Volume 24, Issue 94 (10-2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(94): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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maddahi J, faizi I. (2024). The window of life after divorce: a diverse construction of the new world life (Qualitative study of the consequences of divorce on women's lives in Tehran). refahj. 24(94), : 3 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.94.4504.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4314-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Sometimes divorce is seen as a disastrous victory and sometimes it is seen as useful and sweet. But divorce, life after divorce and facing it did not take long to open its place in the system of social problem at an international level. A problem that has made a significant part of the people and policy makers aware of this challenge and they have a full-time concern for solving this problem. The social world of the current era, with diverse living environments and challenges affected by this riotous diversity, announces that social institutions such as (family) are being challenged. A family with a long history.
Various studies from the West and capitalist societies to the East and less developed societies show the prevalence of a common social problem called divorce. Almost all the discussions and controversies proposed revolve around the idea that divorce and life after it is a social issue. The research wisdom of this article has set its goal in using the right method as a tool to serve understanding, reasoning and an enlightened effort to depict the life experience of women after divorce. It seems that the traces of postmodern culture and its events can be seen in the lives of women after divorce. Postmodern culture that considers the society beyond the control of norms and the dominance of family-oriented culture and emphasizes the emergence of pluralism and particularism.
The purpose of this study is to understand and represent the life experience of divorced women in Tehran after divorce. For this reason, the interpretative paradigm was chosen to conduct this research and the grounded theory method was used. This method is used in cases where the researcher is interested in understanding the meaning of the phenomenon from the perspective and experience of those involved; Therefore, qualitative researchers use this method when they want to understand: what interpretation do people have of their experience? How do they build their world? What do they think of their experience? The participants of this research were divorced women living in Tehran. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 37 divorced women, and the research reached theoretical saturation in terms of data. Theoretical sampling method was used to select the participants. Among the different sampling strategies, snowball sampling was used; In this way, first, a number of these people were selected through related networks, acquaintances, and informed people; After that, if each sample met the divorced women, it would provide the basis for communication and formation of the next interview. On average, the interviews took between 50 minutes and 3 hours, and in some cases, the interviews continued in several sessions. Most of the interviews were conducted in open spaces such as parks and gardens, coffee shops and in some cases in the workplace. The duration of the data collection process and the interview process lasted more than 8 months. Data analysis was done with theoretical coding system. In this type of coding, which is specific to the grounded theory method, three stages of coding were completed: open coding, central coding, and selective coding.
In the open coding phase, the text of the interviews was read line by line and conceptualized. In the core coding, these concepts were placed next to each other and based on the semantic overlap, they became core categories, and finally, the core category was obtained at a more abstract level than the previous two stages. It is important to mention that the data coding process started from the second interview onwards and until the end of the analysis, the interview and analysis proceeded simultaneously. Before starting the interview, the consent of the participants was obtained. Also, by explaining the purpose, topic and method of the research, the interviewees got to know the work process so that if they don’t want to participate in the interview, they will be given enough authority and choice. Protection of personal and private information of people is very important in research work; For this reason, the researcher recorded, noted and used the data with full consent and with the permission of each person participating in the research, and the people were assured that the information will be protected confidentially. Among these measures that were used to prevent the disclosure of the real identity of the participants was the use of pseudonyms in recording their information.
In the open coding stage, 155 open codes, 33 central codes, 7 main categories and one core category were extracted from the data coding system: Life of children of divorce: double victory and failure, reaching forgotten individuality, desire and experience The images of riotous pleasures, the lack of pleasant experience of returning to the father’s house, economic challenges (hardship), diversification of negative attention (sexual and instrumental), a conceptual framework of the stigma of divorce, multifaceted rejection.  Also, “actualized dualism: from the experience of hardship to modern individuality” was chosen as the core category and finally a tree diagram extracted from the data was prepared.
Life after divorce, at least at first glance, is an experience of the life of divorced women, which cannot be easily explained. It should be pointed out that in the process of forming and proceeding with divorce and the motivations of life after divorce, the desire to recognize and unquestionably reach individual wishes, central individuality, personal hopes and dreams, freedom from  limitations,  Avoiding violence and demanding new and fluid love waves. In fact, the new subjects resulting from divorce are classified according to the new identification vector. But this was never the whole story and these areas and its consequences are not in the possession of these subjects.
Therefore, the positive and negative dialectical relationship is the result of life after divorce. In fact, life after divorce for women can be likened to a drama show, where watching the leading situation is a contradictory flow of good and bad affairs and inadequacy in the forecast.
Ethical considerations
Contribution of authors
All authors contributed to the preparation of the article
The article was taken from a research project supported by The Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research.
Conflict of interest
There was no conflict of interest for the authors
Research ethics
In the present study, ethical principles such as trustworthiness, confidentiality, and anonymity have been observed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2024/02/17 | Accepted: 2024/07/22 | Published: 2024/10/5

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