceeded to the forth plan, so we have maximum grade in the year2006. it again fell in the years 2007-80. The other important result is that in the current situation of our country, socioeconomic factor is the most important Factor sustainable development andassociated must be strengthened. In addition, after receiring an acceptable level. Development. cultural and social factors should get importance in policy making. It needs policy makers to take sustainability approach in development procedure.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2012/06/11 | Published: 2011/10/15

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